Jul 4Liked by Geopolitics & Empire

Great show! Thanks for bringing on such diverse views. This is diversity, by the way. Fadi brings interesting views on the state of the west, many of which I think he is able to articulate because he is open to criticizing the west. I don’t , however, see his criticism of RIC countries or of hezbollah as being equally insightful. Here, he appears to describe the situation through rose-colored glasses. I prefer your view, Hvorje, that there are no good guys. I think it is more accurate. At the same time, I am grateful to hear and read Fadi’s views. He has some insights that I’ve not commonly come across. Keep up the great work!!

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I found him basically a parrot of the Theosophy movement. The host was most gracious

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Yes, factually, I'd have to agree...he put across a universalist religious perspective (the type that new age/bahai push)..but for our conversation's purpose...i thought that was neither here nor there

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Jul 8Liked by Geopolitics & Empire

Hrvoje that's why you are a good host and I'm a consumer. Much appreciation for your content. Cynthia Chung really has done yeoman's work on theosophy and its place in the matrix. Its mind blowing because I always viewed Baha'i exactly as kinda leftover hippies, not the manifestation of the new religious/financial/government fusion for the masses.

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Jul 5Liked by Geopolitics & Empire, Fadi Lama

I am on my second listen.

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Jul 7Liked by Geopolitics & Empire

I'm sure I will be too in another few days, same as the Mats Nilsson interview https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com/p/mats-nilsson-multipolar-world-far

Docs, interviews, etc. that are fairly substantive I like to allow my subconscious to stew for at least a few days, so synthesize and absorb the info, and then when you listen the second time you notice so many things you'd seemingly completely missed, and as you re-hear, a whole slew of new ideas spring forth either from the new things you notice or from the subconscious analysis that makes it so that now when you hear the same words, a greater, deeper, broader view of the same information "magically" opens up to you. It's fun! It's rewarding.

One other that I would recommend that is worth more than one listen, if you haven't see it yet, is: https://www.corbettreport.com/why-big-oil-conquered-the-world-video

Sooo much information, sooo little time :-(

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Jul 4Liked by Geopolitics & Empire

Spectacular humans. Both.

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I'm bad at taking compliments, lol, thank you!

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ss has removed my ability to like...so I get to actually respond, yay....best and I O U

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How is it possible that Substack has taken away your ability to like?

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Sorry to say you mightl have to navigate Substack with different browsers.

With Brave I am unable to Like, click it, nothing happens, so I go here with Waterfox and no problems, but I forget what exactly now, there's something else that I have trouble with Waterfox, so then I have to switch back to Brave.

The only add-on that I can imagine might cause problems would be my Ad-Block Plus, but I never bothered to try to troubleshoot it, I just switch browser whenever I run into problems and whatever it is that doesn't work with one, works with the other.

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I have had various issues with Brave and have stopped using it...and like you have many browsers installed including WaterFox...but I did take a liking to Brave AI-powered search....

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Jul 4Liked by Geopolitics & Empire, Fadi Lama

Is Fadi's brother called, "Dalai" ? ;-)

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We got some wise guys in the house here, lol.

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Absolutely fantastic guest, H, thank you Sir.

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but the money power is SEATED in the USA. do not doubt this.

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:-) Money Powers as the name implies are devoid of any attachment to any specific geography. As a matter of fact during the past millennium, the base has moved from Venice to Amsterdam, to London and most recently the leading role is New York. This does not mean that London, Basle, Amsterdam, etc. are not important operational centers.

