Mathew Crawford discusses his research into Covid-19 and bacteriological warfare, his discovery how some in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) don't seem to be fighting for freedom, and how this led him to discover links between alternative media, fake opposition, the occult, and military-intelligence. He looks into theosophy, Nazism, Scientology, Falun Gong, 1960s counter-culture, MK-ULTRA, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the plans for a New World Order.
It seems a lot of people who have tried to be part of the alternative narrative are suffering from burnout, as you both, yourselves, have expressed. In general, in my opinion, those who have achieved success and are not experiencing this problem of exhaustion are a part of the controlled opposition, and are given resources, support, and a path to success behind the scenes. Of course they are also de-platformed, to make it look real. Those who don't sell out to either side are ostracized by both sides, not for show, but in a way that can really hurt. It can be frustrating if you don't understand, at first, the reason for not being accepted as part of the "in" crowd, particularly if your work is done with integrity.
The sad truth is that most people will not pay to hear the truth. In order to develop a following, one has to either jump in with the MSM narrative, or be part of an alternative narrative that has popular appeal. The narratives with popular appeal are being directed by an invisible hand, because these narratives also have an ulterior motive. That ulterior motive is either to deceive, or to get truth-tellers so tangled up in trivia that they become useless. The best example of a narrative with popular appeal and an ulterior motive is the "We the People" story line - the illusion that people have power and, even now, after being snookered by the power elite for decades, will somehow rise up to prevail. No, the people, as a mass, will always be deceived. So how can one even attempt to expose the truth to those who crave deception? It is like trying to work against gravity, only it takes more energy. Climbing uphill constantly always results in fatigue. We're not in a good place right now. You both understand that, but not many are going to pay to hear that message.
I have found, personally, that if one wants to understand the truth, it almost has to be a private study, or one that is shared with no expectation of profit. Trying to produce material for others takes time away from gaining understanding for oneself, because you have to speak to a different level of comprehension (that's the getting tangled up in trivia part). For example, for someone who is informed, recognizing that viruses are real is a no-brainer that takes virtually no time at all. Compare that to the inordinate amount of time wasted to refute, for the benefit of others, the uninformed or paid-to-deceive voices out there who get behind the absurd no-virus narrative. Is it better to spend one's time refuting absurd claims or to spend that time on more interesting and enlightening topics? Ignore the narratives of chaos agents, and you have much more time for legitimate research. This is not a court of law where opponents must be answered. No, here, they can simply be ignored. Chaos agents can be dismissed in a one-sentence, summary fashion. That's all it really takes.
After all the work that must be done by those who produce podcasts and posts, it seems the comments, for the most part, read like gibberish both in substance and in form - unless you are fortunate enough to have an intelligent, literate following or at least readers who care enough to learn with some degree of humility. Instead, most readers use the comments section to express ill-informed opinions written in a hit-and-run style. That is not communication, and that does not establish bonds of friendship between human beings. Is reading those comments a productive use of one's time? I have seen greater success with private forums, where people with a common interest get together and share their thoughts, where the material is never put out on the internet for the general public to read. But one has to be selective in choosing participants. Being a paid subscriber is not a good filter, as far as I can tell, because it seems more people can pay than can think clearly.
One can approach understanding using a bottom-up or a top-down approach. With a bottom-up approach, you take someone who has said something and trace their connections to find linkages, and keep working up the ladder. With a top-down approach, you discipline yourself to understand power dynamics at the highest levels and then, if you want, you can trace lines of power back downstream. I would argue that the top-down approach is more rewarding, because the individual players don't matter in the end, and following them only leads to confusion in trying to determine where things are headed. If you understand the power dynamics, you already know where things are headed.
