Multi-polar world or 3-bloc world per Orwell's 1984? Same thing? A 3-bloc world can be balanced forever by the ruling class / conspiracy manipulation. EuroAsia (Europe and Russia minus UK) are to be one of the blocs, thus the Euro-Russian (Ukraine) war perhaps.

Multi-Polar beyond a few Blocs wouldn't work.

I disagree that everything is short-sighted sex, money and power. Ideology and philosophy on many planes count though in a complex way.

LaRouchies really discredit themselves claiming CBDC social credit is no different than credit reports.

Art is the project of the ruling class / conspiracy to create the state of mind they think will transition us to world tyranny.

Central Banking and its global organizing is the problem. They create money out of nothing enabling them to pursue their tyrannical programs. The rest is noise.

British Empire elite felt they needed a war to prevent Germany from challenging their globalist empire. Empire of the City by Knuth is a good reference.

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BTW: The rise of Prussia at the expense of German Principalities run by the Brit Royal Family's relatives was also key. World War I was planned at Coefficient Meeting setup by Beatrice Webb and revealed by HG Wells in his AutoBiography. Wells and Bertrand Russell agreed it was a mistake.

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"Art is the project of the ruling class / conspiracy to create the state of mind they think will transition us to world tyranny."

I absolutely believe this to be true, though my younger self was naive enough to believe otherwise.

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Substack, outstanding discussion, let's get more of that please

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Excellent discussion. Not because I agreed with everything but because I enjoy listening to intelligent conversation that makes me think more deeply about world events.

Would just say, I disagree that Muslim praying in the street and blocking traffic is what Christians should be doing. The university protests and these public displays are an extension/escalation of the BLM protests/riots. And for Muslims, praying in the streets is a way to show their power. They make no secret of their goal to extend the Caliphate across the world. I mean, they say it, over and over. And no, Allah is not the same as Yahweh. That is like saying dark is light.

Having lived in Luxor, Egypt for 3 years (during the pandemic) under Sharia law, and having had to escape and knowing if I ever return, I will be killed, I wouldn't say it's a part of the world to hold up as some sort of example of what Christians should be doing. In fact, the "Christ is King", Christian Nationalist movement of a couple of those mentioned, Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand (also the notorious Candace Owens), etc., is doing just that. They are trying to establish Christ's Kingdom on earth (and no, I do NOT think that is a good thing) and that's an incredible fulfillment of prophesy. And they are the most rabid antisemites. And I am sure I will get some hate for even suggesting I might support Israel and the Zionists, but I am used to it. Yes, Netanyahu is corrupt, all leaders are corrupt, that's a given, so it is a nonargument to bring that up.

If my father, Dave Hunt, was alive today, he would be preaching up a storm, I can tell you. I'm thankful for his teaching on Israel and Islam and how grounded my upbringing was in the Bible. I miss him and his wisdom every day. He blasted the prosperity preachers; the televangelists of the previous era and I see them as the predecessors to these powerful "Influencers" that rose up during Covid when they amassed millions upon millions of gullible followers--and dollars. These "Christian" Nationalists want power for themselves, the same old, tired memo for fallen humanity since the Garden of Eden and Satan's temptation. In fact, you might as well call it a "Christian Caliphate". It's no different from the Islamic one.

Christians don't make public displays and should believe strongly in the separation of church and state. And yes, the church failed during Covid and continues to fail. But for a follower of Jesus, why would that surprise anyone. Jesus called us to take us our cross and follow him. He was despised and rejected of men. It's the hard road, not the road of material success. And I agree that to hold up any billionaire as some sort of example to follow is the actions of a fool.

Best point, Hrvoje, I don't mind confronting that black-pilled world because I have Jesus.

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Having lived in two Muslim countries, I can say, unequivocally that Christians could learn a few things from the devotion of Muslims, who pray five times a day, go to the mosque and pass on their faith to their children without fail. I don’t see Muslims kids getting abortions doing drugs turning gay and partying.

Christians display their power especially in America every time they open their mouths because they believe they are the owners of the United States and that “America is based on Judeo Christian values”

American Christians do not believe in separation of church and state at all. In fact just the opposite if you take a look at heritage foundations agenda 2025 it is the blueprint for a theocratic Christian state. American Christians cannot seem to separate politics from their religious beliefs because the majority of Christians are actually secular materialist, unconsciously.