Some researchers try to identify who these Money Powers are, I find this a waste of resources. Who they are is not relevant. Much more fruitful is to expose their modus operandi, their plans, and how to resist them. And on a personal level, how one can develop immunity to their machinations.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Fadi Lama

I do agree with you, they are inspired by a spirit, and faces of humans only change, BUT I have done my analysis in 2018, and I was shocked to realize 2008 was a great theft of financial assets from EU to the USA!! this is why I know the USA is the seat, with London too. The EURUSD shows exactly how much the EU lost , if g7 was impoverished by 12% Europe was by almost 30%!! this was the rise of black rock, and Lehman brothers destruction was on purpose! to kill banking trading desks and free market with it! So the buy side ( asset managers ) had complete control over the markets! I found this out only seeing the 2022QE size! also stock market was dirty cheap even before Lehman Crash so they could buy up things even cheaper! it was all planned and on purpose by the forces from the USA! later you had Merkel, Greece crisis.....Europe lost the most of any economic area from 2008 onwards, and in 2008 EU even overtook USA!!! something which nobody speaks about! EUR USD would have been 1.75 today if things did not happen......so there is no doubt in my mind where the money power is coming from, and today Europe is under the full control from that power: Merkel, Macron, Ursula...all their servants, Helmuth Kohl once said, she is destroying my Europe! SO TRUE, snake who mainstream media named Mutti in Germany (or mummy). How slick!

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Quote: "2008 was a great theft of financial assets from EU to the USA!"

Two points:

1. If the USD crumbles, the whole house of cards, crumbles. It still is the cornerstone of fiat system.

2. Who benefited, the US? Checkout Fed data on wealth distribution:


The beneficiaries were not US citizens, rather the top 0.1% who's wealth was over 5 times greater than the bottom 50%.

3. Is Elon Musk "American" or George Soros "American", etc. when you belong to the 0.1% you can get whatever nationality you want. Belonging to the 0.1% is much more important than nationality :-)

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Aug 14·edited Aug 15Liked by Fadi Lama

.....money should be the byproduct of real solutions, not fake solutions, like you pointed so well, everything became fake nowdays, and Medical sector is the fake of the fake! nobody comes out heatlhy once in the system. So greed is absolutely NOT characteristic of democracy or capitalism, you can see it every single culture (few exceptions but not massive scale), it is HUMAN NATURE!

I loved what you said about investments in the oil sector, i was amazed by that as well!! you are spot on , this was on purpose too! to cause energy crisis! i could not understand self suicidal act of Germans, i always thought they are smart...but you pointed out great fact as well........they do not care about their citizens meaning the game will soon be over it is unsustainable!

3. Americans are all originally europeans, both are Americans :) we all know this, Elon is their project....sillicon valley is simmilar to planned hubs China does, so yes all of this is unnatural and not free market

Do you know that all banks in the World must do the work of US IRS??which other country could impose this to everyone!? if not a bully

Russia said enough, and they sold all the USA bonds, unlike China. So there is the difference here as well. Asian cultures do not value the Truth that much! but sitting on the fence is their game.

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look at this and all will be clear to you AUM means asset under management! or the financial assets! mind you this is 2017! so you can do numbers for 2023 and see it is exactly how i say this has worsened by a lot in terms of EU weight in the total GDP it is below 18% i think


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Nice article :-)

Check out ownership of the largest hedge funds. You will find that major shareholders of :

BlackRock: Vanguard and State Street

Vanguard: BlackRock and State Street

State Street: BlackRock and Vanguard

Hedge funds are just the current fronts of Money Powers, as the privately owned central banks once were and as the East India company once was.

Best part is that AUM is NOT "financial assets ownership" it is Assets Under Management, i.e. they do not OWN the assets they just CONTROL them.

In WHY THE WEST CAN'T WIN, I give an example of a coup that these hedge funds did on ExxonMobil, when ExxonMobil didn't comply with the ESG requirements, and continued investing in fossil fuels. This example showed that it is sufficient to control 20% of shares to have control over large corporations. It was also showed that these hedge funds control ALL corporations listed globally. Including commercial exchange which price goods lol.

