I wish this had been a longer podcast so that Jeremy could have gone into more detail... so needless to say his apologies for being "long winded" were not necessary... And I would appreciate a recommendation for further reading... perhaps something concise that would approach the 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire', as the relevancy to current history in the making is astounding?

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Or you could "do your own research" and read what the actual Romans wrote?

BTW, I have yet to find an american that tries to understand the Roman empire - living in a huge global empire makes people incredibly self-centered. I mean, even the basics (why does he pronounces Ahvid instead of Ovid?).

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It's intuitively obvious to the casual observer that you understand the concept of "self-centered". Perhaps the reason you haven't found an American that tries to understand the Roman Empire is that you are unable to see past your own ego.

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Absolutely correct!

I have grown up in a poor country but I was lucky enough to be spoiled so I recognize entitlement when I see it.

That being said (I know personal attacks are the best you can do, but I am hoping...) there are plenty of good books on the Roman empire that will not waste their time talking about founding myths or imperial propaganda.

Here are something to wet your appetite: Cato the elder (famous statesman and darling of the enlightenment intellectuals) was such a hands-on guy that would sometimes gather all his "familia" (that included slaves and staff) and kill a slave with a kitchen knife to set an example for everyone else. Most other spoiled nobles would send their surplus slaves to the city executioner but this guy was a real down to earth aristo.

But of course, I know you would prefer a cartoon so I can't help there.

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I would wager that your doctor prescribes Prozac... wishing you the best.

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Hey Anthony, I respect the fact that you stole someone pic online to put it in your bio.

You know what is a nice touch? The "all around nice guy". If that doesn't scream CIA, then IDK what else you can do.

Say hi to all the other pedophiles in the Langley basement.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

he does a good job talking about the standard history of it. he doesnt really get that the empire was controlled by a number of different families with various mystery cults below them managing the masses and keeping them in line. he also doesnt understand that it never fell and a number of those families still control our world today. he also doesnt get that the mystery cults never went away but transformed.

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Damn now i have to Re-watch HBO ROME (2005)

Such a good cast of character , James Purefoy has Marc Anthony was out of this world.

Well its raining So ! i got nothing better to do hahahaha

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2 words : estrogen AGONIST 😎

DOOM : eternal = FPS GOAT

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