This guy was totally disorganized in his approach, and I think somewhat ignorant of the ideas of others. Sounds like he spends too much time in his own head, and not testing these ideas against those of others. His bit on dating and people just wanting to have a house and a family, and that they should aspire to more. Coming from the single guy who appears to live in an apartment with no one? Laugh out loud ridiculous comments.

Anyway, really enjoying the show, this guy was a bit of a miss though.

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Really? Venezuela was a classic mistake by government. Bet on an ever increasing oil price when your product has to make a fixed cost of production and watching as fracking boom crashed the price. Meanwhile you set up social systems based on income now that has slowly evaporated..

What do you think is happening now in the USA? Draining our major oil and gas regions and increasing social giveaway, financing genocide and proxy wars will not end well either.

I would not be reindustrializing our way to try and spend our way out. This is the time to bury that stupid idea. We could have done an energy fee and dividend system but...we are going with the failed carbon cap and trade and worse

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I would venture to say that a lot of people being astounded by the stupidity of what has been going on, for a loooong time, and recently very intensely, are simply UNAWARE that this is the PLAN. The plan is to destroy Humanity. Maybe including the whole planet. It's beyond the Evil we can imagine... It's FAR bigger... and it's a PLAN. Death, basically, for as much of Life as the Nasties can figure out. THEY. WANT. IT. Why can't people get their heads around this?

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AI cannot be the referee he states it should be, its built buy humans, humans have biases, and unconscious bias training just installs a different set of biases. This dude was Interesting but I don't think he has thought everything out.

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Yeah I stopped listening when he told us that AI was going to save us from ourselves…

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I can understand your guest, Tim Pickles, his point of view... That we're in some kind of No More Options...

We DON'T have all the information. It's being kept from us, a lot of it. SUCH AS, what Tesla knew. We have the technology for FREE ENERGY, cars that run on WATER... The Nasties just don't want us to know about these things.

I'm wondering if this man is really unaware of certain things that Not Everyone knows about (yet), or if he is trying to spread despair? These days, who knows? Well, someone does. Because there IS always a solution that is waiting for us to recognize it... Hard to do when it's deliberately hidden...

If we are unwilling to acknowledge, or find out about, facts that are FINDABLE, then we will carry on assuming that there is NO OTHER paradigm than the one we think we understand, and some of us have accepted as "reality."

If we don't understand something, we can easily think of it as, or call it, "magic."


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It didn’t take long for me to quit listening. Too much gutter language coming out of that mouth. (I quit at 9:00)

Moving on to something I can listen to without continual verbal assaults.

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