Equally important is hedge funds control of nations through control of bond markets. The pension fund law that Macron imposed in France and resulted in major demonstrations, was due to BlackRock pressure. They threatened not to buy French bonds and increase interest on these bonds :-)

A note on GDP. Also in the book, I proved that GDP data as most economic indicators are unreliable. Real GDP (i.e. production of REAL GOODS) was determined to be completely correlated with energy consumption of a nation, specifically with energy consumption in the manufacturing sector. Once you realize that, the GDP graphs you have placed in article are totally erroneous. Actually GDP of China is greater than G-7 combined :-)

Regarding "crisis of Western cultural values" it is also addressed in the book, where it was shown that for Money Powers to have control of European nations, they needed to:

1. Destroy power of Catholic church

2. Destroy monarchies

Hence the "secular democracies" :-)

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Fadi Lama

yes you are right, but for the simplicity I said they own it, control it , that is why there is no free market, which hallmark is no person has overwhelming control over the "outcome". This is why they killed Lehman to impose stricter controls on the banks, while banks were simply sold a poison pill, they did not lack capital per se, they just needed to regulate rating agencies and procedures how they evaluate what is AAA and what is not, it was planned and designed, they plan 10 years ahead. So whoever they are, I know they get inspired by their master, no human would be this clever to build the empire of lies, but all evil comes through persons with name and surname, not through air :) This is visible in the bond market as well there is no market unless central banks come in, since there are no more trading desks in banks, European banking sector was 5 times bigger than the US, and was actually reflection of good middle class, and small/medium business. This is total grab of power, from Europe, to the USA, I could not go that much in detail if GDP was right or wrong we could say that for Chinese as well, i mean who can know these data when they depend on state data? After all without China they could have never gotten this powerful as well, their interests are the same: control, this is why when Trump wanted to break the ties with tarrifs they had to produce COVID to return back the control.

I performed sectoral analysis which was great too: the bottom line is this, along the lines Jesus said, if some sector perfomrs so much better than others, it must have had some recent "breakthrough " of knowledge, or there is a lie.

Currently pharmaceutical sector is among the top 2 after the IT sector, both sell big fat lies. It was the banking sector and oil sector before 2008 (inflated by credit expansion and oil price expansion before 2008)!

Both became the target of the destruction of this new elite you speak about, their players are among IT, and pharma sector, which sectors is Black Rock most exposed to: IT and pharma, so basically Elon Musk is their puppet, and they have helped him immensly with policy that promote electric cars, that would never win in the free market game! ever since it is not a superior product to VW diesel car :).

Pension funds have huge liability gap! now that is one of the major reasons for COVID 19, they need to close the gap between retirement age 67 now, and dying age 76 after the COVID, and it was 78 and moving close to 80 :). The entire pension system of the USA depends on the high stock market prices.

So you see you named another example how USA threatens all the time, until they establish the complete control: Macron is their guy, his "wife" IS a man, pedophile in fact. So these sick people, like Obama, Merkel.....that have appearance of nice citizens are their favourite asset.

Yes, so democracy is OK just not secular you are right! The secular thing destroyed the democracy people like Helmut Khol, and Jimy Carter and others were trying to build

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I have to point this out, you can read in my posts how it all makes sense, freedom, Truth, love are always connected, thinking there is inherently something wrong with value like democracy is not understanding what democracy is, it is by evidence the best possible solution, why? West was leader, and still is, how did China develop!?? stealing! ideas from the West, why?? Because those corrupt money powers were selling know how for more money, although West was so much ahead of them!! so they did not need more money still they did it, and rigged the system so to be unrecognisable. This is the truth: Patric Grove, random malaysian guy who made few millions said:

Focusing on investments within the online sector, Patrick Grove has made his mark with a simple strategy: look at what works in the West and bring it to the East.[32] "When I was growing up and I looked at the wealthiest people in Asia, it was never anyone who invented anything. It was just someone who took an idea from the West and brought it to Asia ... I decided to do the same."

Without freedom of speech there is no progress, inspiration for good and evil comes from outside of humans, russia is christian country and Vladimir Putin improved freedom from Stalin times, but China has no such capabilities, to invent and create as the west does, Russia is part of the West cultrue

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democracy means freedom of speach, freedom of ideas, that is what West first figured out and propelled it into economic prosperity, the society that is more free will prosper more! not the one that has more money. I do not agree at all that freedom is better in China then in the West....on average throughout the last 100 years this is not so, otherwise they would be the one who would electrified the world and not the son of the Christian priest :) in the USA

I love your ideas and the facts you look at and do not get blinded, but there is something inherently wrong in not knowing what are good values, since they are eternal! unchangeable: freedom/ love, truth, beautuy, and democracy is another face of the same coin with free market, the best possible instrument for finding the Truth if the game is played fair: one person one voice...there is great book wisdom of masses!

