"At least in Medieval Times the King and other members of the royal family were leading troops, mounted on horseback with flag bearers into battle so the troops could see the King and Royals easily and follow their lead!"
As opposed to supposed "modern times" where propaganda is deployed to promote phony nationalism in order to convince proles to fight and die in gangster turf wars.
IT's the BOOMERS last dance before the great unknown. They can care less : the end is nigh either way. Its the ultimate luciferian power trip. Life and Death . . . IF middle age men&woman would be serious you get 15 000 strong + the woman to feed them and you muscle trough the power structure. Its how its been done across time and space since the dawn of time. You cut the head of the *(state)snake. Mission need to be clear. on the straight and narrow. *(That's always the hard part: when to press , when to stand down.)
Beyond the good for everything Kissinger war-death policy. I think going after Putin is the deviation from the Rockefeller, passing the torch to China , plan that will throw the whole enterprise into a wall. That's up to the people.
Has far has the drone goes . It's just an other arm race. Be certain there is no need for "operators" . . . . Until DataCenters gets nuked.
I feel strongly there is no more growth possible. . . . there's nowhere to expand. No new markets. I think there is just no plan beyond that UN bullshit. I had this feeling earlie 2023 when all settled down after the US midterm. I was surprise Estulin felt the same way. Hrvoje, you should watch his IFW appearance. I'll look for a link. 4 you after am done with Riley episode.
Although it's a controversial topic, the reason why global economic growth (which is needed for further globalism and globalisation) is running out of fuel ... is literally because the world is reaching peak oil (this is the controversial part). Now IF it's true then that would explain why there's such a big push for transitioning to renewable energies. Energy production is shifting from extracting fossil fuels to the extraction of mineral for the manufacturing of renewable energy devices. Problem is that not only is global oil production about to run into shortages in the next 10 years, but global mineral production will experience the same problem in 2 or 3 decades.
From around the 12 min 30 sec mark in this presentation the situation with oil is discussed, while the entire video deals with the fact that there are not enough minerals available for a complete transition from fossil fuels to renewables:
Either way, the world is bound to face major challenges, which energy-wise which also has to do with all these wars happening - they are mostly energy related even though that's not always obvious on the surface.
I don't know but Riley sounds much clearer than you.
It sounds like you're on a crap zoom connection and he's the host. I don't get it cause your video is pretty good. Maybe it's the streaming crap who knows.
Anyway thanks for the show and questioning the multi polar propaganda.
It's truly really odd...because I get the exact same type of comment as you posted (e.g. host audio/mic bad) about every month or two and every single time the audio and my mic turns out to be perfectly fine. I have a professional mic and I listen back to the audio and it's fine. And usually the person that makes the type of comment as you did is the only person having the problem. I just find it odd. Because I'm literally listening back and it's the opposite of shrill, it's got bass and boomy...and it's loud and clear
i welcome the feedback...i just never know who's messing with/trolling me (i'm getting crazy stuff all the time on comments, dms, emails and there are "active measures" against me...one tactic is simply getting me to waste time/energy on different things)...i'm sure my mic/audio can be fine tuned and improved...
Is your guest overlooking the 2014 Ukraine coup (CIA led) and NATOs larger objective, which is designed to balkanise Russia and pull it away from China, and then destroy China’s Silk Road initiative. They too have caused the rest of the world, in fact most of it, to baulk at Western hegemony, and side with Russia. The wests moves on the financial front have shown their dishonesty and thuggery, and hey presto, you now have BRICS. All that aside, NATO was a WW2 creation, and it promised never to expand eastward. All of this has been driven and provoked by western globalists, all while destroying the very fabric of the societies they parasite off. Strange days indeed!
they are separate issues...again, my analogy is two mexican cartels...both are into robbing, raping, and pillaging...but whether they attack each other...that's another issue...but all of the populace still has to live with both of them robbing, raping, and pillaging them.
