I was a bit surprised because you didn't mention 9/11 as a prototypical false-flag operation. When I became aware of the 10/7 attack by Hamas, my first thought was: "this looks exactly like a 9/11 2.0 - on steroids!"
LIHOP or MIHOP - this is the question. 9/11 was clearly a FF of the MIHOP kind, because of the long time necessary for planning and preparing the WTC-buildings for controlled demolition. CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN [ bollyn.com ] is one of the very few investigative journalists who dared to speak out about the deep Zionist participation in all phases of 9/11. Read his (free online-) book "SOLVING 9-11" and then think again who profited and profits most - of 9/11 and 10/7!
I did consider it but I wanted to stick with "officially admitted" examples. While I know 9/11 was a MIHOP FF it is, as you know, hotly disputed by governments and others. Operation Gladio, the Lavon Affair, etc. cannot be dismissed by the "debunkers." So I opted for them instead.
thanks for your reply. I think you and your followers may be interested in the mail I recently sent to Karen Kwiatkowski. Here is a copy of it:
Dear Karen Kwiatkowski,
I tried several times to comment Your and other guests' recent interviews on JUDGE NAPOLITANO'S YouTube channel - in vain! My comments were deleted or shadow-banned immediateley. Here I send you a copy of one of my comments. I hope you can answer my question concerning Christopher Bollyn's trustworthyness and actual relevance in explaining the deeper background of the unfolding Israel-Hamas war.
Here the copy of one of my deleted comments:
Dear Judge Napolitano,
Scott Ritter, in your last interview on Dec.5th 2023, said that he does NOT believe that 9/11 was an [inside-] conspiracy.
At least some of your highly informed "insider"-guests, and perhaps even many visitors of this channel, still seem to share the same, now antiquated, mainstream-belief.
If not: like this comment with a "thumbs up!
Meanwhile thousands of alternative investigators (e.g. 3661 professional architects and engineers) accumulated a huge body of physical and circumstantial evidence that points into a completely different direction: that this allegedly surprising Arab/Muslim "terror attack" was a decade-long planned, covert "false-flag" operation, perpetrated by a joint illegal US-Neocon and Israeli-Zionist CONSPIRACY.
Today, some of the best sources to rely on for this explosive claim are:
ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS FOR 9/11 TRUTH, RICHARD GAGE, the LAWYERS' COMMITTEE FOR 9-11 INQUIRY (mainly for factual physical & witness-evidence), and especially CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN for the investigation into WHO did it, and WHY.
Bollyn's circumstantial evidence for Israels deep entaglement with 9/11 seems overwhelming (see his book "SOLVING 9-11", his website [ bollyn.com ], or his many online video-presentations), and should be contemplated meticulously before answering the recent question: WHY was Israel allegedly so "surprised" by the 10/7-attack! (Remember America's official "surprise" on 9/11, likewise its "surprise" on the day of Pearl Harbor!)
Think three times: Cui bono?
We need a new & thorough international criminal investigation into 9/11!
To Judge, and all the interviewees and commenters of this show: please add the still unsolved 9/11-deception to your list of important, but unsolved mega-crimes!
And invite Bollyn to your show!
PS: Karen Kwiatkowski and Larry Johnson are mentioned in Bollyn's book. They should be able to confirm its importance!
Is the reason why Epstein’s Flight Logs are so guardedly kept secret not because of who they show flew to Epstein’s Island, but because of who they show flew from Israel to Teterboro Airport in New Jersey prior to 9/11/2001?
Were WTC 1 & 2 & 7 taken down with a combination of Thermate and nuclear devices?
The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.
The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “
Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.
VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:
Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…
Well William, what proof do you have that ANY alleged NUCLEAR DEVICE is actually a nuclear device (other than all things may be considered in some way nuclear/ made from 'atoms' if that is your indoctrination) ?
Please provide some valid proof such things exist or you will be just another regurgitator for a massive fear factory.
