It absolutely is the TV... and it has been the TV as the primary tool of indoctrination for decades... "Programming" is the operative word for a mechanism cast as entertainment when in effect its sole purpose is that of a subliminal mind control agent... John Prine wrote a song ages ago that has remained one of the most instructive songs that I've ever heard... https://youtu.be/ZkfqWEXdx-I

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You seem to be alternating between calling your show "The Program", "The Transmission", or "The Rebel Transmission". Seeing this, my .02 is you're just talking, don't internalize what the Glafia wants to make you out to be; a "Rebel" or "Gorilla". I think if you're trying to get a little more formal/Professional with it"The Program" is a good name for it. That said It's nice to hear you speak firmly and respectful about what the actual issues are. If the media is gas-lighting us, you're the open window keeping people sane.

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Dude, I think...that you are way overthinking this. Lol. I do not even think about that stuff...I simply use synonyms...different words for the same thing...just to...switch things up a bit. I still at this point don't even know what to call what I'm doing...they're chats....it's "guerrilla" and not gorilla (guerrilla has a reason behind it)...and I see no issue with using the term rebel...it's all light-hearted...but also with a dash of seriousness....sometimes y'all take things too serious!

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Heh my bad. I tend to over think things. No disrespect intended

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Never thought there was any disrespect going on! 😄

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Interesting conversation. I gave up television in 1993, when my son was a few months old and I started seeing things with him in mind. One by one, the shows dropped off until I quit entirely. When he was really little, we watched Moody science videos, but then moved off grid, so that didn’t work any more. When he was growing up, we read books. Lots of books. Besides creation science, history, biographies, autobiographies, current events, etc., we also read the Little House books several times. From the condition of the covers, I guess Farmer Boy was the favorite. I wish I had known about Ralph Moody’s autobiographical book series, beginning with Little Britches. I had to read those to my son a couple years ago. They were too good not to share with him. We read many other books too. I avoided fiction almost entirely except maybe Where the Red Fern Grows and possibly a couple others.

I am hesitant about too much watching, especially fiction. It is pretty addictive. I really liked the time we spent together reading … for hours and hours. I’m sure these shows would be better than mainstream garbage, but in my opinion there are better options.

As far as Trump…. He stacked the deck and Biden dealt the cards. Trump does not understand the job of president. He doesn’t understand the Constitutional limitations on government. He showed what he thinks the first time around. Mr. Operation Warp Speed. I’m surprised RFKJr aligned with him considering how Trump stood him up the first time around regarding vaccines. Instead, Trump made things far worse. So he wants a second chance to get it right? Hmmmm…. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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