Aug 20Liked by David Haggith, Geopolitics & Empire

Talk to the Canadian truckers about the government's ability AND propensity to instrument a financial shutdown.

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No doubt about it, and look at the global (including US under Trump) Covid economic lockdowns. MASSIVE! And with a CBDC they’ll be able to lock you out individually.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by David Haggith, Geopolitics & Empire

And THAT is exactly what I believe that all of this is leading to... the attack, defeat and imprisonment of the individual... mentally, psychologically, spiritually... and in the most extreme of situations... physically.

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Aug 20Liked by David Haggith, Geopolitics & Empire

Looking forward to this conversation, Part of the reason I'm working on my research platform project was to illustrate EXACTLY the sentiment expressed that "purpose of importing so many illegal aliens is to create a permanent dystopian peasant class". It breaks my heart that I can't do anything to stop this.

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I think it is a dark motivation of both parties, which is why they always claim to want immigration restriction laws then always turn a blind eye to the laws they create when it comes to actual enforcement. They're only meant of make sure immigrant labor keeps their heads low and never complains, or they can get kicked out of the country. It's not because either party wants to prevent immigrant labor from getting US jobs. It's because they want lots of it for their party owners but want to make sure it stays as cheap as possible.

As a result, those laws actually do MORE to hurt US laborers, rather than help them. They do so by existing but only being enforced selectively or when public outcry rises to such a pitch as to demand enforcement.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

All roads leads to feudalism . . . ?

Sharecropping 4 all !

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