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Yes of course. It makes more sense to me it's radiation. I wrote a book called ConVid 1984 where I have Dr. Young's antidote to detox from the graphene oxide. Here's the link but I can just tell you. French Green Clay. Zeolite. NAC. Glutothione. And Red Pine needle oil for the parasites. Godspeed. Ian’s Book #3: ConVid 1984 - Antidote. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M88VWVG

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Sure seems EMF or radiation could play a major role in activating the shedding, since the bot-clot shots are contrived to connect us to the internet of things through their freaky frequency tech. In our personal experience, though, my husband sheds on me when he returns from his big events and travel, and while we're in our home without any excessive 5G.

Perhaps you're saying radiation activates vaccinated bodies to really ramp up the assembly of nanotech, causing shedding, as a result. The shedding phenomenon may not merely be due to exposure to freshly jabbed or boosted people, but I do believe the latter is still a factor, considering how my refusenik friends relate how ill they feel after being close to jabbed people for any length of time. Often, they find out afterwards that the shedders had been recently "shot." For me, it's both the freshness and whether a someone recently had been around a crowd comprised of newly boosted persons.

Traditional vaccines, as well, were thought to shed some of their attenuated material, though that doesn't rule out the notion electro-magnetic radiation plays a part or a starring role in the phenomenon. Manmade EMF has been inducing all sorts of maladies in the living world, and now we also have graphene (hydr?)oxide to contend with, so many thanks for the detox info. I shall order your book tomorrow! I see you have a couple of other compelling books that I'll be ordering, too!

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Yes you see there is no virus. So there is nothing to shed. The viral / germ theory by Pasteur for the Rockefeller's is a fraud. The Terrain Model by Antoine BeChamp is right. Folks that got the shot got the graphene oxide that makes them a cell tower. So they are emitting radiation which makes others sick. The fact that you seem to get sicker when your husband has been away could be psychological or maybe you get a break from the radiation then when it's back it bothers you more? I'm just guessing here and this is all just the theory I chose to be most likely. I have followed Dr. Young for years and have not found anyone else on his level. I'm glad you have interest in my other two books! I Cure Cancer and Alkaline show how ridding acidosis and getting alkaline cures what ails you . Period. Cheers Miss Parker! My website has many pod casts on these subjects too. www.IanJacklin.com

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Radiation could be what the payload is in the nanoparticles, but I think the shedding is of the nanoparticles.

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From what I've learned in my research the only thing that will get graphene oxide out of you is french green clay. And zeolite.

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Thanks for your response, Ian. I'm aware of terrain theory, but wasn't suggesting the clot shots were shedding germs, but rather the nanotech or lipid-nanoparticles, or some such, (that they call "spike proteins" supposedly manufactured by vaxxed bodies when exposed to "spike proteins" in the wild, according to the fake science.) Perhaps the shedding is a result of radiation/ EMF inducing heightened assembly levels of nano-components in shot recipients who then emit them as actual particles in body fluids, breath, and on the skin and everything they touch.

Don't know whether these shed particles are charged with radiation or laden with other toxic payloads, or both, but distance seems to make a difference in the effect on others. Do you think the mocking technocracy told us to mask up, stay 6 feet apart. and don't kiss lest we be infected with and spread the "spike protein" were really telling us what to do after the shedding bio-weapon shots were released? (But, no to the poison masks, of course.)

In my case, it took a full 18 months before I realized my suddenly serious health episodes occurred within a day or two after my husband returned home from being seated with large numbers of people. Before he took the shots, I felt fine, and after he took the shots, I started having "events", but didn't correlate my symptoms to the shots until I looked at the calendar of my husband's travels. I sure wish it were all in my head, but it's not. It's both in my head and heart, the damaging nanotech, that is, and it attacks blood vessels and more.

Also, cancer rates appear to be skyrocketing, as a result of this tech and 5G, and so your advice is quite timely. Will get your books on the big C and the other big C, Covid.

So much of the science they've fraudulently indoctrinated us with for decades is coming undone, and now is the time for doctors, researchers, and searchers such as Dr. Mihalcea, Dr. Young, Dr. Sansone, Karen Kingston and so many more, such as you and the rest of us, to study and establish more truthful and open-sourced science. The difference between the technocratic establishment's corrupt and secretive science and the truths we're trying to figure out is that we ask questions and challenge theories. We don't expect good science to remain static and protected by censorship. We don't believe good science is political, corporate, money-driven, and committee controlled. We don't believe good medical science should sicken people and animals with often debilitating and noxious side effects and cause environmental pollution.

And, finally, we don't think good medical science should bow to credentialism and official narratives, ever, but especially when it's dangerously dismissive of people who listen to their own bodies!

Will be sure to explore your website, Ian!

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Well truthfully they spray our skys daily with a lot of crap including G.O. and it's supposedly in our water and food so Dr. Young see's G.O. in everyones blood these days, vaxed and nonvaxed. fyi. You both should detox with what i said. The french green clay, zeolite, NAC, Glutothione, Red Pine Needle oil. I mean that's what I did even not taking the shots just to be safe.

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Thanks. I still haven't done the EDTA chelation therapy.

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Yes, that's all too true about our skies and the rest, Ian. I intend to try your suggested detox.

Saw your website. Wow, you really walk the talk and look to be super healthy. Good show!

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