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I became a paid subscriber because it sounded as though you really needed financial support and I didn't want to write comments here as a free-loader. I tried to encourage you to review books, where you might have a better selection to choose from, and could speak from a genuinely Christian voice. Sadly, at this substack, I have found myself listening to a podcast by a man who seems to have two fake names, who is unabashedly hostile to the God of the Bible, and who uses the name of Jesus Christ as a swear-word. I have listened to one or two others, I forget, who have some sort of mission in life with an underlying belief that we are divine, who are genuinely spiritually misguided and need help. This was followed by someone who self-identifies as a poet, whose primary mission appears to be to deny what the Bible teaches in favor of a Platonic approach along the lines of Eric Voegelin. And now, a podcast by a war-mongering diplomat. You call yourself a Christian, but you surround yourself with false spirituality, Platonic error, and a rehash of MSM warmongering. You don't just put it out their for others to judge (which would be bad enough), you actively endorse the work of these individuals. You call those who really are believers (me, for example) non-Christians, while aggressively promoting an array of anti-Christian teaching. I don't know what has happened, but I can't, in good conscience, support what is being produced on this substack. It's easy to say you're a Christian, Hrvoje, but you have to walk the walk. If you have any awareness whatsoever about what is happening in the world, how could you possibly provide a forum for a man like Eizenstat?

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