Nice and well-meaning guy, but visibly under-informed in many areas.

A self-proclaimed Democrat and Clinton fan until 2016, Dr. Joe has been sleep-walking his whole life. Now he gets one peek behind one curtain, and thinks he's got it all figured out.

This is a common phenomenon. Since 2020, quite a few newly awakened sheeple are dispensing their wisdom. They do not stop to consider what failings of intellect and psychology defined their prior clueless / unaware life. They do not consider that, just as they were completely blind then, they are only slightly less blind now. They do not consider where they stand relative to people who were seeing clearly (inasmuch as possible, given the Empire of Lies) decades ago.

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In what area(s) is/are Dr. Lee under-informed on?

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*What* "health emergency"?

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Thank you Hvorje. A very informative discussion with Dr Joe Lee. In particular corrupted science and institutions. Harms from mRNA covid "vaccine" 💉 ☠️☠️.

💯... " follow the money" 🤑🤑🤑🤑

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If I were wanting lasik surgery, I would want Joseph Lee to do it.

Mr. Lee is pleasant to hear and watch. He had some interesting things to say and good points to make, but he didn’t start his research at the beginning, instead jumping in and assuming there was a virus, believing the fake length of its genome, and skipping over (or ignoring) that Trump was Mr. Warp Speed and that he ran the first leg, passing off the baton to Biden to take it from there (among other things).

Interesting thoughts about China and a possible motivation to reduce government expenses on health care.

I’m not convinced all the people he mentioned deserve such severe criticism, although I am reluctant to support some of those he mentioned.

In my opinion, RFKJr does not understand the constitution or liberty, and unless he has some grand revelation, I could not vote for him, but Mr. Lee’s severe condemnation seemed overboard to me. Among other insurmountable obstacles, RFKJr believes in government-funded - ie. you and me - abortion and government-funded - ie. you and me - loans for people to buy houses. But when it comes to the vaccine schedule and exposing government corruption and cover-up of harm, he seems to be on track. He has taken a lot of flack for his stand, even from family, and he didn’t go looking for this fight. When he was confronted, repeatedly, with the evidence, and could no longer deny what he saw, he took it on.

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Dr. Lee has not only hit the nail on the head, he has driven the nail through the board.

Follow the money!

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China owns Biontech

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