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You shouldn't really make absolute statements like "American Christians do not believe in separation of church and state at all." I believe in it. But I have just about stopped calling myself a Christian since that term, like so many others, has been hijacked. I did mention the Christian Nationalist movement, so I am in agreement with you there.

I often hear people (mostly men) say they lived in Muslim countries and how we can learn from them. You must have lived a life there where you didn't learn anything about the hypocrisy and what goes on beneath the surface. There is nothing special about how Muslims practice except that their religion demand extremism and thereby many people become quite hypocritical.

I never saw more hypocrisy than I did living among families in Luxor. I started the first (and only) boxing club for girls there and married a local man, so I think I saw beneath the surface. Drugs are rampant, the men drink, their daughters suffer from FGM, and when the mask comes off, they hate you as an infidel. I went there with an open heart, and I saw the truth. One of the first things that happened while I was there was a woman was thrown off her balcony in Cairo by the other men who lived in her building because she had a male colleague of hers over for coffee, the two of them alone in her flat. She died, but the men firmly believed they had done the right thing. When I asked the men in Luxor what happens to a Muslim who leaves the faith, they simply said, he will be killed. When I asked what would happen to a woman who is unfaithful, they simply said, she will be killed. This is real Islam, not the watered-down version they present to the West.

I would also add I have a gay son, and he didn't "turn" gay. I love him and I know what would happen to him in a Muslim country. I had hoped when I went there that this wasn't true, but I know now that it is. What can we learn from Islam? Nothing much. I prefer to learn from Jesus. That is the conclusion I have reached.

But again, I appreciate the discussion and agreed with a lot of your other points.

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You may believe in separation of church and state, but then again, you are here on Substack so that tells me you are not an average Christian.

And you claim that Islam suffers from extremism yet Israel the nation you identify with currently massacred at least 186,000 Palestinians since October 7. and Palestinian families have eight or nine kids so the most horrible aspect of this ongoing massacre funded by the American government is that thousands of the dead and injured are children.

Yes, under the surface all nations are corrupt and all religions, so there’s no real surprise there. It’s just a question of degrees of corruption, unfortunately, in our world. The fact is most Muslim families are much stronger than most Christian families they have more kids they have extended families with aunts and uncles. They stay together and help each other out. That’s a fact, divorce in the Christian church is just as high as it is outside of the church compared to Muslim families which have very low divorce rate.

I am glad that you are a Jesus person… I am a Jesus person too, and I think Jesus is absolutely horrified of what is going on in Gaza, and worse that Christians who claim to be his followers, unequivocally support the genocide that is happening in real time.

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Not sure where you got the 187k number but I wrote about that here https://khmezek.substack.com/p/hamas-ministry-of-health-inflated

As a woman its hard for me to appreciate your glowing interpretation of Islam. I recommend listening to the Aspostate Prophet, he lays it out with brutal honesty. He goes into the reality of what it means to be a moderate Muslim and what Islam actually is.

I don't know anyone who supports genocide but I guess that's what you are accusing me of doing. It's interesting because you might want to listen back to what you said in this podcast. You recommend that those you consider dangerous in your country be rounded up and shot and burned and their families and friends be rounded up and interrogated and I guess if they are proved to be enemies suffer the same fate.

Yet Israel should not obliterate an enemy that has vowed over and over to exterminate every Jew on the planet. I can guarantee you, if the jihadists

came to your door you would not invite them in and have a philosophical discussion. You would defend yourself and your family and kill them without mercy, or the most horrific things imaginable will happen to you and your wife and children.

I mean, we aren't going to agree on this but the whole genocide accusation is getting tiring. It's called war and Israel is winning. Hamas shouldn't have attacked, knowing full well it was going to sacrifice its own people, without any care of protecting them because that's how Hamas wins the propaganda war. You should listen to Gazans activists like Hamza Howidy, perhaps they know what they are talking about. Hamas is to blame but funny how you don't even mention them. I hate war, but that's life on planet earth.

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Dec 29Edited

//You recommend that those you consider dangerous in your country be rounded up and shot and burned and their families and friends be rounded up and interrogated and I guess if they are proved to be enemies suffer the same fate.//

The people I was referring to are those who are responsible for the mass murder of millions of people through the vaccine rollout.

We have legislation right now that will put people in prison for life for criticizing Israel ...

It was the Lancet journal that estimates 186K dead under the rubble, murdered in cold blood by Israel with weapons supplied by USA... and this a conservative estimate.