For me, the power dynamics are spelled out clearly in the Bible. If a person has not studied the Bible, I would recommend it as the best possible source for geopolitical analysis. If one already studies the Bible, it becomes clear that many so-called experts are merely taking their best guess about where things are going. I give them great credit, because many of them have excellent insights. But they still don't understand the overall trajectory of world events. Also, who needs the guesses of others, if we have already been given the answers? In order to take the Bible seriously, though, you pretty much have to recognize that everything we read and hear that's put out for the public is a distortion. The same players who distort current events and their interpretation have distorted everything about the Bible and made those who study it look like fools. So, as with the current events narrative, both the mainstream and alternative voices incorporate fundamental errors. Is it not possible that this is also part of a controlled narrative with respect to Christianity?
It is interesting that many of the most insightful commentators, who in the past would have limited themselves to a secular analysis, have recognized that something is going on at a spiritual level - they just don't know what, and are at risk for falling into the popular "spirituality" arguments that tells us we have a spark of the divine in us and should pursue enlightenment. That is a lie. The Bible stands as an unassailable document unique in all of human history. And I say unassailable because anyone who takes the time to analyze it historically, archaeologically and scientifically (it does not teach a six-day creation), will come to the conclusion that it is a revelation from God and that its teachings have been the subject of the most fraudulent academic assault for centuries.
For anyone claiming to already be a Christian, there is only one way to decide what to do with one's life:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body
and refreshment to your bones.
(Proverbs 2:5-8)
God figures out our life's path. We don't. As you know, I am unbending in distancing myself from those who subvert the faith. That doesn't mean everyone who isn't a Christian, it means those who openly mock the Son of God and those who attempt to undermine the gospel by pretending to be a friend of Christianity while distorting the truth. The Bible reserves the harshest language for people like this: "As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed." (Galatians 1:9). We are not instructed to take a warm fluffy approach toward those who stand against the truth. We are to be holy, which means to be separate, untouched by the things of the world, not entangled with them.
In my opinion, as Christians, if we express opinions about the larger questions of life, we have a responsibility to do it in the context of defending the gospel - otherwise we are effectively denying the truth. Even the law recognizes that false statements and material omissions both fall under the definition of fraud. We will be ostracized and mocked, and we certainly won't have a following of neo-Gnostics and pagans who agree with our guests. We won't even have a following of others who call themselves Christians because most of them have been deceived in more ways that I can count. We stick our necks out anyway, in faith, being willing to jump off a cliff with our careers, for the privilege of acknowledging our Lord in everything we do. And why not stick our necks out for the truth (or if we don't know the truth, then why not commit ourselves to finding the truth)? We have so little time left, it is hard to argue, at this point, that anything else can possibly matter.
It is a recognition that our relationship with God needs to be a part of our every-day communications, not hidden out of embarrassment. It was written by a medical professional who is prominent in the alternative media narrative, and has paid a price for it, both physically and, I'm sure, emotionally.
Great comment. I am more optimistic people’s desire and interest in finding the truth. I, only recently awakened out of the zombie populace and started following Mathew on the DMED articles he was publishing. Although the deception and controlled opposition is strong, I think exposure to sources like Rounding the Earth and Geopolitics and Empire are making a difference. They have a different sound and feel than controlled opposition, and I’m hopeful that this can have a major impact on general awareness. I did for me, at least. Thank you Mathew, if you are reading the comments!
Having been cancelled since 2012/2013 I agree with your opening paragraphs.
I also agree that this is a battle of spirituality (not religion) be peace, be joy, be love, connect with nature, connect with the Oneness however feels right to you.
The Bible has been misinterpreted by the religions. How to interpret is a varied question which Israel Anderson and William Donahue have interesting views.
