This discussion revolved around trying to fix the system, but they don't understand that the system is working exactly as intended, it's not broken at all. Trillions of dollars get spent on making people poor, malnourished, ignorant, afraid, and divided every year. It's not a matter of adjusting a few dollars or putting the right policy into place. The system is actually being "improved" constantly, just not to our benefit. It takes billionaires and genius social engineers to make our nations this awful.

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And a lot of this controlled demolition of the U.S.. (especially its industrial base) stems from the Committee of 300's plans and their NATO & Club of Rome divisions. It has been in the works since at least the early 70s with Carter & Killer Kissinger & Psychopath Zbigniew Brzezinski and Obama/Biden in more recent years. Nicely outlined in this book: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (John Coleman), https://www.amazon.com/Conspirators-Hierarchy-Committee-John-Coleman/dp/0922356572/

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Interesting to hear how folks viewed UBI.

Having spent a great deal of time looking at this concept, and as someone living well below the poverty line, I'd enjoy genuinely debating this topic.

For example, the idea that people work less, and are content with what they get.

Why is that bad? What is wrong with simplicity? With being content?

In a world filled with broken people, having time to do nothing but heal is never a bad thing.

Guess I'll have to write a longer piece.


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Interesting conversation. Discouraging to hear some folks still referring to Trump as though he wasn't selected.

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This was a very interesting convo. Great to see Donald in the mix whom I interviewed previously on my podcast.

The discourse on UBI was nicely balanced.

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