The Nuclear Industry is another scam- that uninquisitive folk have a hard time recognising as a massive money siphoning, fear generating cog in the machinery of oppression.
The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.
The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “
Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.
VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:
Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…
You claim there is a possible NUCLEAR Threat- I said the Nuclear threat is a bogeyman & no such weaponry really exist- its a ll a funding & fear scam-
it is down to you to PROVE such weapons actually exist as you made the claim- and the only thing backing your claim are the claims of KNOWN LIARS.
So, either specify the page/s where they supply some valid proof or refrain from deferring the justification of your fear mongering claims.
Everyone familiar with the players involved in 911 knows that all the 'owners' & businesses involved were 'jewish' . No nuclear weapons were involved that were smuggled through airport security ''There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “ is ludicrous if you know what security does exist- but is not publicised by the Msm. This article is just distraction, that has spotlight very probable culprits yet spun an outlandish yarn to diminish any truth among its facts. It even imagines Clinton & Lewinsky really did have an affair ! (its an open secret that Bill prefers boys- re Chris Everards work etc)
BTW- you must be a beginner in the reading & thinking category of research, Anything with Jim Feltchers name attached to it is overtly controlled ops- just look at the pathetic mess of his mate who u turned on the Moon scam (Mike Barra?)
The original interview of the young Mossad agents on Israeli TV, where one of the agents revealed that they were there “to record the event” has been removed from YouTube, but I found it on Rumble:
According to ABCNEWS sources, Israeli and U.S. government officials worked out a deal — and after 71 days, the five Israelis were taken out of jail, put on a plane, and deported back home. While the former detainees refused to answer ABCNEWS' questions about their detention and what they were doing on Sept. 11, several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home.
Said one of the men, "Our purpose was to document the event."
But how did they know there was going to BE an "event"?
Seems on point to me. I actually remember that interview on Israeli TV at the time as I was still living there then. The interviewer was Yair Lapid who later entered politics and was even PM for a few months.
So you reckon PNAC were the ACTUAL MASTERMINDS of 9/11?
“Masterminds” very likely, but of course the ultimate “Authority” to proceed would have to have come down from the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, which includes the Black Nobility.
It's interesting because when I think about it, the senior members of PNAC don't seem to have the mental capacity to actually come up with such a plan themselves. Execute it, absolutely but actually think of this themselves seems doubtful.
So, William, you seem very confused about who runs the Theatre, can you simplify it for any interested folk- is it-
the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy (RIIA?) , which includes the Black Nobility. (🙄😂🤣😂) , Mossad , The CIA, MIC, CFR, Cannibal Tribes of Nigeria, Vampires of Of Prague, an ancient computer in a deep shaft at an undisclosed location, Dwarfs living in mountains in Switzerland, Giants living in Antarctica - Aliens from another Dimension, An ANT HIVE MIND , or some combination of these?
The great mistake here is to imagine for a minute any actual ATTACK occurred.
How much does a typical film cost to make from a big studio?
How many actors did Leni Riefenstahl use for her propaganda films for Hitler?
Would you deny that many, if not most politicians are actually 'effectively' actors playing a role?
Now, the same fear mongering MIC turds in the media who make the films also MAKE THE NEWS.
Why were AP staff lingering among Hamas during the 'attack'/performance, hoe did they manage to get motorbikes there unless allowed to?
The same slutty coke fueled models & actresses who whore about on catwalks for the worlds richest families were in uncanny abundance at the 'pop concert' .
The footage was rubbish & fake from the beginning- NOW it has been proven to be at least 80% CONSTRUCTRED- yet you seemed to imagine it was real at the time ! Have you never watched WAG THE DOG ?
Do you still imagine the 'space missions ' are also credible footage of a real event ?🙄😂🤣😂
Hamas is a controlled op quagmire of rich families children acting away like stroppy puppets for Mossad- just look at the founders families & resultant careers of their off-spring.... 'Champagne spies' being a title of the first film by the director of an autobiography of one of them, THE GREEN KNIGHT.