It's so tiring when Israel is committing a genocide to keep reminding ignorant Christians that Israel is committing a genocide.

You hate war but somehow you think that it's okay to collectively punish the entire population of Gaza to pay for the sins of Hamas.

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Ah yes, now I am ignorant. Moving on. Although I really need to add that again, it's interesting that those who did not believe the Lancet studies affirming vaccine efficacy during Covid and believed the UN to be an evil organizatio. (Something i would agree with) When it comes to Israel, suddenly they are the height of accuracy.

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Awesome podcast. Thanks again for bringing on so many viewpoints and conducting long form conversations. This is amongst the best available. Also, just subscribed to 009!

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The Alt Community needs to develop a theory of why even IF GLOBAL WARMING IS TRUE (which I agree it is not), depopulation and/or tyranny is wrong and continued population growth and industrialization is preferable even if exactly how humanity would adapt to global warming is uncertain.

We must defend plunging into the future with uncertainty without the total planning demanded by the globalists.

For starters, murdering billions of people now so maybe a few billions can live in the future makes no sense. At some point an asteroid or other catastrophe WILL destroy the Earth. Duh!

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the issue is that the world needs some kind of planning ... we can't manage billions of people without international agreements on a laundry list of issues. Local governments can't solve international issues without cooperation and agreements...

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NO! You might as well join the Globalists, then. Instead, plan for freedom which includes courts and resolving conflicts. von Mises' idea of Planning for Freedom, a title of one of his books.

"Managing People" is the ruling class / conspiracy agenda. Planning is the sine qua non of the Fabian Society.

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How will our international cellular phone, air traffic, rail, roadways, ports, shipping, oil pipelines, int'l trade, international courts etc work without international agreements?

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Everyone should have the right to forge ahead with development until conflicts arise. Those need to be adjudicated by whatever means can be devised including voluntary arbitration, international agreements. whatever. Clear and present dangers should be stopped by those damaged and their representatives, etc. This is quite different from central planning as is now the policy. The alternative to the ruling class / conspiracy is hurtling into the uncertain future which we actually do in any case!

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Dec 28Edited

your assumption is that central planning on a global scale is inherently bad but the problem is the central planners are corrupt. The real antidote to corrupt central planners is to replace them with central planners with integrity who are not corruptible, and their are only a few ways to do this, either revolution, mass protest or getting involved in the political process and infiltrating the institutions. This is the challenge we are confronted with. Most of the alt community are still reactionary. Reacting is not nearly as effective as responding. The alt community is forced into the position of having to respond sooner or later ...

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Local planning shouldn't be tolerated either.

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Nope. You are fantasizing. Central Planning is the problem.

The way to avoid abuse of power is not to allow power. Power corrupts.

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interesting convo. however he misses the point that the the billionaires, wef people ect. are just puppets not the ones who actually run the show. the so called ancient families are the ones who run it.

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That was my take too. What we see is a shadow. The ones we see are placeholders

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Comes across as a secular liberal trying to save most of the enlightenment values from the oligarchs.

Can agree with overall view.

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"009" hit Slavland Chronicles https://t.ly/dLZCZ before he hit Geopolitics & Empire. Listening to these podcasts, the first red flags came with his woke jeremiads about "Nazis", "racism" and "male chauvinism". Before his next sting, and before you swallow his bait (and he has a lot of bait to offer, really excellent stuff) with the sharp hook inside, consider this:

He wants us to change things from within the system(s): "run for office", "write your MP" - who in the U.S. would be "your" congressmen. We are not supposed to remember the 58 standing ovations for Satanyahu in just over an hour, I guess. Especially since he doesn't like "anti-Semitism" either.

He compares the Bolshevik Revolution to the Canada Freedom Convoy of 2022. If you don't have time to read The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, check out the viral video interview https://t.ly/U94LU with Prof. Sutton about his seminal tome to see how the two events really compare.

The fake Baptist minister Comrade (Martin Luther) King is one of his heroes. King who was a sexual degenerate into rape and orgies - as proven by FBI wiretaps - in addition to being a Communist run by organized Jewry.

"009" is also a Kalergist who thinks that humanity being socially engineered into a single race under a world government is not so bad. To give you an example of his obfuscation, he suggests that indigenous European Christians resent Muslims blocking traffic in Germany or France when they do their salat in rush hour traffic because they have lost their faith, not because they resent the 009s kind of orchestrated Kalergist war on Europe using the weapons of non-white mass migration.

