There certainly are plenty of factions of crazies. Unfortunately, many people who are wide awake on many issues are falling for the propaganda of terrorists, believing the photos and numbers they give out.

Israel has tried for years and years to work out a “two state solution,” despite the fact that Jordan IS the second state, the Arab state, formed from the British mandate for “Palestine.” That was land intended for Israel which was given to the Arabs. Despite that, Israel was willing to further divide the land in a “two state solution” in 1948. The Arabs refused the deal and five Arab nations attacked Israel … and lost the war they started.

The name Palestine was an intentional insult to the Jews imposed by the Romans, naming the land after the Jews’ longtime enemy, the Philistines. There were no “Palestinians” until around the 1960s, and there has never before been a “Palestinian” entity or people. In the early 1900s, there were “Palestinian Jews” and “Palestinian Arabs.” No “Palestinians.”

I highly recommend people who care about truth go to The Berean Call website and read some of Dave Hunt’s articles and books (and books he recommends) as well as the videos and audios there about Israel.

Far too many people are getting swept up into the anti-Israel, anti-Jew current, even people who seemingly once were exposed to the truth from God’s perspective. The lines are being drawn. People must choose whether they are for God or against Him.

All nations will be judged according to how they treat Israel. It’s not going to be a pretty event. Many who claim to believe the Bible are promoting this evil against Israel and there will be a severe price to pay for their part in stirring up hate against the people to whom God gave that land.

I’ve almost entirely stopped listening to the politically-oriented podcasters I used to listen to. I can’t bear the anti-God, anti-Israel hate. I now listen to J*TV, Traveling Israel, TBN Israel, and others.

I may not have everything figured out, but I have this much figured out. God will be faithful to Israel and those who oppose Israel are opposing God. Just think how different the world would be if everyone accepted God’s choices … of Isaac, of Jacob, of Joseph, of the nation of Israel, of Levi, of Moses, of David, and of many prophets and others throughout the Bible, including Yeshua, the Messiah. Think of what the hate toward each of these brought about throughout history. (If you don’t know, get a Bible to read the history.) It is the rejection of God’s choices that causes so much trouble on this earth.

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You have nothing figured out. Try again.

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Another informative and enjoyable chat Hrvoje. Thanks!

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The die is cast. WW3 is already alive and well and the effects will soon be arriving at your door. Anybody with a modicum of grey brain matter must know that globally human society is insane. And as Krishnamurti famously stated "Those who are sane in an insane society are themselves, by definition, insane!" As the Talmud was quoted I'll offer a quote from a great and famous Rabbinic personality of the last generation who said (presciently) in 1918 "I for-see a second World War which will make the first World war seem like child's play. However, I for see a third World War that will make the second World War seem like child's play. Now this sat very well with me; casualties in the third World War will be astronomical compared with ALL precious wars. But then this comment was later qualified by "in terms of Emunah" Emunah being unshakeable belief and total trust in G-d. Because the ONLY mechanism by which humanity can possibly find true happiness is by pursuing a spiritual path that leads to unity with the Cre-ator. And the only practical mechanism by which this closeness is facilitated is by humanity acknowledging and adhering to a lethally accurate, finely tuned moral compass and for people in this generation the task is way too hard! WW3 is a cleansing process which has to take place to ensure the survival of the species.

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I am a new listener and appreciate your perspectives and insights. Recently I came across the story of what happened around 360 AD when Julian sanctioned the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, allegedly so that sacrifices could return.

The second temple which was destroyed in 70 AD, according to Eusebius had been completely obliterated by time and the Roman legions and had been plowed and cultivated by Roman citizens. The workers dug out and exposed some of the original foundation, however when new construction was about to begin strange things started to occur. Eusebius said that during the night there was a huge storm that shook the earth and huge balls of fire burst forth from the ground and continued to the next day, instruments melted, workers were burnt to death, strange crosses appeared on clothes and bodies, a luminous cross shone in the sky and the enterprise had to be abandoned. A violent tremor caused a portico to collapse killing a number of workers. Chysostom reported that the fire that leaped from the foundation completely consumed not only a great number of workmen but even the stones piled up there to support the structure. Gregory of Nazianzen stated that the women which were carrying the dirt from the temple, experienced a whirlwind and convulsion of the earth - they ran to a nearby church where the opened doors all of a sudden closed and when they attempted to open it flames burst forth and burnt some and destroyed others. A cross within a luminous circle appeared in the sky followed by crosses on the clothing of the Jews. Another attempt was made to rebuild the temple but that too met with disaster and Julian gave up. [ E. Michael Jones - The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit Vol 1 ch 3 (2020)]

No doubt the Talmudic Jewish Rabbis are aware of this history - perhaps they think this time they can do it right - which may be why the preparations have been meticulous. Would that Christian Zionist discover the Talmud or even listen to what the "chosen people" say perhaps they would reexamine their beliefs. Just an observation.

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The Talmud is filth why would anyone except a Satanist want to read it.

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