Espionage , Military Theatre & media Theatre are all the same Janus faced creepshow. The acting families are also the most occult/ritualistic families & have always been bed-fellows of the Martial/Military/Death Cults- both rely on SMOKE & MIRRORS - ILLUSIONS & DECIET.
From inflatable tanks during the world wars, to inflatable space rockets during the cold wars ,to inflatable viewing figures of the media bore wars- inflating budgets for the MIC & gullibility among the public.
This power game has all been consolidated for far longer that most would like to image, and the only social leeway is between the DEGREE of 'libertarianism' allowed among the public, balanced with data slavery & time vampire tactics.
Pretending Star Wars & Darth Vader are real, tangible & dangerous elements is infantile & is all part of an INNER war for our imaginations. Here you've done your audience & yourself a disservice promoting more lies & hype as genuine events, rather than SPECTACLES & CGI deceits.
It's no surprise you evaded the religious/philosophical foundations of the evil Abrahamic Cults ; which are the most racist, malicious & dangerously evil statements you can read... adoration of the cruel, genocidal god of the old testament. Instead you seem an absolute apologist for the worlds most intolerant, supremist & deceitful tribe to ever exist.
Sometimes when I read articles appearing to be indignant I sense that the author is secretly gloating about the horrors - while they type away their grubby little hooves are dancing a fox-trot under the table... more masochistic fodder for the lemmings, more petty sadism for the soulless.
I was a bit surprised because you didn't mention 9/11 as a prototypical false-flag operation. When I became aware of the 10/7 attack by Hamas, my first thought was: "this looks exactly like a 9/11 2.0 - on steroids!"
LIHOP or MIHOP - this is the question. 9/11 was clearly a FF of the MIHOP kind, because of the long time necessary for planning and preparing the WTC-buildings for controlled demolition. CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN [ bollyn.com ] is one of the very few investigative journalists who dared to speak out about the deep Zionist participation in all phases of 9/11. Read his (free online-) book "SOLVING 9-11" and then think again who profited and profits most - of 9/11 and 10/7!
I did consider it but I wanted to stick with "officially admitted" examples. While I know 9/11 was a MIHOP FF it is, as you know, hotly disputed by governments and others. Operation Gladio, the Lavon Affair, etc. cannot be dismissed by the "debunkers." So I opted for them instead.
thanks for your reply. I think you and your followers may be interested in the mail I recently sent to Karen Kwiatkowski. Here is a copy of it:
Dear Karen Kwiatkowski,
I tried several times to comment Your and other guests' recent interviews on JUDGE NAPOLITANO'S YouTube channel - in vain! My comments were deleted or shadow-banned immediateley. Here I send you a copy of one of my comments. I hope you can answer my question concerning Christopher Bollyn's trustworthyness and actual relevance in explaining the deeper background of the unfolding Israel-Hamas war.
Here the copy of one of my deleted comments:
Dear Judge Napolitano,
Scott Ritter, in your last interview on Dec.5th 2023, said that he does NOT believe that 9/11 was an [inside-] conspiracy.
At least some of your highly informed "insider"-guests, and perhaps even many visitors of this channel, still seem to share the same, now antiquated, mainstream-belief.
If not: like this comment with a "thumbs up!
Meanwhile thousands of alternative investigators (e.g. 3661 professional architects and engineers) accumulated a huge body of physical and circumstantial evidence that points into a completely different direction: that this allegedly surprising Arab/Muslim "terror attack" was a decade-long planned, covert "false-flag" operation, perpetrated by a joint illegal US-Neocon and Israeli-Zionist CONSPIRACY.
Today, some of the best sources to rely on for this explosive claim are:
ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS FOR 9/11 TRUTH, RICHARD GAGE, the LAWYERS' COMMITTEE FOR 9-11 INQUIRY (mainly for factual physical & witness-evidence), and especially CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN for the investigation into WHO did it, and WHY.
