white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill !
Take a deep breath ! i usually say it in french none the less its very "à pro pos" ;
..." God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. " ...
Its not the same thing has acceptance or to be resign. ! ! !
Your conversation with Mike was so enjoyable, interesting and insightful. I appreciate your work. Glad to hear you had some R&R at the beach, but know that you are missed.
to illustrate diffeently....grew up with records...then, 8 track...then, cassettes...than, cd's....than, back to cassettes...then records....the motive is clear...remove all stability...then capitalize on that...
Imho pick your battles. Wearing a mask is harmless, whereas getting foreign elements inputted into your body, or drafted for a meat grinder is not. If you flip out at the supermarket you get put on a list and draw attention to yourself More and more as the cost of living bites I'm seeing a grey economy emerging out of need. This will be the way of it as things continue to worsen. Not to dismiss the panopticon, it's real, it's energy requirements are retarded, it will crash and then we'll all need those skills. I personally think it's more like the wizard of Oz behind the curtain, the fear of it is the tool, rather than full on Skynet. That's not to say it isn't lethal though if it's 👁️ falls on you.
white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill ! white pill , black pill , cyanide pill !
Take a deep breath ! i usually say it in french none the less its very "à pro pos" ;
..." God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. " ...
Its not the same thing has acceptance or to be resign. ! ! !
God Bless , wisdom be with you !
Yes! 🤣
Very interesting conversation.
I would suggest listening carefully to the 2 minutes: 22:50 to 24:50
Your conversation with Mike was so enjoyable, interesting and insightful. I appreciate your work. Glad to hear you had some R&R at the beach, but know that you are missed.
Excellent interview!
Thanks for the invite Hrvoje, always a pleasure to be on one of my own favourite shows.
Did you just open a Substack?
No, I joined yours! lol
10 favorable decisions re religious freedom and vaccine refusal ... ?
to illustrate diffeently....grew up with records...then, 8 track...then, cassettes...than, cd's....than, back to cassettes...then records....the motive is clear...remove all stability...then capitalize on that...
Great interview, thanks. I subscribe to both of you so nice to hear you both together.
Imho pick your battles. Wearing a mask is harmless, whereas getting foreign elements inputted into your body, or drafted for a meat grinder is not. If you flip out at the supermarket you get put on a list and draw attention to yourself More and more as the cost of living bites I'm seeing a grey economy emerging out of need. This will be the way of it as things continue to worsen. Not to dismiss the panopticon, it's real, it's energy requirements are retarded, it will crash and then we'll all need those skills. I personally think it's more like the wizard of Oz behind the curtain, the fear of it is the tool, rather than full on Skynet. That's not to say it isn't lethal though if it's 👁️ falls on you.
The Fabian socialist model has ran out of other people money . . . Who would have thought ? 🤔
IF the commanding value would have been innovation & prosperity . . .
You cant command and control creativity out of your "group think" population on demand.