West is based on christianity and there are only 2 rules to follow:

1. know the truth, love the truth, do everything to find it

2. treat other as yourself

you do not have this in islam nor in Asian cultures! this is why they never could build free society; just follow the migration......why they migrate if they have built better societies in their home....excluding war refugees, but other cultures like India...why seo many are in the USA?? if they have built such nice society lol

what you posted is the corruption of the system that once worked! and propelled the world into prosperity........it can be fixed again but not by changing the target: democracy and freedom, those are values we must restore back

the history teaches us that freedom is the ultimate value, individual freedom that society is based on: https://www.fpri.org/article/2007/06/freedom-the-history-of-an-idea/

i really want to know scientific advances of china? other than covid 19??

no no communism is bad ideology bad idea, death

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no no no, this guy has it completely wrong!! democracy is not problem, free market is not a problem, the problem is when you do negative selection, reward the mediocre instead of better! the problem is rigging the good system and values!!! by bad practices that have nothing to do with democracy .otherwise i love this becasue of the Gini coeficient compared to history if that is true :) it is very insightful. Healthcare in the USA is the root cause of the lies, and in Germany, Merck came to the USA long time ago..and toxic practices began :)

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"...IS an International Adviser to the EBRD...", so still assisting the blob. Not sure that this guy is on our side...

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I would chime in that...it's not a black and white issue. The realm of international relations and orgs...and the realm of alternative media...is not us/them or black/white. When you say "our side" who is our side? I don't consider alternative media one side and all of us on one side. There is alternative media or people on "our side" on whose side I am not. Regarding the guest...sometimes people post previous positions they've held...as credentials...I studied at a university that is largely globalist-oriented...and later taught at a globalist-oriented university...it was good in many ways...and there were people there who are/were anti-globalist...and I was able to be an anti-globalist dissident...I am proud to flog those credentials...or maybe someone in a certain position was paid to carry out work that wasn't necessarily globalist in nature. We cannot simply think someone did this one thing and they are now a secret globalist agent...doesn't work like that. Life is more complicated...there definitely needs to be more extension of grace and benefit of the doubt until otherwise further proven.

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:-) my first reaction was not to reply, anyhow Hrvoje reply I will:

A company in the field of testing machines control systems design and manufacturing had funding from the EBRD for consulting services. The company wanted me specifically to provide the consulting as our company produces testing machines including control systems. So I had to apply for Adviser to the EBRD to provide the service. :-)

However, as Hrvoje notes, it is not a matter of "our side / their side", the issue is whether information and analyses provided are objective and backed by solid references. In all cases the rapidly unfolding geopolitical and economic changes will either confirm analyses or disprove them.

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Thank you Fadi for the comment and clarification! Yes...that was my point exactly.

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so true, this is my blog all about, discerning lies from the truth, goes like this: listen to what is being said, not who is saying! except when it comes to God's word, then listen without questioning anything but yourself and your understanding of the word :) pozdrav iz Hrvatske :)

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Jul 15Liked by Geopolitics & Empire

Thank you for taking the time to reply and you raise good points, especially your last one. When I say "our side" I mean the side of the common, god-fearing man/woman. I don't think he is a "secret globalist agent" but that active involvement raised a red flag for me, as did a few aspects of the interview, so my discernment radar has been triggered. I too have worked for a globalist organisation, so I appreciate that things aren't black and white.

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Thanks...yes, I also didn't agree with a number of things but that's the nature of these discussions! I thought his insights and calculations on the true strength of east and west were excellent. He seemed to have a universalist religious approach which I obviously disagree with...among other things...but as always, you win some, you lose some...take what you like and discard what you don't!

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You might want to read Anneke Lucas' book and maybe interview her.

Warning: Your opinion might change.

Also note that Putin is fully in line with the globalist.

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Aug 14Liked by Fadi Lama

And Whitney Webb's book too.

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Whitney Webb is a superb researcher!

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