Bollyn's circumstantial evidence for Israels deep entaglement with 9/11 seems overwhelming (see his book "SOLVING 9-11", his website [ bollyn.com ], or his many online video-presentations), and should be contemplated meticulously before answering the recent question: WHY was Israel allegedly so "surprised" by the 10/7-attack! (Remember America's official "surprise" on 9/11, likewise its "surprise" on the day of Pearl Harbor!)
Think three times: Cui bono?
We need a new & thorough international criminal investigation into 9/11!
To Judge, and all the interviewees and commenters of this show: please add the still unsolved 9/11-deception to your list of important, but unsolved mega-crimes!
And invite Bollyn to your show!
PS: Karen Kwiatkowski and Larry Johnson are mentioned in Bollyn's book. They should be able to confirm its importance!
Where is part 2? Excellent article
It will hopefully be out before Christmas.
Is the reason why Epstein’s Flight Logs are so guardedly kept secret not because of who they show flew to Epstein’s Island, but because of who they show flew from Israel to Teterboro Airport in New Jersey prior to 9/11/2001?
Were WTC 1 & 2 & 7 taken down with a combination of Thermate and nuclear devices?
The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.
The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “
Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.
VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:
Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…
Nuclear 9/11 – The Pommer Report:
Well William, what proof do you have that ANY alleged NUCLEAR DEVICE is actually a nuclear device (other than all things may be considered in some way nuclear/ made from 'atoms' if that is your indoctrination) ?
Please provide some valid proof such things exist or you will be just another regurgitator for a massive fear factory.
The Nuclear Industry is another scam- that uninquisitive folk have a hard time recognising as a massive money siphoning, fear generating cog in the machinery of oppression.
Ram, read the articles!
Were WTC 1 & 2 & 7 taken down with a combination of Thermate and nuclear devices?
The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.
The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “
Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.
VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:
Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…
Nuclear 9/11 – The Pommer Report:
Why waste my time reading all that William?
You claim there is a possible NUCLEAR Threat- I said the Nuclear threat is a bogeyman & no such weaponry really exist- its a ll a funding & fear scam-
it is down to you to PROVE such weapons actually exist as you made the claim- and the only thing backing your claim are the claims of KNOWN LIARS.
So, either specify the page/s where they supply some valid proof or refrain from deferring the justification of your fear mongering claims.
Everyone familiar with the players involved in 911 knows that all the 'owners' & businesses involved were 'jewish' . No nuclear weapons were involved that were smuggled through airport security ''There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “ is ludicrous if you know what security does exist- but is not publicised by the Msm. This article is just distraction, that has spotlight very probable culprits yet spun an outlandish yarn to diminish any truth among its facts. It even imagines Clinton & Lewinsky really did have an affair ! (its an open secret that Bill prefers boys- re Chris Everards work etc)
BTW- you must be a beginner in the reading & thinking category of research, Anything with Jim Feltchers name attached to it is overtly controlled ops- just look at the pathetic mess of his mate who u turned on the Moon scam (Mike Barra?)
So do you think Mossad was the PRIMARY perpetrators of 9/11 or were they merely subcontractors?
The original interview of the young Mossad agents on Israeli TV, where one of the agents revealed that they were there “to record the event” has been removed from YouTube, but I found it on Rumble:
My guess is that Mossad was a PNAC subcontractor.
Two of the "Five Dancing Israelies"
According to ABCNEWS sources, Israeli and U.S. government officials worked out a deal — and after 71 days, the five Israelis were taken out of jail, put on a plane, and deported back home. While the former detainees refused to answer ABCNEWS' questions about their detention and what they were doing on Sept. 11, several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home.
Said one of the men, "Our purpose was to document the event."
But how did they know there was going to BE an "event"?
