Interesting conversation. Russell Brand is a real Freemason acting as a false Christian. I have my doubts about Jordan Peterson. For the latter, check out Johnny Vedmore's 2-part series on his background (below), fascinating stuff.
1) Who Do They Think They Are?! - Jordan B. Peterson - Part 1: Norwegians, Knights, Kings and Emperors
Points well made, all of you. They really have us by the balls, don't they? All chaos, all division, all destruction, all of the time now. Praying for God's wisdom and discernment every day.
All real Christians absolutely Do have all spiritual..moral rights to overthrow any. ..--- stalinistic AntiChristian Government**There is a Moral duty to Resist*----By any..all ....armed and Moral ways nesecery**Only neoliberal dupes think Christians must be spineless pacifists ..Read Luke in the New Testament**Jesus said"Let him who has No Sword sell his tunic(shirt) and buy One**Europe was disarmed by Jewish Talmudic Bolshevist that the future you desire?.........**No secular...or AI based Government is above The Moral Spiritual Law of Allmighty Jesus reason. that Islam flourished is because the original Roman Catholic church was so degenerate..corrupted adulterated..subverted primarily by Jews**History doesn't allow carnal inerudite fools to self deceive for long......history has objectively recurring cycles...note..please.....young people now are reexaming Germany 1938 and America 2024....***.striking some point the brain deadening brainwashing..anti 2A entrainment. entrancement..entrapment... of the last ,100 years will be. violently stricken away by
preplanned Apocalypse*Something to think very carefully...Demicide ..deocide...fratricide.matricdde.genocide.... the long
dark night ......the road to serfdom and extermination........wef-blackrock the last100 years .. expanding everywhere..even in Mexico.... in any case. ..*who*has been epicentral....more obviously... culpable for totalitarian extermination s than Communist and secular Jews? ...rhetorical question..but facts don't care about neoliberal "virtue signalling " the way....time will tell..but we think Rothschild philistine Russel brand and churlish dope addict juden peterson...the enervated Jew brown-noser tool--fool...... obviously guilty of avaricious mercurial cupidity..are as much..* the frog....further..if any one surmises..really thinks Juden Peterson and Rothschild spawn Russel brand are genuine *Christians*.. you may as well insist the moon is made of green Cheese* We love Serbia. Croatia .but for those deluded*..eastern..neoliberal...Catholic or *Christians*who think only Big Government Jews and freemason cops should have Guns...--go back and talk with people who lived in The Balkans in the 1990 s....*** Rearm Now* Don't be pusilanimous fools.....*greater war..s greater global destabilization is around the corner. .... thanks to THE JEWS*Not just demon pissed gay Zionists**Send your hate mail to Satanyahoo...**Thanks.
i have this book on my shelf - maybe it's time to read it...probably propaganda but may also have some good points: Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology, by Fritz Stern
This is a series of extension s. of incremental surreptitious war profiteering in the name of the greater map of Antichrist Isreal....the head of the scorpion is Rothschild. his tentacles are in Jerusalem..tell Aviv..the U.N..and the city of london..davos...all of which. Rothschild owns...lock stock and barrel.....and in jewmerica..the senior executive service...washington...which controls all real policy is the failure of The New Jew Order**.At some point ..they will be destroyed from within*
Another example besides Peterson and Brand is Mike Adams who only recently started talking up his supposed Christianity and he's doing sermons on his channel on Brighteon.
The faux Christian thing is definitely part of the planned theatre to achieve some goal. I'm still not sure what they are planning but it seems they are doing what they can to rope in Christians into the modified limited hangout. It could be as 'benign' as fooling Christians into voting for Trump, it could be to bring them towards the new agey all woo woo shamballa etc, perhaps something worse like a new Crusade (i.e. Christians please go die for our bankers wars) or convince them to get what many Christians might otherwise fear to be the mark of the beast (Digital ID)?
I think a part of it is that is the easiest way to get large numbers of people to fall in line with supporting Israel as they escalate to war with Iran in the middle east. Especially in America. If God saved Trump and God selected you have a holy crusade. Otherwise all you have is business as usual. But I think you're right also on assuming there is more. I think it is intended to set the scene for the antichrist deception.
I hear what you’re saying - it’s overwhelming to see this all march forward unabated, but I feel like the pure black pill is debilitating - maybe that’s why hope is a virtue & despair is an “unforgivable sin”…I personally think the hope is in raising our children with morals and courage so they’ll be ready to take advantage of opportunities that arise in the future - in the meanwhile stay healthy & keep your head. Thank you for the comment - I’ll read it to the guys next episode - see how they respond
Interesting conversation. Russell Brand is a real Freemason acting as a false Christian. I have my doubts about Jordan Peterson. For the latter, check out Johnny Vedmore's 2-part series on his background (below), fascinating stuff.
