
Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference is Nov 1st-3rd. Streaming Globally on Nov 2nd from 9:00 AM PST - 5:00 PM PST. The virtual tickets includes a free copy of my upcoming book: Voluntaryism - How the Only "ISM" Fair For Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! - https://sedona.artofliberty.org

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7 hrs agoLiked by Geopolitics & Empire

Thank you, Hrvoje. I was pleasantly surprised to see this topic being discussed on GAE. It is not an easy or pleasant topic to traverse with most people, the conditioning for the antithesis being what it is (struggles already taking place in the comments). That being said, your pessimism, Hrvoje, is not unfounded. In my opinion, If any transition were to have an opportunity to take hold, it would take generations to unpack the conditioned expectations from any populous in order for our innate ability for spontaneous organizing to take place. Society is simply too sick, spiritually, mentally, and physically to resist the current system that has dictated our lives for many, many centuries. The rub is this, the current system did grant a very high level of human advancement and creativity of which we take for granted as 'normal', but, ultimately it is reductive and unfathomable in its cruelty. It is anti-human and disrespects all life that sustains our very existence, yet the belief system to uphold it seems embedded to the bone. I hope we get a chance to discuss it on the zoom call on Saturday.

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democracy, voting , turns a nation over to the bankers

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Calling for Anarchy in lieu of Accountability; Aids The Corruption / Criminocracy!

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How so??? when the corruption and criminocracy are using "government" as the tool to rob and control the population! There wouldn't be a crooked monetary system without "government".. THere wouldn't be confiscatory taxation without "government"... There wouldn't have been "The Covid" without "government"

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7 hrs ago·edited 58 mins ago

Stop misdirection / Corruption routine! Such is what the corruption uses!

Stop Corruption / Criminocracy from using 'Corrupt Government' vehicle!

Make IT Accountable instead!

You want to misdirect/get-rid-of-govt. but Not Corruption ...

You are selling corruption coddling via Misdirection / Collusion!

Selling that we can perhaps get rid of government, but Not 'corrupt government' / Mafia Organization by dispersing ourselves into Anarchy ... to make us more vulnerable, is misanthropic hypocrisy!


The Corruption loves the anarchy/misdirection routine religion to keep us misdirected; on-our-knees via such nonsense in lieu of the Accountability / Accountable Government They Fear!

The Covid Tax FED Corruption Organized Crime Anarchy hopes/bets on your/ITs 'Anarchy' fetish to continue so IT wont be held Accountable !

Corruption Anarchy Entropy what is it good for? .... dehumanization


Accountability VS Corruption!

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The Birth of the Sovereign Nation-State

From the Council of Florence To the Discovery of America

How the Platonic-Christian revolution of the Fifteenth century created the modern world

by William F. Wertz, Jr.



The British Oligarchy have been the instigators of all of the death and destruction perpetrated upon humanity ever since the Venetian takeover of England with the in-Glorious Revolution of 1688!

Venice’s War on Western Civilization


Birth of the Nation State


The Venetian Takeover of England:

A 200-Year Project


The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America


How the British Invented Globalism

Modern globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate.


How the British Sold Globalism to America

The Secret History of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Anglo-American Empire


How the British Caused the American Civil War

Britain’s Scheme to Partition and Recolonize America in the 1860s


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)


How the British Invented Communism (and blamed it on the Jews)


To “Rescue the Republic” you must first know who actually is the enemy of the Republic.


- Vs. -


The enemy of humanity has always been the British Imperialist Globalist Fascist Oligarchy headquartered in the City of London.

The first step on the path to defeating the British Oligarchy is to teach people the history of their mortal enemy.

Who Are the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy?


A Long History of British Machinations to Control the Content and Dissemination of News & Information

(Remember: Before Google, everyone used the Encyclopedia Britannica)




William Pritting’s Substack:


Richard Poe’s Substack:


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I suspect that “Voluntaryism” is the brain fart of some evil reptilian at the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) where the minions of the British Imperialist Globalist Fascist Oligarchy devise their schemes for Global Empire and World Domination.

What better way for the imperialist fascists to dissolve the Westphalian nation-states and finally achieve their centuries-long quest for a world of open borders than to have “the people” spontaneously instigate a populist movement that demands “The Collapse of Governmental Society” and implementation of “voluntaryism” and global anarchy.

The imperial fascists already wrote the slogan for such a deceptive movement:


Instead, try learning about the movement that was the real existential threat to the imperialist fascists, a movement that results in personal Liberty, personal Rights, personal Prosperity, and personal Happiness:



The American System of Political Economy

Vs. Fascism and Socialism


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Ummm. Maga "Constitutional Republicanism is the system that robbed the population from 2016-2020 of 1/2 their income in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation... it is the system that tricked people into the jab... It did nothing about fractional reserve banking, confiscatory taxation, "vaccines", etc. "Government" IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS BEING USED TO ROB AND CONTROL YOU... Trump is OBVIOUSLY "In On It" https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-real-scam-of-trumps-indictment

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

re: "Trump is OBVIOUSLY "In On It":


Escape The DemoRub! ;-)

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Trump Administration Accomplishments

Unprecedented Economic Boom

Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.


Who is Donald Trump - really? Why did he release the vaccines for COVID-19 almost two years sooner than was planned? What is the reason behind the relentless attacks on his character, by the mainstream media? Here you wil find key secrets about Trump, that will open your eyes and give you an accurate understanding of the man and his actions.


Unveiling The Truth: How We Almost Faced Global Tyranny And The Forces That Saved Us


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