As a Christian I'd have to say Israel Anderson (don't know William Donahue) is completely wrong, heretical, and dangerous! I am also an opponent of Oneness...that is again a new age esoteric doctrine...the God of the Bible is dualist as in creator separate from creation (Dr. Peter Jones of explains this better)
I concord with the oneness, as man is made at It’s image. So God is not a community upthere with angels, a bearded blond guy listening to prayers… that’s magical thinking. In Isaie 45/15 it says YOU are a hidden God. In the mean time subjacently, « you are your own hell »…
The good question is, Are you Inmaculated Conceptor that gave birth to the Logos made Flesh, Son of Man… from there on you hear the Principle of all principles, the Universe, the perpetual big bang…
btw, I realy loved that talk with M Crawford going that deep in recent history, I knew A Crowley, ignoring whole new age stuff implication, which I despise since it surfaced….
Jennifer, yes, religion uses the Bible for profit and power. That is why we have the text - so we can read it for ourselves. I don't know who Donahue is, but don't be fooled by Anderson. For anyone who has studied the Bible, the errors of Anderson are obvious. Study the Bible for yourself without relying on others to interpret it for you. Don't place your eternal fate in the hands of some misguided men or institutions.
The Bible is clear about obtaining eternal life:
1. John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us."
3. Matthew 5:29 (obviously speaking metaphorically): "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."
4. Matthew 10:28: "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
6. Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
5. Isaiah 53:5: "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed."
7. 1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
2. John 8:24: "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.
8. Acts 4:12: "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
9. Romans 5:5: "And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
10. Isaiah 51:12-13: "I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies and of the son of man who is made like grass, that you have forgotten YHWH your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth, that you fear continually all day long because of the fury of the oppressor as he makes ready to destroy? But where is the fury of the oppressor?"
We examine our conscience, and if we are honest, we will be forced to admit that we have done wrong. That is called sin because the wrong that we do, no matter how small, is an offense to a holy God. We cannot erase our sins. If we die in our sin, we will stand before God, and we will be condemned and that condemnation is eternal. The description we are given is that our condemnation takes the form of the destruction of our body and soul in hell. Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross to pay for our sins. This was prophesied in the Old Testament, and fulfilled as described in the New Testament - it has been God's plan all along. If we follow Jesus Christ in obedience and persevere in our faith, we will obtain eternal life. We will understand God's love for us, because it will be poured out in our hearts. And then, the world cannot touch us. It is blasphemous to equate YHWH, who sent His Son to die for us, with Satan.
So the first part sounds viable, although of course those of us who are in this group, not paid by State or alternate State, read it wth a cynical eye. And then you go off against those who have stopped believing in viruses. It’s almost as if you are the person you describe in the first few paragraphs.
What’s up, are you trying to reconfigure Jesus as a Corona virus?
Richard, I try to answer anyone who makes a comment on what I have written, but I don't know what you are trying to say, or why. I don't care what you think about viruses. I care about faith in Jesus Christ, and I hope others will find faith before it is too late. I cannot see the point of your last sentence unless it is gratuitous hostility with respect to the Person who means more to me than life itself. So why do you do this?
My main point was who gave you the arrogance to assume that you could rule out the no virus argument when there are no pathogeic viruses (none have ever been found)
Re the ‘freedom movement’, it does indeed seem people are being corralled and controlled.
Meanwhile independent people strive for accountability.
I’m questioning how the Prep Act impacts on vaccinators obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination/‘countermeasures’, i.e. my query to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra:
Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?
When COVID was first mentioned I went to the US Patent office site to see if it was Patented, and found Bill Gates was one of the Patent holders. That alone told me most of the story.
I do admire much of the work I see you have done as it is obvious to me that I share the same views.
"theosophical society were the creators of the concept of Aryan master race". Really? The theosophical society was created in 1875. French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau published his best known work in 1853. His book is considered a foundational work of modern racism. In it, he even divides Europeans into "aryens", who are deemed superior, and the rest, who are deemed fit only to serve the aryans. Gobineau popularized the aryan master race concept 1 generation before Blavatsky etc got active.
Yeah, that camp has lied about me a few times, and has no evidence (and never will since it's not true) that I'm part of any sort of network. The only reason I talked about my family was to warn people about the programs of control.
