Will listen to this carefully. Starting in about 2017 there was a move afoot in the U.S. Greens by infiltration promoting a Red-Green narrative. The Green Party was being asked to ditch control over the corporate form and revocation of corporate personhood in favor of higher level government totalitarian control and UBI and top down carbon taxes and redistribution. When the plandemic was brought forward they lined up to vote for totalitarian measures including quarantine and mandates. Feminist body autonomy was rejected as well s informed consent. This all happened between 2017 and 2021.

On sort of the same note

Today the same World Bank and IMF is setting up the Great Reset. This was the same ones whose work would see the murder of the indigenous woman Berta Cacares who opposed a hydro irrigation project on her central American lands.

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Of course the demonstrations on America's campuses are being orchestrated... As my former research advisor used to say to me "That is intuitively obvious to the casual observer."... and no doubt there are those, especially at the grassroots level, who are paid for their participation and organizational efforts.. But what is it that's actively working toward the destruction of our nation's foundational liberties and in turn the cohesive fabric of our society?... Is it actually an outside organizational dissent wrt our government's policies, whether domestic or on the world's stage (regardless of origin of that dissent's organizational support structure) or is it the government's organizational attack on anything it finds as an antithesis to it's solidarity and absolute control? I'm not too sure that I can go along with everything resident in Katie's summation of the root cause... in fact I'm decidedly convinced that I can not. Such complexities are not easily expressed in closed forms.

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What other country at war is as careful to provide warnings and escape routes for those in the area they are fighting as Israel? What other country facilitates so much aid to the countrymen of their enemies, much of which is withheld by those wicked people from those who need it? What other country would show such restraint in the face of such slaughter, violence, and evil?

Check out videos on YouTube by Traveling Israel, especially his recent political ones, like these:






… and more …

The Hope for Israel organization is a good source for nearly daily updates.

My son recently married a Persian girl who arrived from Iran less than two months ago, so I perk up when I see something by an Iranian. I happened across this the other day: https://twitter.com/elicalebon/status/1779685190941679979?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1779685190941679979%7Ctwgr%5Ed4e80f0253b25cc5ecf0d96f98bd9532072d1f6d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fffoz.org%2Fmessiah%2Farticles%2Fwar-update-iranian-dissenters-call-to-israel

From this article: https://ffoz.org/messiah/articles/war-update-iranian-dissenters-call-to-israel

Read the Hamas charter and the PLO charter. What does “from the river to the sea” mean? Does anyone understand? No Israel. None. And next, kill all Jews around the world. Hamas is an elected terrorist government. How many people would want Hamas running the state next to them?

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You might want to consider getting Matt Trewhella on as a guest. He is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin (http://mercyseat.net/contact/) and the author of the book "Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates" (https://principlestudies.org/reviews/the-doctrine-of-the-lesser-magistrates/). I know he’s been speaking on this a lot across the country.

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I used to live outside Milwaukee and am familiar with Matt. I’m sure he used to be on the radio (WVCY) in the early 90s. :)

It was after a huge rally in Milwaukee in January of 1993 that I left the Republican Party for the U. S Taxpayers Party (now Constitution Party). I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt was there, as well as many other well-known names at the time.

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Yes. Matt used to attend the Taxpayers Party/Constitution Party conventions. That's where I first met him.

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There were some really on-fire and active men back then and there was a lot going on in the Milwaukee area. I’m no longer out there (I left Wisconsin a few months later to go back to school). We were very active with the USTP for several years in Michigan, until we moved off grid in New England (back in our home area) where there is little activity and little time/money to travel and do what we had been doing. We met Howard Phillips a few times at events. The world has sure changed…

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