You're always my GO TO GUY when I am trying to make sense of the global madness, Hrvoje.

It does seem like the technocratic globalists are going for the gusto on so many fronts at the same time. While they are checking some boxes, I think they are bitting off more than they can chew. Time will tell.

BTW, can you send me the source you mentioned about China requiring a *biometric* digital ID? I asked my wife who is Chinese (and on their networks every day), but she hasn't heard about this.

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How many fake accounts have been created using the Stolen India biometric data ? Yes of course we will never know , at the very least state actors will always have a work around those mecanism , ... Just like the US state keeping people like Trotsky in Canada not to raise suspicions . . . Nothing to see here . line up to be tagged you filthy animals. . . .

Coz your better sais so. That's the problem with secular civs Christians knows you cant hide from god judgement. So the godless state try all their best to emulate the all seeing being to keep order and control . . . This Show you which Civ is superior IMHO.

You cant create artificially moral & creative citizens . Its a by product of Freedom.

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Great. I'll check them out. Muchas gracias amigo!

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You deserve more comments, H.M.


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