But since you're here, here are some lies being told:
* I didn't talk about opium deaths. Actually, I've written about them for a full decade, and talked about it on my podcast and also in emails with other statisticians (I have receipts). Mark K who is saying this never brought it up with me or I would have been glad to talk with him about that.
* I wasn't planning on going to the CHD conference where I wound up eating lunch with the Malones. JJ Couey encouraged me to go. There weren't tickets left and I had to email with Meryl and JJ just to see if they could get me and my wife in. JJ was encouraging me to get close to Malone and invite him on my podcast.
This is all nuts--dishonest and unethical. You're letting your reality be framed without any actual facts.
ISOLATE A VIRUS without your wife’s magical PCR gizmo and THEN we’ll talk about “facts.”
And why have you and the Croatian gentleman never spoken about the connections between PCR inventor, #KaryMullis (sp?), and the BS master running through so much mind control: #GavinDeBecker ???
What on Earth are you talking about? My wife's what?
If there is something we should know about Gavin Debecker, why not just tell us? I have never met him and only know a couple of things about him. Is not knowing something about him a crime?
I invited you to send information to me that you feel is important. What is your game here?
HRVOJE & MATHEW — When is someone going to get to the heart of this #Theosophy + #EvilEmpire + #NavyIntel heartland in #ColumbiaCountyNY ??? We have #AbbyRockefeller and the Steiner #HawthorneValley and The E.F. Schumacher #CenterForANewEconomics and more as completely overlapping entities running BIG psyops here in The Hudson Valley.
Now I have pointed you to the target; let’s see if you ever get there in your discussions.
The comments here, and in so many other places, make my point: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6). The verse continues on, but I am not going to quote it here, because it reads as an indictment, and that is not my intent.
People think they have escaped the deception of the MSM and, within alternative media itself, the deception of the chaos agents, the controlled opposition - whatever you want to call it. But they haven't begun to understand the most important truth, and they aren't prepared for the much greater deceptions to come (Matthew 24:24). With the ultimate deception (2 Thes. 2:11), there will be no opportunity to figure things out after the fact (just as discovery about the vaccines comes too late for those who have been killed by them). These people who are now "waking up" are holding on to nothing more than false confidence in their own judgment (which failed them the first time around when the most obvious deceptions were taking place) and are living examples of what Hosea describes - lack of knowledge, only this time in the midst of a perceived awakening. (Again, this is not an indictment, this is a tragedy.)
Who would even bother to discuss whether or not we are headed for difficult times? We have been told. There is no question that things are going to get bad. Peace will be taken from the earth. There will be war, famine, disease, and killing for its own sake by those who wield power. We also know the saints, in this world, will be overcome - we have been told in advance. Christians will be martyred, and those who are not will be subjected to an iron-fisted system of enslavement such as the world has never seen. There is nothing to be discovered about this, either - nothing to wonder about whether it will happen or not. We can follow the news to understand the details, and there is value in that. We can pray for delay, but in all honesty, the only thing I see is acceleration beyond my own expectations. The question is not will it happen, but how is the prophecy being fulfilled and what must we do to prepare? We are to watch, not to wonder about what we already know, and not to speculate, vacuously, that somehow things will work out.
For those who are trying to figure out what is going on, trying to wrap their heads around current events, the false narratives are not the problem - this is: "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." John 8:24. We find eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. We read Mark 8:36: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"
There MUST be LIFE after therapy or else there’s NO point or purpose for it. Only through confronting the challenges of Lived Experience with the convictions and beliefs revealed through therapy, will We know Integrity of Being and the power of compassionate mercy in Humanity~ for the Good Will of All or for the Sacrifice of All to the personal profit of a Criminally Depraved, sadistic few.
