An incredibly important and pivotal interview. Thank you, both of you. It confirms all that I have come to understand about whats going on. That is comforting in a world where very few can see it. I have much work to do myself to contribute to this 'raising' of awareness. This has been an inspiring 2 hours and I look forward to reading the book when it arrives. The 'syncronicity' Jacob speaks to first became clear to me when I was doing my Masters Degree in Jungian psych years ago. Ironically Jung speaks to this exact 'mysterious' capacity - especially when we are highly tuned into linking energy nets. If the mist disapeared we would see 'the real net' that joins all the dots! When we are thinking properly with full openness, that mist disapears. The 'luniatics' rely ironically on keeping the skies covered in flock so the public cant see what they are doing!

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The 'syncronicity' is the occult religion, Gnosticism. I think Jung was one. When I learned what it was, all of the lights went on.

Gnosticism is the negation Judaism and The Ten Commandments. If animals were religions, then the snake in the Garden of Eden would be gnosticism... for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

The word knowledge com from the Greek gnostic.

Western civilization is built on the ideology of the Ten Commandments, and as (civilization historian) Oswald Spengler claimed, every great civilization is founded in a religion. If you want to replace Western Civilization, you must first replace it's religious roots.

See https://euvolution.com/

"We in the Eugenics movement are not interested in competing against Adolph Hitler or Karl Marx for some minuscule little 1,000 year Reich. We are interested in competing with Jesus Christ and Buddha for the destiny of man.

-Favored Races Manifesto"

Socialism is the ancient religion of gnosticism. Most of modern society, Hollywood predominantly, is steeped in the gnostic world view, even if not explicitly acknowledged.

I found good overview of gnosticism reference at



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Dave that website has some very 'chewy content' in it! Amazing. THANKS... ill be there for a few hundred years.

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Euvolution? Pretty creepy

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Thanks Dave I will have a read. I have some of my own thoughts on all this given my own training and decades in spiritual foundations and Jung. I will go through your links and possibly come back. I appreciate.

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I watched this yesterday, and a ton of lights went on for me, only in that he used ‘the language of ‘science logic’, (a religion of massive ignorance relying only on the limitations of the intellects capacity in my view) with the fine young man interviewing him. The young man who has not experienced one of these strange phenomena himself is therefore incapable of understanding it though anything but 'science or maths' - through the intellect - e.g. that one can 'learn' through the application of memorisation, recitation and study, to negotiate the phenomena. Because I have experiened that phenomena a number of times 20 years ago in various stunning forms, I can see the problem of comprehension. Surely we can 'work this out' if we just keep studying. What comes to mind is a book I found around that time, (I was studying Buddhism and Hinduism at the time) - it was called 'The Presuppositions of Indian Philosophy". Written a long time ago (cant remember). But it was dealing with this very problem of 'the scholarly ego spiritual advocate' and how within 'the field of spiritual knowledge and advancement'.... there was this culture (not unlike capitalism or corporatism, or political), where there was a fierce desire to be 'more enlightened' than the 'others'. It was pretty funny really. It was exactly what I was needing to read at the time as I started to see the quest to 'rise above the riff raff' all around me as everyone wanted to KNOW. I came across the work of Meher Baba - and he had this ornate diagram in a few of his books, that showed the 'heiracchy' of consciousness. I get it out now and again and marvel at it. Wheres Wally I ask?.

Anyway in this video below, It is very interesting to see how it ‘changed’ his maths brain into the new perspective when he had this BIG experience with the woosh out of his chest! Shifted it out of the intellect, which is a vital movement to be made in understanding ‘the mysterium’, which is only ‘mysterious’ in order to keep the intellect out of it, as it will try to dissect it with a hacksaw. So I guess, if you don't 'get' the mysterious thing - the thing will remain mysterious and therefore all these marvelous (but hilariously creative) theories arrise... including 'the aliens' and what not.. and secret societies. I liked this interview as its alot simpler than that I think. But humans are amazingly creative and such wonderful story makers. The quote was this, and it covers a thousand words…”“Mathematics evolves out of consciousness. Therefore, mathematics cannot explain consciousness “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FUFewGHLLg

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Excellent podcast!

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Thank you for this interview, Hrvorje and Dr. Nordangård. Geopolitics & Empire is the only podcast that I tune into regularly. I just ordered Dr. Nordangård Temple of Solomon for my fine book collection in philosophy, religion, and the occult. Thank you.

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Enlightening, as usual. And I feel obliged to now order two books for my library.

Funniest moment at 1:33 when Jacob says "And Trump says now they have to have energy to build this "miracle" machine...(cough, cough)...... and to do it efficiently forever..." He's cough may have been physically needed, but I prefer to think its a comical-cough. Thank you for your work.

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Jacob Nordangård's research is phenomenal! Thank you both for an enlightening interview... There is so much information to process and digest...

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"The hippie" and New Age movements came primarily from Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophy religion. This occult thinking was prevalent in the early 20th century, especially among the Nazis. The German-Muslim Adam Glauer wrote the book "Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons: The Islamic Teachings at the Heart of Alchemy" and started the Thule occult society which morphed into the Nazi party.

