
I don’t normally post my TNT Radio interviews here on my Geopolitics & Empire Podcast Substack…but maybe I should?

I thought I would share my recent interview with Dr. Joseph Sansone of JosephSansone.substack.com. I first reached out to him in 2022 and we’ve had about half a dozen chats by now! He writes excellent concise pieces nailing all of the most important subjects if you ask me (e.g. biosecurity state, transhumanism, aliens, WW3). They are frequently reposted to LewRockwell.com and elsewhere.

The full video of our interview is included here but can also be downloaded in mp3 or mp4 format at the source: https://tntvideo.podbean.com/e/hrvoje2

I’ve been a bit behind on G&E podcasts because well, TNT is my bread and butter, and G&E doesn’t yet quite fully pay the bills! In any case, I am basically doing on TNT what I also do on G&E…with the same or similar guests and topics…only in a slightly different format and with a higher output.

Let me know if you’d like me to post TNT guests on here as well. There simply are too many to post since they are twice daily. I can’t even name all of the great recent guests I’ve had (e.g. David Morgan of TheMorganReport.com, Steve and Chris from AM WakeUp, Jessice Solce who did the documentary on Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed, Michael Oxford of Oxford2024.com).

Nonetheless, I do plan to keep G&E going, and the support G&E receives determines how far it can go! My next scheduled podcast guest is someone who has worked deep within the deep state and who is now speaking out against it. Stay tuned…and…stay frosty.