Great talk. Thank you. To your point about the loss of civil liberties in America and the West (a short observational rant):

Regardless of whether or not this is a "coincidence," or planned (I think it's planned because it so well serves their interests) by our hidden-hand dark overlords, the "loss of civil liberties" in America (and the West), seems suspiciously linked to the number of Chinese (and Indian) "immigrants" rapidly allowed into our spheres. That is what I see in San Diego. It is as if someone decided to completely open a spigot, and cede the entire west coast of North America to East and South Asia, and to make certain the only well-paying jobs serve these peoples natural predilections (for that is the way I see it; I myself have quasi-Luddite sentiments), and prop up a Borg network of bio-tech servitude (the bio-tech buildings have popped up everywhere since 2020). Many of the massive number of Chinese and Indian "immigrants" that now makeup a large plurality in San Diego (as they already do in Orange County and the Bay Area), appear, to me at least, to love every aspect of the great reset, are not US citizens, have no connection to western traditions and myths, have no interest in adapting to western traditions (either because they believe themselves to be superior to such traditions, or reject them entirely). Talking to these peoples is an ever a bizarre exercise in superficiality for me, surface level bullshit because we have little of depth to bond around, for I cannot ask about their Civil War ancestors, or talk meaningfully about my grandfather's experience in World War II, or discuss whether the Enlightenment project has been a ruse from the start, or explore the different Christian denominations that our ancestors were involved with, or contemplate anything about American popular culture since World War II, such as whether or not the entire 1960s were a CIA-directed action against the American people. Oddest of all (and I have to believe this is intentional as well, to stoke maximum conflict), from my perspective, the Chinese and Indians around me appear to be the only San Diegans who now can live "normal" lives, lives with leisure time and home purchasing ability, and vacation ability and the ability to easily buy anything they want, even though prices are twice what they were only four years ago. These abilities--the ability to live as a "privileged American," are all gone for almost all of white working class people I grew up with.

There is, at least for me, comfort in Christ who has defeated all evil. For that, I am grateful.

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Great opening 10 minutes - looking forward to the rest!

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I’m writing from Canada. After x years of increasing brutality and censorship, I have concluded that the Babylonian Harlot is indeed responsible for the dangerous world we now live in. I am glad to know that God plans to destroy the evil-doers, as laid out in the Bible and particularly Revelation.

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So this podcast talks about American aggression, and realizing your country isn't what you thought it was. A little while after that, Cameron talks about America controlling the world with the petrodollar. and it got me to thinking, In the spirit of your country not being what you thought it would be:

is it possible that China's belt and road initiative is America's Petrodollar? That America legit hasn't been any better than any other country, it was just the first to use the tactics we see authoritarian governments all over the world adopting now?

America exercised control over different countries by way of the petrodollar, their mouse was economic control over other nations and their cat was the petrodollar. Now, with China, we see them going after the same mouse, control of other countries via economics. but instead with The belt and road initiative wherein the invest into countries to build their infrastructure, but they basically own it and the space around it until they're paid off. Which even then, why would you trust a nation run by a gang to build your roads and digital infrastructure?

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Good talk Cameron,

Please keep highlighting the absolute stupidity of this mindless rhetoric and warmongering by the Australian Govt and MSM. As you mentioned, where is the talk from these fools about what comes next ? Our biggest trading partner just cuts us off, they can easily bring our economy to a grinding halt. Our prosperity will be over and it will be full steam ahead down the path to the globalist dystopia and tyranny.

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