1) Who Do They Think They Are?! - Jordan B. Peterson - Part 1: Norwegians, Knights, Kings and Emperors
2) Who Do They Think They Are?! - Jordan B. Peterson - Part 2: Myths, Legends & Tidying Your Room!
oh i missed that - thanks for the link
You're welcome Monica!
Points well made, all of you. They really have us by the balls, don't they? All chaos, all division, all destruction, all of the time now. Praying for God's wisdom and discernment every day.
All real Christians absolutely Do have all spiritual..moral rights to overthrow any. ..--- stalinistic AntiChristian Government**There is a Moral duty to Resist*----By any..all ....armed and Moral ways nesecery**Only neoliberal dupes think Christians must be spineless pacifists ..Read Luke in the New Testament**Jesus said"Let him who has No Sword sell his tunic(shirt) and buy One**Europe was disarmed by Jewish Talmudic Bolshevist that the future you desire?.........**No secular...or AI based Government is above The Moral Spiritual Law of Allmighty Jesus reason. that Islam flourished is because the original Roman Catholic church was so degenerate..corrupted adulterated..subverted primarily by Jews**History doesn't allow carnal inerudite fools to self deceive for long......history has objectively recurring cycles...note..please.....young people now are reexaming Germany 1938 and America 2024....***.striking some point the brain deadening brainwashing..anti 2A entrainment. entrancement..entrapment... of the last ,100 years will be. violently stricken away by
preplanned Apocalypse*Something to think very carefully...Demicide ..deocide...fratricide.matricdde.genocide.... the long
dark night ......the road to serfdom and extermination........wef-blackrock the last100 years .. expanding everywhere..even in Mexico.... in any case. ..*who*has been epicentral....more obviously... culpable for totalitarian extermination s than Communist and secular Jews? ...rhetorical question..but facts don't care about neoliberal "virtue signalling " the way....time will tell..but we think Rothschild philistine Russel brand and churlish dope addict juden peterson...the enervated Jew brown-noser tool--fool...... obviously guilty of avaricious mercurial cupidity..are as much..* the frog....further..if any one surmises..really thinks Juden Peterson and Rothschild spawn Russel brand are genuine *Christians*.. you may as well insist the moon is made of green Cheese* We love Serbia. Croatia .but for those deluded*..eastern..neoliberal...Catholic or *Christians*who think only Big Government Jews and freemason cops should have Guns...--go back and talk with people who lived in The Balkans in the 1990 s....*** Rearm Now* Don't be pusilanimous fools.....*greater war..s greater global destabilization is around the corner. .... thanks to THE JEWS*Not just demon pissed gay Zionists**Send your hate mail to Satanyahoo...**Thanks.
i have this book on my shelf - maybe it's time to read it...probably propaganda but may also have some good points: Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology, by Fritz Stern
I think all these aggregating chaos point to one inevitable outcome:
Is a Limited World War 3 Possible?
Unlike popular doomsday scenarios, this will be a war of flashpoints, chokepoints and High Value Targets (HVTs)
This is a series of extension s. of incremental surreptitious war profiteering in the name of the greater map of Antichrist Isreal....the head of the scorpion is Rothschild. his tentacles are in Jerusalem..tell Aviv..the U.N..and the city of london..davos...all of which. Rothschild owns...lock stock and barrel.....and in jewmerica..the senior executive service...washington...which controls all real policy is the failure of The New Jew Order**.At some point ..they will be destroyed from within*
I wish the language was kept clean on these round tables. This is the second one I’m quitting on today due to language.
That’s my fault entirely. I apologize & will endeavor not to let it happen again. Thank you for the comment.
Another example besides Peterson and Brand is Mike Adams who only recently started talking up his supposed Christianity and he's doing sermons on his channel on Brighteon.
The faux Christian thing is definitely part of the planned theatre to achieve some goal. I'm still not sure what they are planning but it seems they are doing what they can to rope in Christians into the modified limited hangout. It could be as 'benign' as fooling Christians into voting for Trump, it could be to bring them towards the new agey all woo woo shamballa etc, perhaps something worse like a new Crusade (i.e. Christians please go die for our bankers wars) or convince them to get what many Christians might otherwise fear to be the mark of the beast (Digital ID)?
I think a part of it is that is the easiest way to get large numbers of people to fall in line with supporting Israel as they escalate to war with Iran in the middle east. Especially in America. If God saved Trump and God selected you have a holy crusade. Otherwise all you have is business as usual. But I think you're right also on assuming there is more. I think it is intended to set the scene for the antichrist deception.
I hear what you’re saying - it’s overwhelming to see this all march forward unabated, but I feel like the pure black pill is debilitating - maybe that’s why hope is a virtue & despair is an “unforgivable sin”…I personally think the hope is in raising our children with morals and courage so they’ll be ready to take advantage of opportunities that arise in the future - in the meanwhile stay healthy & keep your head. Thank you for the comment - I’ll read it to the guys next episode - see how they respond