Makes you wonder what network he's on, doesn't it? If his handle "009" is not a Michael Hoffman type "revelation".

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Bullshit. All you lazy NPCs are all alike. Bitch and complain but never lift a finger to do anything. Did you organize any rallies during Covid? I have 200 events under my belt. Did you get involved in anything? Doubt it. I have supported and helped many candidates on all three levels of government.

Secondly, I compared the first Russian Revolution March 1917 to the truckers convoy, not the Bolshevik revolution in October 1917. This shows your lack of understanding of history. Go read up on it. The Menshiviks got in power in March but were overthrown by the Bolsheviks in a coup in October.

Martin Luther King was not a perfect leader. Find me any leader who was... take your time. "As proven by FBI wiretaps" ... is this the same FBI that murdered him dumbass?

Your accusation of me being a Kalergist is also such stupidity on your part I can't even stoop to comment.

Where were the so-called Holy Churches during covid?? Masked up and hiding at home. Give your head a shake if you think Christianity is some kind of moral leader on the planet. Meanwhile the majority of Christians are whole heartedly endorsing the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Oh but Muslims are bad. What a joke.

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I am a "lazy NPC"?🤣 No, you are a self-absorbed, arrogant asshole, my friend. And those are your better qualities. You have 200 events "under your belt"? Stop lying, Khaver. "Helped many candidates at all three levels of government." No shit, really? Even if you don't lie about it, as usual, what good does it do? As for the communist "revolution," it was good in March, but by October, oh my, it went bad. The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks were competing gangs financed by different bankers, you idiot. Does the FBI murdering your Communist Negro idol make him a hero, dipshit? You "can't stoop to denying that you're a Kalergist" because you are one. Did I mention "holy churches"? Did I "endorse the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza"? Did I say "Muslims are bad"? What are you smoking "009"?

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I am not lying. I have the receipts. Go back to your lazy ass life and fuck off.

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"You have the receipts?" What kind of receipts? From whom? Receipts for the meds you stopped taking again? Tsk tsk. And "my lazy ass life"? What do you know about me or my life, my fucked in the head friend, really? By the way, why are you so upset? Did I hit a nerve or something? 🤣

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What part of fuck off is hard for you to understand

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Like I am supposed to give a shit about what you want? Keep dreaming, freak. I know what you are, and people with two brain cells to rub together understand what you are too now. Your mask is off POS.

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I struggle greatly to understand what has occurred since 2020 without appealing to the existence of supernatural evil, and fallen creatures who have so given themselves over to the basest of human depravity that they willingly allow themselves to be inhabited by such evil.

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I would say you underestimate the capacity of human beings for evil. When we all stand before God to give an accounting for our lives, saying the Devil made me do it is not a legal argument. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior.

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Fascinating podcast, really enjoyed it.

This is an example of localism that he is talking about


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Just to add more controversy: conflict among the principals and minions of the ruling class CENTRAL BANK bund is important, actually the ONLY hope for progress. That does not mean I have confidence in any particular ruling class associates such as Musk, Thiel, Jones, Trump, etc. Keeping them fighting and acting independently to some extent is what counts.

Musk's ex-wife made a point she probably got from Musk. AI and associated tech makes full socialism possible. However, the Central Banking Bund would lose one of its main weapons: COVERT POWER through money, the illusion we are free within a fiat money controlled overall system.

According to Catherine Fitts they actually decided to do this, go to full AI CBDC, at a meeting at Jackson Hole or Vale or somewhere. "On Record?" as Alex Jones would say. Resistance from the people and their minions (stake holders) could make them change their minds.

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A well-informed person would not argue for the possibility of changing the system from within; he must surely know about the pervasive, ruthless law fare (Dr Reiner Fuellmich and many others who tried) and the assassinations(3 African Presidents, Dr Andreas Novak and many others) just since 2020 in the deadly biowarfare inflicted upon the ignorant public. We have run out of time. I doubt if he is his own man.

Would you please comment on the scientist Dr Douglas D Vogt (careful, a second Douglas Vogt seems to exist) “Unveiling the Geological Evidence for the 12,000 Year Cycle of Climate Disasters” since I cannot find a fault with his shocking, existential revelations.

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One could reply to many points in this podcast, but here's just a couple of issues:

Please don't take this too personally Mr Moric, but Mr Passio is an ex-satanist, so why would anybody who consider themselves Christian take him seriously if he hasn't actually become a fully committed born-again Christian? (It's just a logical question). Full disclosure: I have listened to him in the past to get the other side of the spectrum, but I didn't get stuck on his world-view.