I godda tell you bro, Hrvoje Morić seems super black pilled now a days. I used to watch his podcasts and enjoy them a lot but there was a shift in the message he is pushing for the last year or two.. and it goes something like this "the oligarchy is unstoppable, nothing you can do, they are gonna murder you, your family, and burn your garden. Only thing worth doing is going to confessional at your local church so your soul survives judgement day".
I shared my thoughts on black pilled thinking in my interview with you.
If shit does hit the fan though, and people start chucking nukes at each other, I just wanted to share this with you and your readers:
As a reminder, the seal of the president of the United States says it all:
The American Eagle ready for War and Peace at the service of the Jewish Illuminati and on the other side, the shining all-seeing eye detached from the pyramid of Free-Masonry with the message : the new order of centuries (or if you prefer, false history from the very start : 1776)
I concede many of your points. But on the account of BRICS vs West, don't you think that having two (or more) competing systems has the potential of forcing each system to treat its population a little better? (Admittedly, it also has the potential to do the exact opposite, if that competition turns into conflict). After all, the Red Threat forced lots of pro-worker reforms in the capitalist camp. Much of the Cold War rethoric was about how each system was better at making people living under it happier. Each side struggled to prove that it was not only stronger, but better. Much of it was lying and propaganda, but quite a few things were real. So, having a West-BRICS competition might be beneficial for the world at large - especially when I think about the "end-of-history" alternative of unchallenged hegemony of one system... which really gives me chills.
I don't see it...the two (seemingly) competing duopoly mafia system hasn't worked out with the left-right Dem-Republican Coke-Pepsi...they'll just be different flavors of the same tyranny, in my opinion! Should give you chills!
Inside America, Dems-Reps represent essentially the same system, run by the same (or very similar) elites. West vs Brics is more like West vs Warsaw block: territorially, economically, culturally and ideologically distinct.
I've never lived in China, but capitalism in Russia is still very different from capitalism in the US. We have universal healthcare which isn't bad and getting better, excellent and affordable public transportation, we have old age pensions, free daycare for preschool kids, lots of free after-school programs, etc etc. Our cities are much safer. # of ppl saddled with serious debt (student, mortgage) is much smaller. Compared to the US, gov't interference into private every-day affairs of citizens used to be minimal, and still is relatively small (with a few notable exceptions since 2020; admittedly, the trend here is v negative, but still).
And all of this matters: lots of those who had run away when the so-called "not war" started, are now returning. And many of them openly say that's bc their life in RF is, objectively, better.
Both sides care little for humans rights ... The Litmus Test (also for alternative media) is of course the BRICS member, South Africa.
I think the issue is that both the East and West (and the people within them) are essentially imperialistic in nature and thought (and both sides admire each other ...) so when it comes to exploiting the Global South's resources through various methods and campaigns they are essentially on the same page, hence campaigns like the 'anti-apartheid movement' which was never really about apartheid (considering the track-record of historical segregation and racism in the countries campaigning against apartheid).
The fact that South Africa today is more racist than ever today, much more than even during apartheid, is of little interest. Then there is of course the issue of how apartheid is/has been treated in other countries vs South Africa. See for example: 'Apartheid vs. Apartheid in the Time of Wokeness':
It’s evil versus evil
They are trying to set-up the 3-Bloc world shown in Orwell's 1984.
War? Nah... It is an orchestrated purge
Government EVERYWHERE is the enemy.
We don't even understand who we are fighting against...😟
"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure!"
"ALL the problems in the world have been LEGISLATED to exist!"
"At least in Medieval Times the King and other members of the royal family were leading troops, mounted on horseback with flag bearers into battle so the troops could see the King and Royals easily and follow their lead!"
As opposed to supposed "modern times" where propaganda is deployed to promote phony nationalism in order to convince proles to fight and die in gangster turf wars.
Thanks to both of you. I always appreciate both of your perspectives.
Spasibo tovarisch Chris.
Multi-polarity is the POLICY of the WEF.
Is the village DEI compliant?
Excellent question! 😅
Multipolarity is World Economic Forum policy!