PNAC and the NEOCONs: wanted a new Pearl Harbor
Barbara Honegger – The Pentagon and 9/11
Behind the Smoke Curtain - 2nd Edition (2015)
Seems on point to me. I actually remember that interview on Israeli TV at the time as I was still living there then. The interviewer was Yair Lapid who later entered politics and was even PM for a few months.
So you reckon PNAC were the ACTUAL MASTERMINDS of 9/11?
“Masterminds” very likely, but of course the ultimate “Authority” to proceed would have to have come down from the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, which includes the Black Nobility.
It's interesting because when I think about it, the senior members of PNAC don't seem to have the mental capacity to actually come up with such a plan themselves. Execute it, absolutely but actually think of this themselves seems doubtful.
Scroll to the 4:19:00 mark of the video:
Barbara Honegger – The Pentagon and 9/11
Behind the Smoke Curtain - 2nd Edition (2015)
....and Rothschilds!
So, William, you seem very confused about who runs the Theatre, can you simplify it for any interested folk- is it-
the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy (RIIA?) , which includes the Black Nobility. (🙄😂🤣😂) , Mossad , The CIA, MIC, CFR, Cannibal Tribes of Nigeria, Vampires of Of Prague, an ancient computer in a deep shaft at an undisclosed location, Dwarfs living in mountains in Switzerland, Giants living in Antarctica - Aliens from another Dimension, An ANT HIVE MIND , or some combination of these?
The great mistake here is to imagine for a minute any actual ATTACK occurred.
How much does a typical film cost to make from a big studio?
How many actors did Leni Riefenstahl use for her propaganda films for Hitler?
Would you deny that many, if not most politicians are actually 'effectively' actors playing a role?
Now, the same fear mongering MIC turds in the media who make the films also MAKE THE NEWS.
Why were AP staff lingering among Hamas during the 'attack'/performance, hoe did they manage to get motorbikes there unless allowed to?
The same slutty coke fueled models & actresses who whore about on catwalks for the worlds richest families were in uncanny abundance at the 'pop concert' .
The footage was rubbish & fake from the beginning- NOW it has been proven to be at least 80% CONSTRUCTRED- yet you seemed to imagine it was real at the time ! Have you never watched WAG THE DOG ?
Do you still imagine the 'space missions ' are also credible footage of a real event ?🙄😂🤣😂
Hamas is a controlled op quagmire of rich families children acting away like stroppy puppets for Mossad- just look at the founders families & resultant careers of their off-spring.... 'Champagne spies' being a title of the first film by the director of an autobiography of one of them, THE GREEN KNIGHT.
Espionage , Military Theatre & media Theatre are all the same Janus faced creepshow. The acting families are also the most occult/ritualistic families & have always been bed-fellows of the Martial/Military/Death Cults- both rely on SMOKE & MIRRORS - ILLUSIONS & DECIET.
From inflatable tanks during the world wars, to inflatable space rockets during the cold wars ,to inflatable viewing figures of the media bore wars- inflating budgets for the MIC & gullibility among the public.
This power game has all been consolidated for far longer that most would like to image, and the only social leeway is between the DEGREE of 'libertarianism' allowed among the public, balanced with data slavery & time vampire tactics.
Pretending Star Wars & Darth Vader are real, tangible & dangerous elements is infantile & is all part of an INNER war for our imaginations. Here you've done your audience & yourself a disservice promoting more lies & hype as genuine events, rather than SPECTACLES & CGI deceits.
It's no surprise you evaded the religious/philosophical foundations of the evil Abrahamic Cults ; which are the most racist, malicious & dangerously evil statements you can read... adoration of the cruel, genocidal god of the old testament. Instead you seem an absolute apologist for the worlds most intolerant, supremist & deceitful tribe to ever exist.
Sometimes when I read articles appearing to be indignant I sense that the author is secretly gloating about the horrors - while they type away their grubby little hooves are dancing a fox-trot under the table... more masochistic fodder for the lemmings, more petty sadism for the soulless.
I think this is a useful Appendix to this article.
Is water wet?