"Equality" is of course pure Utopianism because nations and peoples have very obviously not been created equal (as per the Bible, and this is also just a very simple observation of reality). However, no matter how many real-world case studies are pointed out to prove this, such examples are ignored ... so what we are dealing with here is pure utopian equality-ideology, notwithstanding real-world evidence to the contrary:

Please (!) tell us how 'Saint' Nelson Mandela's Rainbow Nation project has turned out in South Africa? Yet nobody in the alt-sphere wants to "touch this" subject. Is this not part of GEOPOLITICS?

When you are ready ... Let's just talk REAL Geopolitics and Empire: which would also incorporate the Southern Hemisphere ... [fully!].

Until then you are (i.m.h.o.) just globalists ... in anti-globalist "skinsuits"... as 'Neoliberal Feudalism' might express it ...(although I wouldn't want to put words in his mouth ...).

See also a comment I left on Alexander Dugin's Substack:


"Some people claim that the forerunner of Western 'wokeness' and woke-ideology in general was the global anti-apartheid movement of the 80's and 90's that promoted the forced integration of 10 different cultural and linguistic groups into an artificial multicultural "utopia" (with the unspoken objective being to dilute all those cultures) under the banner of [Saint?] Nelson Mandela's "Rainbow Nation" concept in South Africa featuring "Unity in Diversity" and "Ubuntu" which were the forerunners of Western "diversity" and "inclusiveness" (while the New South Africa was also one of the first countries to introduce same-sex marriages), championed by the woke everywhere in the West. Here is an article that makes some of these claims - any thoughts?"


Of course this issue continues to be ignored: Show us some serious engagement with this subject and then "Geopolitics and Empire" (and "The World is not Enough") might truly become GEOPOLITICAL in a real sense, as in not only Northern-Hemispherian!

You might deny this, but both yourself and Mr 009 has supported this - and does support this by the nature of avoiding responses to similar comments on the subject. Just because you ignore this does not mean that history will ignore this.

To summarise: both 'the left' and 'the right' in the Northern Hemisphere (East AND West) have promoted various forms of integration-ism and collectivisation over the decades with civilians (Left AND right) promoting and supporting it ... So all this 'SURPRISE" just seem contrived ...

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Do you think it’s preferable that we should all stay in our racial ethno-states and there’s no integration whatsoever with anybody anywhere? You know I’ve seen this attitude throughout the alternative community. Correct me if I am mistaken, but what you really want is for nothing to change ever. Any progress you will say is the fault of the globalists. But unfortunately, because of technology, the world is going to go through constant upheaval maybe for hundreds of years. That’s reality.

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Not at all - that's not what I'm saying (that we should all stay in our racial ethno-states with no integration whatsoever) - I'm saying that forced integration leads to more problems than fewer as can be observed in South Africa today. I'm also saying that the S.A.-model was so successful from a globalist perspective that it was rolled-out under the banner of the woke movement everywhere else. You see, the issue is that many people (in particular in "alt-media" it would seem) is that they want The Best of All Worlds ...

They want to claim to be "anti-globalist" while being globalist at the same time, example: a global economy is a globalist position (as you make clear you support in this discussion). Globalism is global centralization and a global economy benefits primarily the centre (i.e. the largest economies that are also the main drivers of global centralization) while the peripheries get crumbs - in other words globalisation is just present day imperialism on a large scale. That's just obvious - or at least it should be ... So why would you support that if you are against "the globalists"? Or, perhaps you are not? Fair enough then, but rather make your position clear. However, if that's the case then what's the point of your Substack?.

Long-term forced centralisation undermines and dilutes genuine diversity - as in the preservation of unique languages and cultures - that should be obvious too.

Forced integrationism (i.e. multiculturalism as an ideology - which the leading nations in the West AND East practices) is globalist because it is centralist and collectivist. We are not speaking about the natural integration of cultures and ethnicity here, but rather it being implemented ideologically and on a policy level - everywhere - also in BRICS notwithstanding claims to the contrary. An example of this is exactly the case study of South Africa, but nobody wants to study THE CASE STUDY ... (why is that?) Has the project been successful, or not? Is there "Unity in Diversity" in that country today?

A valuable exercise would be for "alt-dissidents" to define what a dissident actually is - and what dissidents stand for.

