That's the playbook ; run out the clock , let the gold fish memory syndrome do the rest.

Am concern about Ursula , that 50/50 male / female . . . That's not progress , she want's authoritarian Nanny . Woman are easier to intimidate . . .

Reiner case need more sunlight . You and Celia Farber are the only one mentioning him.

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Great interview - thanks 👍

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I know a man who spent a lot of time in the Philippines and learned the local language pretty well. He told me he left the use of profanity to the natives. I gave this guest a pass on his use of crude language since he’s not a native English speaker and may just be repeating what he hears, sadly, far too many people use. I would usually stop listening.

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Interesting interview.

RFKJr is a democrat at heart. He doesn’t seem to understand the constitution or limits on government. He wants the government to DO things that it can’t lawfully do, like house loans. (Um…. Didn’t they already try that with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? And didn’t that already blow up in 2008 because the government “loaned” to people that lenders wouldn’t take a risk on?) Instead of pulling government programs back to their constitutional bounds, he thinks government is the solution. He would probably be good as far as not allowing harmful poison pharmaceuticals to be pawned off on the public as “safe and effective.”

If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it would be a done deal. Israel is risking the lives of their soldiers with their careful and targeted strikes. What other military drops leaflets and sends text messages to let the civilians (and their enemies) know when and where they are going to strike and tells people where to go to be out of the line of fire? Who else would put up with terrorist attacks, rockets, car rammings, etc., for so many years? Israel has shown great restraint, but October 7 was too much to ignore. If the Gazans want it to end, the hostages need to be returned and there need to be no more rockets from Gaza. Gazans need to be tipping Israel off as to where the hostages are. Some may have done so, but there are still over 100 hostages.

As far as bitcoin…. I have used federal reserve notes exclusively for many years. I know they are worth nothing unless the next person believes they are and I would rather use something that has inherent value, but they are the most basic method of exchange I have available. I live off grid. I buy and use hand tools. I don’t trust electricity or the internet, both of which are necessary for bitcoin or other virtual exchanges to work. What I say is that if I were to switch over to another exchange option, I would want it to be MORE real than federal reserve notes, not LESS real. Digital currencies could disappear in an instant. At least with federal reserve notes, they would have to burn or be stolen. Precious metals are definitely more real, but they are not easily used or traded for day-to-day purchases - gas,etc.

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