Wonderful that you had the pleasure to know him and amplify his voice through your work.

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In many ways, he helped also amplify my work!

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I had some 2020 Boyle video links to put on a platform chat,(Infowars etc.) and did a quick search to find something more up to date. G & E obiturary came up high in search. I'd never heard of you, but it must have been your viral video which got noticed and how so many of us heard Boyle in 2020. I'd been extremely ill from the weapon and he clarified my wonderings. I warned wider family against vaccines early on, which couldn't possibly be any use, but half of them took it. We'll miss his geopolitical info.

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Feb 2Edited

May GOD make his way easy, may his good outweigh his bad and may GOD find good in his life..

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I can't speak for God but as a humble non lawyer non academic trying to make sense out of the world of laws that we BLATANTLY ignore while protesting mightily "we are all about the rule of law", I found his life and voice had HUGE meaning , particularly at a time when we were being professionally gas lit by liars of all sorts for hire.

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I agree 100% he stood up strong and truthful when it counted to try to protect GOD children.. GOD was watching.. The best rewards are given after not during.. EVIL people believe in the opposite, they are sadly mistaken and will be in for a big and bad surprise.

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Become active and hold the line-


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I have tears in my eyes reading this. When I think about how many people are aware of the depredations of empire but say nothing either from fear, indifference, or from seeking to gain from it, the few who lay it all on the line publicly are true rare gems.

I saw Dr. Boyle on your program and it was the first time I saw either of you. It changed my life. Now, I was on to the abuses of empire and the Bush/Cheney “unitary executive” movement really concentrated my attention in seeing how 911 was needed to erase significant parts of the US constitution. Then The big bank bailouts came along and it was clear we were in the age of the big swindle, marching us to neofeudalism. Dr Boyle’s narrative convinced me, as you laid it out, that this was the gateway to a digitally enforced neofeudalism that would be all encompassing including the pillage of other nations on a biblical scale. One thing that’s easy now is realizing every hot issue in geopolitics, technology, medicine, and industry are all intertwined in this single large scale operation. It’s kinda like a mile-wide tornado with multiple sub-vortices, some of which from time to time appear stronger than the core.

Your landmark interviews with Dr. Boyle snapped it all into focus for me and I have to think you had this effect on many, as it rippled out into both financial freedom and medical freedom movements. That’s quite an accomplishment but I feel we needed him now more than ever. Thank you for all you do.

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Francis Boyle was the 1st guy I found on line talking about gain of function research, I count him as one of my core go to guys guiding me through the maze of bullshit

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Me too, in early April I first heard him, when I was very ill from the weapon. It shed light on everything for me, as I had been frantically searching on line to find out more, in the limited moments when I was able to get on the computer. Very sad he never saw the criminals indicted.

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As a non academic "normie: I find this to be a sad day indeed, My awareness of him was as an expert in international bio weapons law, particularly Nuremberg. He also wrote domestic laws about bio weapons that we appeared to have ignored. Gas bag lip service rules the day. Certainly he was so much more than a bio weapons legal scholar.. But it was refreshing to see a man with credibility out there railing at the blatantly hypocritical sanctimonious breaching of international bio weapons agreements such as Nuremberg and other laws while simultaneously COMPLETELY ignoring almost all of it.

The reason I mention being a "normie" is because I wasn't the deeply cynical distrusting person that I am now post covid , and I suspect many others, when confronted with the bio weapons EGREGIOUS violations we were shocked because those of us from a more naive trusting time sort of assumed "we don't do that stuff BECAUSE WE SIGNED LAWS AGAINST IT"

Boy were we all in for a wake up call!. Now ALL of us must think like Mafiosi because that is how governments behave, Something we had not considered.

I distinctly recall the legal authoritative voice of Dr Boyle calling out the COVID bio weapons violations and thinking, "this guy is not some half cocked loon, he knows what he is talking about and I should listen"

If, (big if) we get something other than disgusting lip service gas baggery law changes out of this whole disgusting mess we should name a law that seeks to correct the bio weapons transgressions as "the Dr Boyle memorial law". Seems he spent a good deal of his talent and effort fighting the transparently evil pursuit of bio weapons and if we ever make REAL progress against it he and some others should be honored.

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Thank you for this post about Dr. Boyle's remarkable legacy. May he rest in blessed peace.

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Thank you for this account of your excellent interviews with Dr. Boyle. I am hoping his views will now prevail. Thanks again for bringing him to light!

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Dr Boyle will be remembered as a courageous warrior for truth and humanity. I pray that God will bless his soul and count him worthy to inherit eternal life, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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RIP Dr. Boyle , a truth warrior, Godspeed. 🙌🏼

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What a great post! And tribute. Thank you.

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Rest in peace.

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I saw Dr. Boyle on Infowars a few times. I checked their site tonight but they haven't posted anything about him as of yet. May he rest in peace, he was a man of integrity and one of the good guys.

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Rest In Peace Dr. Boyle

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Godspeed to a man with real cajones! "There are only two ways to tell the truth: anonymously and posthumously." Dr Boyle found a third way thanks to social media, and it pissed off a lot of the ZOGACRATS.

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Do we know what he died from?

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News is just breaking, I don't know, but good question

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So Sad Sorry Hrvoje

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I've saw him a few times on pod casts and am shocked he was only 74. Seemed older. We all age differently. But performing at a high stress high academic level for a life time can take a toll. Not every one at that level has time or option to spend time in gyms and health food eateries to offset and inherently sedentary academic life. Plus being a university prof they may have required the needle rape intervention in order to keep his job and ability to speak out against the bio weapons and needle rape,

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Yes, I ask because I am 74. I have had two instances of different cancers in the last year, but seem to have escaped the turbo cancer bullet - I am not vaxxed but did get hospitalised with double pneumonia and hypoxia - which I think was 5g induced rather than viral. He seemed too old for 74, compared to me - I don’t think I look that old even with my health collapse in the last 2 years. But it is hard to see ourselves as others see us.

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John Cleese is 85 and he is still working, doing silly faces.

Probably, longevity has a lot to do with cultivating the art of laughing at yourself and being childish, at least in the sense of looking at the world as a child looks at the world.

I wish you a happy 75th birthday when that day comes, Christine!

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I think for me it was his speech delivery not the content. As far as judging how old he looked, there is such variation based on sun etc. But speech I think is more neurological. When you listen to radio call in shows for example you can listen to some callers and find yourself thinking "I never in a million years would have thought he/she was 85". Some people just sound old based on their speech cadence. Whatever. I was sad to hear he is gone but not surprised because I figured he was way older than he actually was. He worked hard to the end. I give him credit for that. I would be trying to relax or something.

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Cure: your fatigue by Morley M Robbins see www.therootcauseprotocol.com is highly recommended. No time to lose and everything to gain.

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Feb 2Edited

Do we need to worry about foul play? His voice of truth was a wake-up call for so many of us. No doubt many evil forces exist that wished to silence him. Am I being too paranoid? I'm very sad to read of his passing. One of my heroes...the man was a courageous, outspoken hero, for all of us!

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Thank you for bringing this man to my attention.

He was not on my radar.

No doubt he was known to the One and will be justly rewarded.

I think he is wrong on some critical issues, as I probably am too.

Nonetheless, he clearly stated what he believed and sought justice.

We can all be grateful for his valuable contribution.

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