Sep 16Liked by Mathew Crawford

Have you watched the doco called something along the lines of The Second British Empire? It supports Matthew's thesis about the English control of the global financial empire especially its dominance of international finance through the City of London, the use of its separate ledger system for international finances which primarily flow through or are nominally held in British tax havens .

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Feel free to email me your best resources for study. Mathew.crawford@protonmail.com.

Thank you.

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Sep 12Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mathew, I commend you for your research and for keeping this all organized because this is just one big incestuous network. Your statement "Since Queen Victoria, if not earlier, the structure of global governance is the military occult banking syndicate", is key.

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Wow this is like seeing the Beatles and the Stones in concert together- without the whole icky tavistock business

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

meh , great closing statement tho.

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Sep 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Didn’t Xi attend college in Iowa or something like that? Hmm. That’s interesting. Brit’s did rule Hong Kong and now HK has its ‘independence.’ Very interesting.

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Sep 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

It’s not just British Royals. It’s global royals. Most are related but doesn’t matter if they are Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, British, Chinese, Saudi, etc. that I know for a fact bc I worked in Banking.

Just go to the UN and WEF websites and one can find the agenda. NWO is NOT ludicrous! It’s real and it’s in a neighborhood near you via groups like ICLEI, the International Corp for Local Environmental Initiatives. But people caught on so ICLEI rebranded and now it’s anything with sustainability, environment, etc.

Rosa Kiore spells it out in her book Behind the Green Mask.

I’m curious about China too and wonder about Taiwan.

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Sep 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Yes!!! US takes blame!!! Yes!! Personally, based on my life experience, mostly, and research, you’re nailing it!!

But don’t take me to the Casino with you! :)

I worked in Energy sector on a Joint Venture between British Energy and PECO Energy and the Brits, mostly Scots, called all the shots. This was significant because most of the US Directors and Sr. VPs were retired military: Navy Admirals, Army Generals, etc and these guys use to genuflect for Brits. It had me scratching my head. They would buy up all these Nuke Plants for the decommission fund. The net cost was basically nothing because the decommissioning fund has to follow the plant.

And after 9/11, BE and Dynegy and all these Nuke Plants made a killing!!! You should do some research on those numbers. But it’s hard tho bc a tactic they use via the SEC is to change the ticker symbol, which BE did a LOT after 9/11 and they had buybacks and then sales of new stocks, wash, rinse, repeat.

They’re so sneaky, they sold their operations of Euro power plants to…France!!!

It’s also no secret that most of the Nuke Plants are in the US and Europe and are at the end of their life cycle. So when the BE plants fail, Brits can absolve themselves by saying they outsourced operations to France!!!

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Sep 17Liked by Mathew Crawford

I have a friend (like family) who passed away and someone put on her Wikipedia she died. But Wikipedia said there’s no evidence of her death. She’s the grandchild of Taiwanese General Bai/Pai, possibly illegitimate, although I think Chinese are polygamists but call them concubines or something like that. Anyway, if one goes to LA County Probate, it’s clear she passed away and someone (most likely a family member) submitted a death certificate. I’m estranged from family bc I feel as though they abandoned her when she was no longer ‘it.’

Anyway, family scattered ashes in various significant places, so there’s that. I could not attend due to my own personal commitments. The point is, Wikipedia is not relatable, has never been reliable, and it’s a censored platform.

But, yes, someone in Royal family should have a page. They want to hide him for some reason.

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Sep 17Liked by Mathew Crawford

I read that Mayor Moscone use to go party at the Jim Jones center in SF. I think Moscone attended St. Ignatius HS in SF. It’s a Jesuit school. There seems to be one in every major city. Paul Pelosi is a graduate and so is Gavin Newsom. I wonder where Willie Brown attended school. Hmm. ‘Round and ‘round we go.

Remember Moscone was assassinated and also was pushing LGBT agenda back in the 1970’s. Hmm.

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Sep 17Liked by Mathew Crawford

I love this interview. My life experience and my research has led me to believe that the Brit’s are the tail wagging the dog. I believe the US is a lackey for Britain and the Empire still remains and the MIC is under control of Britain. What a great way to defect. It’s classic Brit: deceitful and duplicitous. The Brits love Machiavelli for that reason.

I’ve been saying this for years now.

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Sep 16Liked by Mathew Crawford

The problem of authoritarianism is that it is known to destroy genuine innovation. This will be one of China's major problems plus the huge demographic issues it has that are going to hit them really hard in another 10 to 20 years.

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Project Defuse is what you were looking for . Dr Andrew Huff , was pivotal in getting the information out in 2020. Daszak is up to his neck in CIA black funding that's why Huff blew the whistle.

1 point i want to insert there is over 20 Indian CEO of Billion+ US corp. Its been over 10 years ongoing project to bring India into the fold. India Neutrality*(20-24) is probably the reason why we are not in a full blown world war. The 5 new highend chip factory built in India will stabilize the world.

What do all those Indians have in common ? They are all NeoLibs , they don't believe in the Constitution , they understand the imperial pecking order. Its the new diversity tokenism.

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Should get Susan Billington Harper on to explain the whole Imperial history and structure , its her area of expertise. She's at Carnegie Endowment for int peace.