Hrvoje and Matthew,
It seems a lot of people who have tried to be part of the alternative narrative are suffering from burnout, as you both, yourselves, have expressed. In general, in my opinion, those who have achieved success and are not experiencing this problem of exhaustion are a part of the controlled opposition, and are given resources, support, and a path to success behind the scenes. Of course they are also de-platformed, to make it look real. Those who don't sell out to either side are ostracized by both sides, not for show, but in a way that can really hurt. It can be frustrating if you don't understand, at first, the reason for not being accepted as part of the "in" crowd, particularly if your work is done with integrity.
The sad truth is that most people will not pay to hear the truth. In order to develop a following, one has to either jump in with the MSM narrative, or be part of an alternative narrative that has popular appeal. The narratives with popular appeal are being directed by an invisible hand, because these narratives also have an ulterior motive. That ulterior motive is either to deceive, or to get truth-tellers so tangled up in trivia that they become useless. The best example of a narrative with popular appeal and an ulterior motive is the "We the People" story line - the illusion that people have power and, even now, after being snookered by the power elite for decades, will somehow rise up to prevail. No, the people, as a mass, will always be deceived. So how can one even attempt to expose the truth to those who crave deception? It is like trying to work against gravity, only it takes more energy. Climbing uphill constantly always results in fatigue. We're not in a good place right now. You both understand that, but not many are going to pay to hear that message.
I have found, personally, that if one wants to understand the truth, it almost has to be a private study, or one that is shared with no expectation of profit. Trying to produce material for others takes time away from gaining understanding for oneself, because you have to speak to a different level of comprehension (that's the getting tangled up in trivia part). For example, for someone who is informed, recognizing that viruses are real is a no-brainer that takes virtually no time at all. Compare that to the inordinate amount of time wasted to refute, for the benefit of others, the uninformed or paid-to-deceive voices out there who get behind the absurd no-virus narrative. Is it better to spend one's time refuting absurd claims or to spend that time on more interesting and enlightening topics? Ignore the narratives of chaos agents, and you have much more time for legitimate research. This is not a court of law where opponents must be answered. No, here, they can simply be ignored. Chaos agents can be dismissed in a one-sentence, summary fashion. That's all it really takes.
After all the work that must be done by those who produce podcasts and posts, it seems the comments, for the most part, read like gibberish both in substance and in form - unless you are fortunate enough to have an intelligent, literate following or at least readers who care enough to learn with some degree of humility. Instead, most readers use the comments section to express ill-informed opinions written in a hit-and-run style. That is not communication, and that does not establish bonds of friendship between human beings. Is reading those comments a productive use of one's time? I have seen greater success with private forums, where people with a common interest get together and share their thoughts, where the material is never put out on the internet for the general public to read. But one has to be selective in choosing participants. Being a paid subscriber is not a good filter, as far as I can tell, because it seems more people can pay than can think clearly.
One can approach understanding using a bottom-up or a top-down approach. With a bottom-up approach, you take someone who has said something and trace their connections to find linkages, and keep working up the ladder. With a top-down approach, you discipline yourself to understand power dynamics at the highest levels and then, if you want, you can trace lines of power back downstream. I would argue that the top-down approach is more rewarding, because the individual players don't matter in the end, and following them only leads to confusion in trying to determine where things are headed. If you understand the power dynamics, you already know where things are headed.
For me, the power dynamics are spelled out clearly in the Bible. If a person has not studied the Bible, I would recommend it as the best possible source for geopolitical analysis. If one already studies the Bible, it becomes clear that many so-called experts are merely taking their best guess about where things are going. I give them great credit, because many of them have excellent insights. But they still don't understand the overall trajectory of world events. Also, who needs the guesses of others, if we have already been given the answers? In order to take the Bible seriously, though, you pretty much have to recognize that everything we read and hear that's put out for the public is a distortion. The same players who distort current events and their interpretation have distorted everything about the Bible and made those who study it look like fools. So, as with the current events narrative, both the mainstream and alternative voices incorporate fundamental errors. Is it not possible that this is also part of a controlled narrative with respect to Christianity?