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//A valuable exercise would be for "alt-dissidents" to define what a dissident actually is - and what dissidents stand for.//

I agree with this ... what exactly are we supposed to be doing and standing for

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// a global economy is a globalist position (as you make clear you support in this discussion).//

We already have a global economy whether we like it or not. The question is how do we respond? Do we try to tear it all down through mass resistance or do we get involved in the political process and attempt to change things from within?

// in other words globalisation is just present day imperialism on a large scale. That's just obvious - or at least it should be ... So why would you support that if you are against "the globalists"? Or, perhaps you are not? Fair enough then, but rather make your position clear. However, if that's the case then what's the point of your Substack?.//

What i support is our freedoms and rights. There is no democracy without civil rights including freedom of speech, the press, worship, association, travel, and right to work. These are the things we need to focus on. It would be exceedingly difficult to decentralise many of our basic global systems, such as global air traffic. There has to be a central management system and rules and regulations in order for there to be airplane service throughout the world. If you want convenient international travel that is ...

My sincere belief is that we need to engage in judo with the globalist instead of karate if you understand my meaning. Use their weight against them. If they want a global government then we the people need to ensure that our freedoms and rights are protected. So far, that is not what is happening. People are just opposing everything the globalists are doing without thinking through what are the long term pros and cons of their policies. It isn't all bad, though there are definitely some nefarious things they are planning.

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There's no democracy, though - as a result of all political parties having been captured on both sides, so all opposition is controlled opposition, so it's all just one big show.

We also don't have freedom of speech anymore like we used to, with widespread censorship everywhere. The same with the freedom to worship. Increasingly there's an expectation for "secular behaviour" and to not express one's religion.

The fight for civil rights has just resulted in more racism and discrimination - in reverse. The problem is double standards and ignoring all the above while calling for more of the above - if you see what I mean.

Examples: Anti-white racism always gets a pass while anti-black racism is considered the most evil thing in existence. Which is why I harp on continuously about South Africa, because it shows everyone up as a bunch of hypocrites (!!).

The anti-apartheid movement was never about apartheid, but about removing whites from power in S.A. The proof is how apartheid gets a pass in other places by the very same people who campaigned against it in SA. The fact that nobody wants anything to do with the subject anymore just keeps on proving the point over and over.

"There has to be a central management system and rules and regulations ..."

Well, that has resulted in the Global Pandemic Treaty and the Global Pact for the Future, also Agenda 2030, not to mention the unified global response to COVID - that's what you end up getting with central management systems on such a scale.

So, the only option would be to opt out of all globalist systems - as far as that would be possible - rather than to opt-in as you are suggesting, to "try and steer it to our advantage" ... Good luck with that, but I don't think it's gonna work ...

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You can’t opt out of the global system, neither can you opt out of your national system or even your local system. You can’t opt out of traffic laws. People think we can go live in the woods and everything will be fine, but that is actually retreating from the battle. War means moving into the battle field and engaging the enemy and defeating him.

The pandemic, treaty, and agenda 2030 are not the result of the global system. They are a result of the global system managers. The system doesn’t need to change just the managers need to be changed.

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Opting out of the normal systems that make society function is obviously not required. Opting out of digital control systems like everything to do with Smartphones WAS possible, but the masses opted-in because they are sheep - most likely 99% of alt-dissidents who rant against technocracy are addicted to their phones, apps and social media.

It's only because so many people opted-in* and started to carry their phones around that the non-users/those who wisely opted out became such a minority that they could not op-out anymore because corporations started to make it mandatory to access essential services like banking-apps through Smartphones. It's the same with the globalism and centralism - the masses brought us here, but they always want to blame the elites, never themselves.

*All the sheep who opt-in don't do so for the reasons you propose - to change the system from within - no, they want to benefit from the system and enjoy it for what it is. Which is why your plan won't work. Everybody who's voluntarily in the system, like the system, and they are ambivalent about the negatives of the system.

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that's like saying I can't use any knowledge or book or material if it doesn't come from a Christian...I totally reject that premise

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That's not what I'm saying - but how do you know Passio is not still part of that cult if he's not fully denounced that (by becoming a born-again Christian?) - which is why I view him with scepticism even though I personally also learned a lot from his insights.

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I think it's healthy to be skeptical of those who have a non-Christian perspective but I also think useful information can be gleaned from secular sources. My ultimate reference is the Bible so if an author doesn't contradict the Bible I don't automatically disregard the information, I just weigh it against what the Bible says.

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