Her father book ; Fire in the Minds of Men is where everyone start the journey anyway.

Primary source. . . . just saying . . .

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Yes!! And almost all CIO / CTOs are from India and Pakistan, both British Commonwealths. CIO is fairly new title and all positions are filled with Indians. They make US salaries when in the US so the lower wage argument is a myth unless the resource is offshore.

Anyway, it’s another infiltration via US Corporate infrastructure but also financial terrorism and decimation against US citizens. They discriminate against US citizens on a rampant, pervasive basis.

I’m in IT and get job reqs, all from Indians!! They’re all going through 2nd and 3rd parties for not only Corporations but for our Federal, Staye, and Municipal governments. I’ve been bitching about this for 2 decades. Called xenophobic. Racist. Lol. I have an international upbringing. Most Asian culture haggle and if you don’t haggle, they think you’re stupid. Also they look to take advantage of people when it comes to business. It’s a real part of the culture in many non-Western cultures around the world. In US, and most Western cultures we have laws and rules. They don’t. They think we are gullible and stupid. And most of us are!

Sorry for diatribe.

Kamala, Vivek, Tulsi, Vance’s wife. Hmm.

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So, If Gates goes down then rather than a reason to celebrate it may just be a sign that [they] are starting to clear away those they no longer need as they step up the control & tighten their grip even more.

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Great conversation, really enjoyed it, although I’m not a fan of describing it as British Empire.

It’s older than that .

Anyway, thanks guys

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Dude, you are spot on about needing to understand this global structure. I have a theory about that based on a job I had in the 1980’s for a Bank. The Bank (a Rockefeller) managed money for ‘3% of the wealthiest in the World.’ Even with my international upbringing, I thought: US Bank, mostly US citizens will be our customers. Wrong! It was all global Royals.

When I found out about WEF, and UN Agenda 2030, and Prince Chuck giving his opening speech, it dawned on me that Prince Chuck, or King, is the face of the Royals and gives the mandate to the UN and WEF. I’m guessing the mandates are determined by RIIA and Tavistock.,but who knows.

Certainly RIIA and Tavistock disseminate.

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I'm not sure what you're saying at the end there. Can you elaborate?

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Royal Institute of International Affairs, I believe, but have no proof, give the ‘marching orders’ and work with Tavistock.

From my research, which I guess started when we went to war w Syria, RIIA then corresponds with CFR, and Tavistock via Ivy League institutions, primarily Wharton. Dynamics of Organizations is Eric Trist's program, although it was called something else when he was alive. Basically they teach MS students how to infiltrate organizations via team building and social engineering with things like Sensitivity training, etc.

UPenn is definitely a hub of some sort. Probably Swarthmore College too, which Joseph Wharton founded.

They do strategic plans 100 plus years out. They’ve been doing that since at least Cecil Rhodes.

P.S. I’m no scholar. Just a nerd who likes to read and ask questions.

Just a concerned citizen who has had some interesting life experiences and crossed paths / traveled in same circles with some of these people.

I don’t know if that answered your question.

Great interview though! Thank you!

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoAuthor

Ah, RIIA is Chatham House. While I'd seen that, it wasn't clicking, but now I'll know moving forward. Thank you.

Yes, you're asking great questions, and I appreciate your presence.

Let me know if you have links to Dynamics of Organizations. If this is what I think it is, it will come together in a big way with a lot of my other research.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Mathew Crawford

Oh yes! I think you are correct that it’s Aka Chatham House.

Thank you! Back at you! :)

I’d tell you how I know some of this but not comfortable doing so online. But…

Absolutely! Some starters:

They now call it Organizational Dynamics:


Wikipedia, makes it sound so nice but IMHO it’s about using groups (‘teams’) to mind control / social engineer to exploit them:

Sociotechnical system - Wikipedia


And, I have real suspicions about this guy. I’m in Phila. After Lahaina, I read a lot of bios including Mayor, Governor, key people in Energy sector, etc. And this guys bio reads just like the ones I read about after Lahaina. He’s not from the area and is more like an appointment (Hawaii Gov; Maui Mayor) and was Fire Commissioner. Now he’s the City’s Managing Director. At one time, when I was a Realtor, I found a UPenn Document called “The Master Plan.” Being German descent, I was alarmed. Now I realize it was probably a UN document. Although I can no longer find it and it’s probably been recycled via Policy programs at UPenn…big guess on my part.

Adam Thiel | Penn LPS


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yes, but how do you control your excited state? meditation or regular reality checking or other techniques????

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I married well, learned to meditate early (formless; broad), and write.

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she's not even from manchuria. neither is he. i'm with senator horse. `ezer kara `ezer kara doowop bebop do....

... ___ ... (sorry for my french)

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Surprise! The Manchurians who ruled during the Qing dynasty...weren't from Manchuria.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Mathew Crawford


and mongolian is north arabian rotated 270 degrees, no? maybe flipped horizontally? on an arabic map, there's no silver medal for finishing east. meritocracy is at the bottom of the map, with tzafon on the left and darom on the right? teyman is a kind of polydextrous poetry?

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