It is interesting that many of the most insightful commentators, who in the past would have limited themselves to a secular analysis, have recognized that something is going on at a spiritual level - they just don't know what, and are at risk for falling into the popular "spirituality" arguments that tells us we have a spark of the divine in us and should pursue enlightenment. That is a lie. The Bible stands as an unassailable document unique in all of human history. And I say unassailable because anyone who takes the time to analyze it historically, archaeologically and scientifically (it does not teach a six-day creation), will come to the conclusion that it is a revelation from God and that its teachings have been the subject of the most fraudulent academic assault for centuries.
For anyone claiming to already be a Christian, there is only one way to decide what to do with one's life:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body
and refreshment to your bones.
(Proverbs 2:5-8)
God figures out our life's path. We don't. As you know, I am unbending in distancing myself from those who subvert the faith. That doesn't mean everyone who isn't a Christian, it means those who openly mock the Son of God and those who attempt to undermine the gospel by pretending to be a friend of Christianity while distorting the truth. The Bible reserves the harshest language for people like this: "As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed." (Galatians 1:9). We are not instructed to take a warm fluffy approach toward those who stand against the truth. We are to be holy, which means to be separate, untouched by the things of the world, not entangled with them.
In my opinion, as Christians, if we express opinions about the larger questions of life, we have a responsibility to do it in the context of defending the gospel - otherwise we are effectively denying the truth. Even the law recognizes that false statements and material omissions both fall under the definition of fraud. We will be ostracized and mocked, and we certainly won't have a following of neo-Gnostics and pagans who agree with our guests. We won't even have a following of others who call themselves Christians because most of them have been deceived in more ways that I can count. We stick our necks out anyway, in faith, being willing to jump off a cliff with our careers, for the privilege of acknowledging our Lord in everything we do. And why not stick our necks out for the truth (or if we don't know the truth, then why not commit ourselves to finding the truth)? We have so little time left, it is hard to argue, at this point, that anything else can possibly matter.
After I posted this note, I found this item in my in box:
It is a recognition that our relationship with God needs to be a part of our every-day communications, not hidden out of embarrassment. It was written by a medical professional who is prominent in the alternative media narrative, and has paid a price for it, both physically and, I'm sure, emotionally.
It is only the case that it's hard to make a living documenting the truth because of the MOBS GANG Matrix.
What a fantastic interview, Mathew and Hrvoje! So good to see both of you together 🙏🏻
Great comment. I am more optimistic people’s desire and interest in finding the truth. I, only recently awakened out of the zombie populace and started following Mathew on the DMED articles he was publishing. Although the deception and controlled opposition is strong, I think exposure to sources like Rounding the Earth and Geopolitics and Empire are making a difference. They have a different sound and feel than controlled opposition, and I’m hopeful that this can have a major impact on general awareness. I did for me, at least. Thank you Mathew, if you are reading the comments!
Having been cancelled since 2012/2013 I agree with your opening paragraphs.
I also agree that this is a battle of spirituality (not religion) be peace, be joy, be love, connect with nature, connect with the Oneness however feels right to you.
The Bible has been misinterpreted by the religions. How to interpret is a varied question which Israel Anderson and William Donahue have interesting views.
As a Christian I'd have to say Israel Anderson (don't know William Donahue) is completely wrong, heretical, and dangerous! I am also an opponent of Oneness...that is again a new age esoteric doctrine...the God of the Bible is dualist as in creator separate from creation (Dr. Peter Jones of explains this better)
Thanks for your response.
I concord with the oneness, as man is made at It’s image. So God is not a community upthere with angels, a bearded blond guy listening to prayers… that’s magical thinking. In Isaie 45/15 it says YOU are a hidden God. In the mean time subjacently, « you are your own hell »…
The good question is, Are you Inmaculated Conceptor that gave birth to the Logos made Flesh, Son of Man… from there on you hear the Principle of all principles, the Universe, the perpetual big bang…
We will have to agree to disagree.
you are free to, that’s the beauty of it.
btw, I realy loved that talk with M Crawford going that deep in recent history, I knew A Crowley, ignoring whole new age stuff implication, which I despise since it surfaced….
many thanks.
