You will always need the "Update" , you will Absolutely need to be "Up to Date"

- The most important nuance of the 4th ind revo. The incremental tip-toe.

Get the people in the habit , not questioning then you raise the temperature.

We don't have to go far for example ; some water conservation measure got adopted and after the crisis period the people kept doing it . . . AND it was all arbitrary and sounded good on the politician campaign trail.

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that's what they mean by creating new healthy market . . . consumer society is bad but keep replacing your shit coz climate change. HYPOCRISY to the max.,

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Glad i had the time to listen to the whole discussion , We the above 40 , we know the world before cybernetics.(Big Tech) ITs always a blast to spot each other.

Cooper was dead on with his christian perspective i wouldn't be the man i am today w/out him.

Its all rooted in the divine right to rule ; was the ancient text (bible etc) the inspiration or was it an historic record of forces beyond us all there's a lineage to all those project to rule the world. People without conviction made it possible.

In Quigley Tragedy &Hope ; he knew America returning to Christian principle would be the death of the Globalist project. I looked into Christ/Nat but its adead end i don't think a "Prince" is the answer . . . its the continuation of the monarchs more Anglo impulse to be ruled . . . reworded . . . Even if George Washington was the Ideal Prince . This can't happen again. The American project , it's people , is the answer. The product : a moral descent people.

The Answer to 1984 is 1776. Affirm everyday those self evident truths .

There is faiths worst than death.

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Standard progressive liberalism., no reverse gear.

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i read the remedy in the US constitution.

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when will the next paid subscriber meeting be?

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I remember when all of this WEF/UN great reset horror show seemed quaint and "debatable," like maybe it's true, but how can these numnuts at the UN do anything? It was the early 2010s, when Rosa Koire's talks were on YouTube, and "progressives" called her a "conspiracy theorist." That seems like an eternity ago to me.

And here's a fun bit of gaslighting regarding the causes of heart attacks in young people over the past four years. Guess what is conspicuously not mentioned as a cause.


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And they no doubt played a part in her early demise.

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this only applies to 'legit' transactions, of course....

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