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One of the most competent "Splainers" out there today on how we got here . Some years ago when I started my re education process and got a little better grasp of what Jacob has been expanding on I came up with my augmented version of a well known saying.

"Money is the root of all evil and evil is the root of all money"

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When I found out about the New World Order in 1982 from my dad, who researched them for the government, I would have said yes. Today, there are many people in the New World Order. There's people throughout the Federal and State governments going to meetings thinking they will be part of the New World Order. I doubt all of them will be, but I don't know.

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Jacob's book The Global Coup D'etat sets out all the strategic and other organisations involved. I recommend reading it, but start by reading Appendix B The Plan first.

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Of course, I know about the New World Order, the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission ect. There are many groups, but a bunch attends the vast majority of yearly meetings.

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I know the Rockefellers followed the Fabian plan. I don't believe I need to read anything else. My dad told me so much. I followed Jim Tucker, Alex Jones, and Daniel Eustulin for a while. I know all about the Club of Rome and the 1001 Club. It was started by Major General de Guingand, a former head of Military Intelligence, and formerly headed by Harry Oppenheimer. Of course, we've known for 3 decades they were planning to poison us at the end. I never took a vaccine except once to become an RN. I needed two vaccines in 1980, and I took two. I used religion to escape from taking any other vaccines, and I quit working in 2010. I know most people have COVID-19 because it spreads. The globalist elites are putting it into the food system, so it's unlikely free will escape from this. I have detoxed with Dr. Peter McCullough’s vitamin regime. Lists of Rockefeller’s, Well's Carnegie’s, etc, attend yearly meetings worldwide. Unlike the Rockefeller’s, the Carnegies among many others no longer have loads of money.

Best of luck to everyone who doesn't have billions.

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You may believe you don't need to read anything more but sometimes authors are able to crystallise huge swathes of research into very succinct prose. If you ever feel the need to talk to others about what you recognise as the globalists plan, it sure helps to have such a book as Jacob's to hand to refer to and to recommend to the disbelieving or otherwise nonplussed. It also brings you up to date with the actors in this plan as it is playing out now and how they are manipulating and driving current events.

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I've lived with this knowledge for 42 years, and you expect more than an answer to a question. Read a book. I've read many books including Jim Tuckers Bikderberg’s, and two by Daniel Estulin. There's merely one question I want answered. I'm beginning to think that nobody I'm aware of knows.

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Ask the question here. Give people a chance to find an answer.

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I want to know who they will keep within the New World Order. Will they keep Justin Trudeau? Will they keep the actors? Will they keep a regular Joe? Or will all be enslaved, except the billionaires? That's all I want to know.

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Check out "The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution" by H.G. Wells. It is pretty much 'the agenda' as far as I can tell. Wells was a Fabian Socialist and executive member of the Fabian Society and founder of the LSE (London School of Economics) with Rockefeller.


From the AI summary:

This[the plan which he called 'the conspiracy'] is to be achieved by "drawing together a proportion of all or nearly all the functional classes in contemporary communities in order to weave the beginnings of a world community out of their selection." This will ultimately "be a world religion."


My theory is that Wells had a vision of a Utopia and Rockefeller bought into it and wanted to make it a reality. It has been a few decades since reading Mein Kampf, but for some reason it reminded me of it. Another good book is "Science, Politics and Gnosticism" by Eric Vogelein about totalitarian governments on the way to Utopia, it all matches.

For a excellent overview of Wells and the Fabians, see the article

"The Fabian Society: the masters of subversion unmasked"

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Great reading list there dave... thanks

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You have to dig deep in AI to get a truthful answer.

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They need to look into the Orsini’s they are the real family behind all this evil. The Rockefeller’s, Rotheschilds are their bitches.

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I think is naive to belive that Rockfeller phenomena and family that weall know today was created by their own doing, or organically formed. I think they were created by the same people who created gates, musk, bezos, zukenberg, jobs,...

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"The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is a pseudo-scientific claim that there have been recent, geologically rapid shifts in the axis of rotation of Earth, causing calamities such as floods and tectonic events[1] or relatively rapid climate changes."

I worked with someone who was high up exec at NASA a long time ago and once at happy hour he asked me if I thought it was strange that people have been around for 300k years in modern form but had only developed civilization in the last 5-10k years. I admitted that I'd thought of this as a kid, but not very hard and in the evil context of what would be required to completely erase any trace that we had ever existed. I really don't think he knew anything and was talking about a tv program he'd seen the night before.

Recently I've seen a few videos on the cataclysm idea that the Earth gets reset every 6k, 12k and 24k years, and studying it a little would make a lot of things fit. I read about the Atomic Priesthood Project in high school about using symbols to transmit warnings "across deep time" and the rise and fall of civilizations and languages. Probably the only other means of transmitting information into the future (even continents are worn away) would be something like encoded in DNA that is continually refreshed.

Last week I read that HG Wells believed in deep time. He was very much into the same things as the globalists, if not the author of their plans. It reminds me of his 'The Time Machine' and how the elite go underground during a cataclysm and come out to practice eugenics on the survivors. Would this be possible in reality? If it's possible, then why wouldn't it have happened?

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I am wondering about the scientific principle: “With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. “

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