We need to start using the term "Philanthropath," a term Margaret Anna Alice referring to wealthy psychopaths pretending to do philanthropy

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I really appreciated the emphasis on how it all creeps down to the local level. It's easy to forget so much of this is literally happening even at the municipal & small business level.

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The societal change being advanced by the unscrupulous globohomo empire will be best and most effectively accomplished by governmental usurpation of the family unit, followed by the subsequent reeducation of the children in order to cement the foundation

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Agree- The global education curriculum which is fast advancing.

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So many fronts in this war! Kate is amazing in how many fronts she has dived into, sharing her findings with her fellow Aussies to alert us. A major front in all this is the battle for our minds. Unfortunately, those of us who refuse to "go there" are probably already mind-front casualties.

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I am listening to your interview with Geopolitics & Empire. I heard you asking for the 'masterplan' - well that is Agenda 21 and its more recent update Agenda 2030.

In 2015 I wrote my interpretation of the 17 Sustainability Goals and I think it may help you to see the whole plan without having to wade through the UN flowery but propaganda documentation.


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Thank you- I will read. I’m next to wade through Agenda 21. I meant more specifically for Australia- dates for different implementation, and where specifically they want people to live.

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Just using logical inference... I would suspect it will just be the capital cities and a few of the regional centres. Melbourne-Geelong and Sydney will cop the brunt of those who get relocated. Think about the second Sydney airport under construction. Think about the C40 cities goal for a limit of 1 short haul flight per person per 2 years. Then do back of the envelope maths to figure out how many people are required to sustain two airports. It's a lot more people than Sydney has at the moment.

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They're also building a huge complex out near Penrith- https://thenightly.com.au/australia/nsw/bradfield-city-centre-to-be-built-with-10000-homes-offering-new-city-in-western-sydney-c-15936382? But I guess that will be just Sydney in years to come.

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In short, they don’t want people to live. People are in the way of the owners.


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Made it to 9 minutes, but this is doomy....in the sense of not seeming to point to any ways to resist. Ok. Doom. But if this is it, I gotta listen to some music. https://youtu.be/Bnh5lKLAOzA?si=XuGSWXMpJldku3U1

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Valid point

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my Wild Ride stared with The Davidians , Waco-Tx . 30 YRS ago.

For the longest time the legal defense against accusation of cyber crime was to have a public computer at home. You state that you let people use it , friends of the kids after school , uncle Bob and so on. It become impossible to the authority to pin anything on anyone. The ID wrecks everything. Even if you are lawful , they will pin stuff on individuals. (spoofing)

- Economic profiling , psychological profiling you can fill the blanks how they can exploit and commodify and still we would be surprise by novel ways to fuck us over.

-The A.I. will siphon any break trough or creativity.

It will literally close the doors and remove the ladder behind the oligarchs . . .

the end of innovation.

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Cognitive-Dissonance as the way of being,

Welcome to the future now,

Soylent Green?

---- Q;o)

DyingForDistractions / Hysterical-Paralysis

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The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we

call the reality-based community,' which he

defined as people who 'believe that solutions

emerge from your judicious study of discernible

reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world

really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an

empire now, and when we act, we create our own

reality. And while you're studying that

reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act

again, creating other new realities, which you can

study too, and that's how things will sort out.

We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will

be left to just study what we do'


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This is all Bill Gates, that probably explains why Gates was here meeting with Albodud recently to bolster all of the things that he is doing here in Australia. As we know he is a eugenicist, which is just another term for genocidal psychopath. Hopefully RFK can pull him up and put a stop to him interfering in our healthcare and remove him from the vaccine push through his NGO GAVI etc.

He has to be stopped, Trump needs to release the Epstein files, that may be Gates Achilles heel.

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For people who are interested in what the gentleman was saying about Mindfulness meditation and theosophy/new age and Lucifer Trust etc, there is a wealth of information on a You Tube channel called Magical Mystery Church hosted by an American lady called Laura who is deeply concerned about the Evangelical churches and New Apostolic Religion. She reads books chapter by chapter like an audio book with the text on the screen so you can follow it. She has read both of Constance Cumby's books for example, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and her second book A Planned Deception - and much much more. Also a whole series on Alice Bailey (following on from Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley) and her infiltration of the Christian church to bring forward a one world religion and one world government. It's an excellent channel I thoroughly recommend.

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