For people who are interested in what the gentleman was saying about Mindfulness meditation and theosophy/new age and Lucifer Trust etc, there is a wealth of information on a You Tube channel called Magical Mystery Church hosted by an American lady called Laura who is deeply concerned about the Evangelical churches and New Apostolic Reli…
For people who are interested in what the gentleman was saying about Mindfulness meditation and theosophy/new age and Lucifer Trust etc, there is a wealth of information on a You Tube channel called Magical Mystery Church hosted by an American lady called Laura who is deeply concerned about the Evangelical churches and New Apostolic Religion. She reads books chapter by chapter like an audio book with the text on the screen so you can follow it. She has read both of Constance Cumby's books for example, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and her second book A Planned Deception - and much much more. Also a whole series on Alice Bailey (following on from Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley) and her infiltration of the Christian church to bring forward a one world religion and one world government. It's an excellent channel I thoroughly recommend.
For people who are interested in what the gentleman was saying about Mindfulness meditation and theosophy/new age and Lucifer Trust etc, there is a wealth of information on a You Tube channel called Magical Mystery Church hosted by an American lady called Laura who is deeply concerned about the Evangelical churches and New Apostolic Religion. She reads books chapter by chapter like an audio book with the text on the screen so you can follow it. She has read both of Constance Cumby's books for example, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and her second book A Planned Deception - and much much more. Also a whole series on Alice Bailey (following on from Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley) and her infiltration of the Christian church to bring forward a one world religion and one world government. It's an excellent channel I thoroughly recommend.