Yes, we need to preserve Free Will.

Perhaps we also need to usurp / "cancel" central banking culture.

We need a workaround to "opt-in tyranny" and maintain / continue life-serving economic engines.

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Happy new year Hrvoje , may it be a prosperous one free of cartels influence !

NATO , Mossad , Hamass , RNC-DNC CIA combine , ya know thosseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "cartels" hahahahaha 😎

Sorry i think u will still have to suffer the EU one sadly . BUT BUT BUT MEGA is on his way ar'nt you pumped ? ok am just being cheeky. TY for hosting her , shes spot on.

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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i don't want to push my luck , a conversation between you and Jay dyer on FAITH / GEO POL but mostly explore the question : could we reunite the church ? Reunite Christianity .

The Vatican is discredited none the less covid drew back masses to the core values.

is there hope to move pass the chasm ?

Would be great! ty

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The church is using theosophy too

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Unfortunately true! So much infiltration!

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A brilliant podcast.

My only disagreement is the presupposition that any of this is going to be ‘opt in’.

‘Opting out’ necessarily means ‘opting in’ to something else, and vice versa.

For example during the covid scamdemic I ‘opted out’ of taking the death-disability-sterility jabs, and because I only had a handful of like-minded colleagues that meant I was in effect ‘opting into’ being fired (and all that came with that).

Judging ‘them’ by past behaviour, they will create situations in which you either ‘opt into’ successive parts of their dystopian brain hijacking technocratic agenda or you ‘opt into’ inconvenience, poverty, isolation, stigmatization and maybe even starvation. It won’t be a choice between their ‘fantastic‘ techno future or the status quo (unless some sufficiently large propotion of the population chooses to not ‘opt into’ their vision, unlikely imo). Other elements will simply be thrust upon us (for example the surveillance state: have you noticed all the cameras along the streets that went up since covid - certainly not ‘opt-in’).

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Spencer Smith Adam series

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Check out Spencer Smith on YT he explains feminism Sophia etc that God is the evil one

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Hi Hrvoje, I want to say thanks for all your interesting podcast topics.

I would like your feedback on these seminars below which delve into the same topics you cover and gives even more insights into the Biblical perspectives. It has helped me form a much more robust knowledge base.

TOTAL ONSLAUGHT SERIES SEMINARS YouTube playlist  by Prof Walter Veith, lectures 1 to 36,



Brother Vic, from UK🇬🇧

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