Around 6 min, it is a bit rich and simplistic of Bowen to characterize Russia as a pariah and engaged in an illegal war. I cannot count the number of illegal military actions Australia and the USA have supported, but let's not indulge in both-sideism. We can all agree to condemn the way Russia ended up trying to emancipate the people of the Donbass, most of whom align with Russia against Ukranian nazi elements (a minor sector of Ukrainian society, but thoroughly dominating their politics). Putin repeatedly tried to call for help from the UN, invoking charter 51 (Kyiv were already bombing the Donbas, hundreds of munitions daily). Who does that to their own population? So which nation really should be the pariah? Prior to this Russia repeatedly requested membership in NATO. No peace loving politician should have rejected that request. No one even mentioned resolution 1514 and the Montevideo convention. It is ironic other UN charters are now being employed to condemn Russia. Rightly so. But it is still tragic and a bitter irony, since the UN had the full power to prevent the entire conflict by hearing the people of the Donbas.

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Yes, rather rich indeed, lol!

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When people like us talk to the normies it sounds like this interview. Hilarious.

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Slick interviewing skills by Hrvoje. Mr. Bowen doesn’t know what he doesn’t know; suggestion to him: find out how “money” is created in the first place. Deep dive.

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I found Mr Bowen to be very US & NATO aligned. Seems to have a very narrow minded, simplistic view regarding Ukraine, failed to mention that Putin has repeatedly requested peace talks and dialogue which has been continually slapped down. If anyone is the pariah, its Ukraine which has continually targeted civilian areas including Mariupol and Donetsk.

His cheer leading for NATO as a force for good is puzzling as they have made it very clear they are an aggressive, war mongering, Russia phobic entity.

He's very much pro USA on the USD and economy, every economist I have listened to and read, have predicted a very dire state of their economy at risk of total collapse, 36 trillion in debt is just not sustainable. I would think that would be the greatest risk to have !

Steered clear of the globalist agenda also which is THE greatest Risk to mankind.

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there is a risk of superhuman intelligence building and Elon has a "solution" for it, take a look, he speaks about billions! so this will cover a lot of humanity too

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thanks will do

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BRICS Unveil the NEW New World Order! - New World Next Week



BRICS Holds New Bretton Woods Conference.

“International Community” Terrorizes Turkey.



Would you like to know what BRICS just declared?


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"far-right extremism." That's rich. No such thing, in my opinion. Just one of the many terms the black magicians have rolled out over the last ten years, along with "saving our democracy" and "the science." All so revolting.

The bastard black magicians have long-played this so well, though. Fake traditionalism vs. fake "progress." Or perhaps it's just God's plan, and whatever they try to do, it all comes back to evil and judgement. We now have two Theosophically-aligned candidates in the United States running for president. "Right-hand" magick" vs "left-hand magick." We get globalism and great reset now matter how we "vote."

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I hope you wont mind but read this, it is jaw dropping: https://hrabmv.substack.com/p/a-digital-human

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