I thought the interview was very interesting and good points made about Trump. He doesn’t understand liberty, property rights, or the role of government.

I disagree with Wall Street - rich men’s gambling. I guess there were fine winnings under Trump…

The bad part of the interview was the end because although RFKJr is right about many things, he doesn’t understand the role of government either. He thinks it is government's place to help more people buy houses. He also thinks government funding of “Planned Parenthood” and abortions should continue. I like and appreciate RFKJr as the head of CHD, but he does not understand the basics of what government should do - that is, establish justice so people have liberty to live their lives in righteousness. Not making people pay for things they find morally reprehensible or redistributing other people’s money to “good causes.” His plan for helping people buy houses seems like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac all over again. We already did that … maybe still do (?)

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David Stockman is the ultimate Washington Insider Deep State Swamp Creature! Your credibility just took a nosedive by hosting and touting such a pathetic loser!

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