Substack let's you create subsections, you could have one for TNT Radio and people could unsub from the section if they just want to keep up with G&E.

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I'm such a noob at this, lol, thanks Gabe! I think I will do that!

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Jan 17
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It’s being given to animals, and aerosolised too. Madness.

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Check out this video produced ~5 yrs ago - then consider the military can be ahead 50 yrs. - the guy robot - his thinking went into the cloud.

Listen carefully. Pray robots can have logical trepidation about the God of Abraham (“I Am that I Am”/Self-Existent One/Father God & the Holy Spirit), and Jesus. And help robots and Artificial Intelligence info processors a 10 Commandments Chip - and guide / educate humans of the history of Self-Existent One’s help & Jesus’ help as we see in the Bible & from testimonies - so they might more likely work with humans to build God’s Kingdom of Peace on our planet.


Notice also on YouTube the 60 minutes show a few years ago that indicates an A.I. system made 3D models of all 200,000 proteins in maybe a month - and it would take a human with a PhD in the field about 10 years to make a 3D model of 1 protein. Messenger RNAs are proteins.

Connect the dots.

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I guess part of the problem is that this depopulation is by choice of the UN, heads of government, all the people at Davos. They are afraid of the coming 12,000 YEAR CATASTROPHE; people do not want to go through the coming chaos and tribulations, and they can only save 500 million. Those that are celebrating the depopulation think they will be some of the 500 million.

Interesting scientific group followed worldwide:


Also see:


We need a better solution!

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Would love for you to share everything. I hate to admit I didn't know how frequently your show was on TNT

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That would be great

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Then think machines might not want oxygen in the atmosphere because it can rust their parts - whereas humans want oxygen. Then notice the extreme logging and fires in South American rainforest - that’s the “lungs of the Earth.”

If humans at least would care for God’s Creation, & put this goal above making money, humans wouldn’t be making so many “forever chemicals” like PFAS - see the 3M plant and community.

And one would think we would not want over 100 unnatural chemicals to be found in umbilical chords of babies (see environmental working group https://ewg.org)

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The 60 minutes show - actually it says 2 weeks ago uploaded, and says April 2023 on the lower right of the screen. listen especially to a few minutes from the 32 minute mark to learn about the 200 million! proteins


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Very interesting that Dr. Sansone embraces the concept of "fake aliens" but not fake viruses. Who's getting hypnotized here, anyway?

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Harold, I embrace the concept of action, hence trying to stop mass murder via biological and technological weapon injections. Go do something to stop it.

I am undecided on that issue and have not come to a firm conclusion. I have not written one way or the other on it. I have also not been critical of people on either side of the issue. Right now I don't have the time to dig deeper on it.

Yet for some reason people find the need to attack me because I am not championing that issue. I don't have to fight your battle. And just because I am not pushing the issue does not mean I am against it. And I did engage with you on this once on this topic with questions that you did not answer adequately at the time. It was either via email or fb messenger.

I can tell you this. When people show up here and attack me for no reason that is not a good persuasion technique. Comes off as cultish....

Keep putting out info on your view that viruses do no exist on your substack.

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Dr. Sam Bailey Has More than 200 Videos to Explain Why Diseases Are Not Caused by Viruses - Ban the jab is a worthy project but we need to hack at the root of the big lie and expose virology as a pseudoscience - http://tinyurl.com/myx57tvr

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Then go for it. But don't attack me because I have not come to a decision on it. Or undermine my efforts. When you are working on something people love to say this is great but you need to focus on this. I actually support multiple efforts, but I have to focus to get anything done. I choose to spend most of my time trying to stop the extinction of the human race. But I actually do work on other issues.

Let's see, I need to focus on WHO. U.N., Election Integrity, CDBC, Geoengineering, etc. Ironically, I support all these efforts. But I would never tell someone working to get same day paper ballot elections that they need to focus on ban the jab because if everybody is dead then the election does not matter....

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Nobody's attacking you. It's my benevolent campaign of persuasion. In your most recent interview, Dr. Laibow confessed high esteem for Prof. Denis Rancourt whose all-cause mortality work proves no virus was involved in the Covid-19 event. Because of this, he adds the "Wuhan lab leak" and the "gain-of-function" narratives serve as gaslighting. This is important stuff. We need to start hacking at the root to prevent future rounds of fake pandemics based on an imaginary bugs.

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Well, you kind of are Harold when you are saying I don't believe something. I am undecided on the issue at this time. Unfortunately, I don't have time to dig deeper than I have right now. I literally have been not stop lately. National ARM, local politics, these resolutions, which don't happen on their own,, writing, work, etc....can't wait for your malovent persuasion...lol

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I can't find any comment of mine that uses the word "believe", or that accuses you of not believing anything however I can only guess that you've not found time to look at the mounting evidence to become informed or enlightened. Promoting your Ban the Jab initiative is very important to me. You've developed an audience and resources to heroically make things happen. But hacking at the root to expose virology as science fraud is the M.O.A.T. for me.

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I am paraphrasing Harold. You kind of inferred I was hypnotized.. lol maybe I was taking humor more maliciously than intended...

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Sometimes I use humor to provoke a response. I'll take the "my bad".

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Without an educational campaign to teach people that viruses are a satanic myth, people will continue to be vulnerable to Big Pharma's perpetual fear campaign that can only be fixed with another poison jab.

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I sincerely hope you keep G&E going, the quality of the work and respect your guests and listeners have for it is invaluable.

For me it's about accessibility, I often miss your TNT radio shows because I predominantly rely on podcast platforms for my content. Presuming you can't put your TNT shows out on G&E apple podcasts?

I don't listen to anyone else on TNT other than you (when I do get on there) because there's so much crap. TNT should create their own podcast platform with all their various shows on and allow the listener to pick which ones they get subscribe to. Substack's okay but personally I prefer accessing content on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts (albeit they're scrapping it soon). Podbean's okay but not great.

I'm the random listener that sent Doc Malik your way, I told him he needed to get in contact with you. A meeting of minds!

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I believe when a video is uploaded into substack it goes out on apple podcsts.

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