Fantastic work. This is a dizzying level of journalism and analysis.

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Besides having been interested in Israel for many years (most of my life) for biblical reasons, and having been aware of various things happening in Israel through newsletters over the years (bombs planted in gift baskets placed on front steps, indiscriminate rockets being launched into communities from the north and Gaza, car bombs, etc.), some people I’ve discovered recently (in the past month or so) and whose presentations I’ve been listening to are :

Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Traveling Israel on YouTube

The Israel Guys on YouTube

I have been a “conspiracy theorist” for about 30 years. I don’t trust governments or politicians. But the ongoing puzzle/mystery for me in this particular situation is what God says about Israel when presented with information such as that given here.

Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. Also, Israel will one day inherit the land from the Nile river to the Euphrates River. Also, there is no historical “Palestinian” people; they appeared around the time of Israel’s independence. God, Himself, will judge israel for what she does - one place even says He will punish her double. Nations being harshly judged and punished for going beyond what God intended as punishment for Israel.

Hrvoje, I bought my first Dave Hunt book for a report/paper I was doing in college in 1986-1987. I have been receiving The Berean Call newsletters for many years. I have most of Dave Hunt’s books. I believe the Bible is true. I believe God has not turned His back on Israel and that He will one day fulfill all the promises He made. Yeshua, the Messiah will one day (hopefully soon) reign over all the earth from Jerusalem, as the King of Israel, son of David.

How do we mesh what is happening right now with what the Bible says? That is my primary question. Even if all of this (above article) is true, it doesn’t change what the God of Israel has written and promised.

I don’t doubt that the situation is as tangled and contorted as what is presented here, but this article doesn’t bring the Bible or the God of Israel into the picture. It doesn’t deal with the fact that Israel was attacked and gained control of the land (Judea and Samaria), yet has been pressured by the international community to relinquish control of the land they won when attacked by the surrounding nations. It doesn’t mention the question of the “Palestinians” - their origin, their history, their sudden and recent appearance out of the blue - or what political use they are as pawns for surrounding anti-Israel nations.

One video by The Israel Guys shows them going into Judea/Samaria - vast amounts of unused land, uninhabited towns, and one large, wealthy “Palestinian” town where way over half the population goes to their homes in other countries for most of the year. They talked with the mayor of the town in the video, who is also a U. S. citizen and speaks good English. They were showing that the “housing shortage” in “Palestine” is a myth. One new town at the end of construction had only a few inhabitants. Honestly, after what I saw in that video, I was convinced that there is more than sufficient space and wealth there. These people have extravagant homes that they can afford to leave for most of the year. I doubt their other homes are less luxurious.

This whole situation is all very tangled and confused. I doubt anyone will ever figure it all out or understand all the intricacies involved.

The bottom line question is: what are we supposed to do in view of God’s Word?

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Here is one of my nearly daily sources of news from Israel:


Here is a recent post from Traveling Israel:


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