Your experience in Kazakhstan triggered me to send you my interpretation of geo-politics:
IT's the BOOMERS last dance before the great unknown. They can care less : the end is nigh either way. Its the ultimate luciferian power trip. Life and Death . . . IF middle age men&woman would be serious you get 15 000 strong + the woman to feed them and you muscle trough the power structure. Its how its been done across time and space since the dawn of time. You cut the head of the *(state)snake. Mission need to be clear. on the straight and narrow. *(That's always the hard part: when to press , when to stand down.)
Beyond the good for everything Kissinger war-death policy. I think going after Putin is the deviation from the Rockefeller, passing the torch to China , plan that will throw the whole enterprise into a wall. That's up to the people.
Has far has the drone goes . It's just an other arm race. Be certain there is no need for "operators" . . . . Until DataCenters gets nuked.
I feel strongly there is no more growth possible. . . . there's nowhere to expand. No new markets. I think there is just no plan beyond that UN bullshit. I had this feeling earlie 2023 when all settled down after the US midterm. I was surprise Estulin felt the same way. Hrvoje, you should watch his IFW appearance. I'll look for a link. 4 you after am done with Riley episode.
What is IFW?
https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=669711b43a03d96ff32e44d4 (3rd)
https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=666deda8fc78d5d82efb458b (2nd)
I skim trough it , must be the one or the previous appearance. i had the bookmark on the desktop.
coz there is a war for your mind ! ill find the link dont fret gimme a min.
Although it's a controversial topic, the reason why global economic growth (which is needed for further globalism and globalisation) is running out of fuel ... is literally because the world is reaching peak oil (this is the controversial part). Now IF it's true then that would explain why there's such a big push for transitioning to renewable energies. Energy production is shifting from extracting fossil fuels to the extraction of mineral for the manufacturing of renewable energy devices. Problem is that not only is global oil production about to run into shortages in the next 10 years, but global mineral production will experience the same problem in 2 or 3 decades.
From around the 12 min 30 sec mark in this presentation the situation with oil is discussed, while the entire video deals with the fact that there are not enough minerals available for a complete transition from fossil fuels to renewables:
Either way, the world is bound to face major challenges, which energy-wise which also has to do with all these wars happening - they are mostly energy related even though that's not always obvious on the surface.
Great show! Riley is the myth breaker!
Host, please get a better mic or something. You sound distorted and shrill compared to Riley who's remote.
My mic is perfectly fine, anyone can confirm that.
I don't know but Riley sounds much clearer than you.
It sounds like you're on a crap zoom connection and he's the host. I don't get it cause your video is pretty good. Maybe it's the streaming crap who knows.
Anyway thanks for the show and questioning the multi polar propaganda.
It's truly really odd...because I get the exact same type of comment as you posted (e.g. host audio/mic bad) about every month or two and every single time the audio and my mic turns out to be perfectly fine. I have a professional mic and I listen back to the audio and it's fine. And usually the person that makes the type of comment as you did is the only person having the problem. I just find it odd. Because I'm literally listening back and it's the opposite of shrill, it's got bass and boomy...and it's loud and clear
About a year ago I listened to you but it's been months after that because I stopped using odysee.
If there's others with the issue, it's there and maybe most people can't hear it. What can I say?
I remember in the 00s there were low bit rate mp3s that sounded like crap. Most thought it sounded fine.
Bass and boomy is also not good but whatever, do your thing, you like it and think it's clear.
i welcome the feedback...i just never know who's messing with/trolling me (i'm getting crazy stuff all the time on comments, dms, emails and there are "active measures" against me...one tactic is simply getting me to waste time/energy on different things)...i'm sure my mic/audio can be fine tuned and improved...
Is your guest overlooking the 2014 Ukraine coup (CIA led) and NATOs larger objective, which is designed to balkanise Russia and pull it away from China, and then destroy China’s Silk Road initiative. They too have caused the rest of the world, in fact most of it, to baulk at Western hegemony, and side with Russia. The wests moves on the financial front have shown their dishonesty and thuggery, and hey presto, you now have BRICS. All that aside, NATO was a WW2 creation, and it promised never to expand eastward. All of this has been driven and provoked by western globalists, all while destroying the very fabric of the societies they parasite off. Strange days indeed!
they are separate issues...again, my analogy is two mexican cartels...both are into robbing, raping, and pillaging...but whether they attack each other...that's another issue...but all of the populace still has to live with both of them robbing, raping, and pillaging them.
I godda tell you bro, Hrvoje Morić seems super black pilled now a days. I used to watch his podcasts and enjoy them a lot but there was a shift in the message he is pushing for the last year or two.. and it goes something like this "the oligarchy is unstoppable, nothing you can do, they are gonna murder you, your family, and burn your garden. Only thing worth doing is going to confessional at your local church so your soul survives judgement day".
I shared my thoughts on black pilled thinking in my interview with you.
If shit does hit the fan though, and people start chucking nukes at each other, I just wanted to share this with you and your readers:
As a reminder, the seal of the president of the United States says it all:
The American Eagle ready for War and Peace at the service of the Jewish Illuminati and on the other side, the shining all-seeing eye detached from the pyramid of Free-Masonry with the message : the new order of centuries (or if you prefer, false history from the very start : 1776)
I concede many of your points. But on the account of BRICS vs West, don't you think that having two (or more) competing systems has the potential of forcing each system to treat its population a little better? (Admittedly, it also has the potential to do the exact opposite, if that competition turns into conflict). After all, the Red Threat forced lots of pro-worker reforms in the capitalist camp. Much of the Cold War rethoric was about how each system was better at making people living under it happier. Each side struggled to prove that it was not only stronger, but better. Much of it was lying and propaganda, but quite a few things were real. So, having a West-BRICS competition might be beneficial for the world at large - especially when I think about the "end-of-history" alternative of unchallenged hegemony of one system... which really gives me chills.
I don't see it...the two (seemingly) competing duopoly mafia system hasn't worked out with the left-right Dem-Republican Coke-Pepsi...they'll just be different flavors of the same tyranny, in my opinion! Should give you chills!
Inside America, Dems-Reps represent essentially the same system, run by the same (or very similar) elites. West vs Brics is more like West vs Warsaw block: territorially, economically, culturally and ideologically distinct.
I've never lived in China, but capitalism in Russia is still very different from capitalism in the US. We have universal healthcare which isn't bad and getting better, excellent and affordable public transportation, we have old age pensions, free daycare for preschool kids, lots of free after-school programs, etc etc. Our cities are much safer. # of ppl saddled with serious debt (student, mortgage) is much smaller. Compared to the US, gov't interference into private every-day affairs of citizens used to be minimal, and still is relatively small (with a few notable exceptions since 2020; admittedly, the trend here is v negative, but still).
And all of this matters: lots of those who had run away when the so-called "not war" started, are now returning. And many of them openly say that's bc their life in RF is, objectively, better.
Yes...I can agree with this...there will be locations within the global gulag that will be better...
Both sides care little for humans rights ... The Litmus Test (also for alternative media) is of course the BRICS member, South Africa.
I think the issue is that both the East and West (and the people within them) are essentially imperialistic in nature and thought (and both sides admire each other ...) so when it comes to exploiting the Global South's resources through various methods and campaigns they are essentially on the same page, hence campaigns like the 'anti-apartheid movement' which was never really about apartheid (considering the track-record of historical segregation and racism in the countries campaigning against apartheid).
The fact that South Africa today is more racist than ever today, much more than even during apartheid, is of little interest. Then there is of course the issue of how apartheid is/has been treated in other countries vs South Africa. See for example: 'Apartheid vs. Apartheid in the Time of Wokeness':
'Alt-media' is just alt-mainstream 'Empire vs Empire' rhetoric with no REAL vision for a better world.
Riley is a Russian propagandist lol. Not taking you seriously bro.
Great, I don't take you seriously!