Jennifer, yes, religion uses the Bible for profit and power. That is why we have the text - so we can read it for ourselves. I don't know who Donahue is, but don't be fooled by Anderson. For anyone who has studied the Bible, the errors of Anderson are obvious. Study the Bible for yourself without relying on others to interpret it for you. Don't place your eternal fate in the hands of some misguided men or institutions.
The Bible is clear about obtaining eternal life:
1. John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us."
3. Matthew 5:29 (obviously speaking metaphorically): "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."
4. Matthew 10:28: "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
6. Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
5. Isaiah 53:5: "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed."
7. 1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
2. John 8:24: "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.
8. Acts 4:12: "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
9. Romans 5:5: "And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
10. Isaiah 51:12-13: "I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies and of the son of man who is made like grass, that you have forgotten YHWH your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth, that you fear continually all day long because of the fury of the oppressor as he makes ready to destroy? But where is the fury of the oppressor?"
We examine our conscience, and if we are honest, we will be forced to admit that we have done wrong. That is called sin because the wrong that we do, no matter how small, is an offense to a holy God. We cannot erase our sins. If we die in our sin, we will stand before God, and we will be condemned and that condemnation is eternal. The description we are given is that our condemnation takes the form of the destruction of our body and soul in hell. Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross to pay for our sins. This was prophesied in the Old Testament, and fulfilled as described in the New Testament - it has been God's plan all along. If we follow Jesus Christ in obedience and persevere in our faith, we will obtain eternal life. We will understand God's love for us, because it will be poured out in our hearts. And then, the world cannot touch us. It is blasphemous to equate YHWH, who sent His Son to die for us, with Satan.
So the first part sounds viable, although of course those of us who are in this group, not paid by State or alternate State, read it wth a cynical eye. And then you go off against those who have stopped believing in viruses. It’s almost as if you are the person you describe in the first few paragraphs.
What’s up, are you trying to reconfigure Jesus as a Corona virus?
Richard, I try to answer anyone who makes a comment on what I have written, but I don't know what you are trying to say, or why. I don't care what you think about viruses. I care about faith in Jesus Christ, and I hope others will find faith before it is too late. I cannot see the point of your last sentence unless it is gratuitous hostility with respect to the Person who means more to me than life itself. So why do you do this?
That’s a strawman argument J.P.
My main point was who gave you the arrogance to assume that you could rule out the no virus argument when there are no pathogeic viruses (none have ever been found)
Thank you both Hvorje and Mathew. A well researched, enlightening discussion podcast, eye 👁 opening.
Definitely worthy of wider broadcast...
Elitist agenda at play 🤑🤑 to coerce and control ...
Thanks guys.
Thank you for this discussion.
Re the ‘freedom movement’, it does indeed seem people are being corralled and controlled.
Meanwhile independent people strive for accountability.
I’m questioning how the Prep Act impacts on vaccinators obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination/‘countermeasures’, i.e. my query to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra:
Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?
Also see: The U.S. Prep Act and “willful misconduct” Is there immunity from liability for the destruction of voluntary informed consent?
Keen to hear your thoughts about Robert Sepher gents. He does talk A LOT about the "Aryans".
I have just started taking notes on Sehper after seeing him promoted to the number one spot on the MAHA education board. Because WTF?
What can you tell me about him?
"seeing him promoted to the number one spot on the MAHA education board."
Wait? WHAT?
As soon as you started talking as if ‘the virus’ was other than the 100% fiction it is / was I stopped listening.
Anyone pushing the ‘pandemic’ contagion viruses variants gain of function at this stage can not be trusted.
So many clear presentations now. It is not feasible to be unaware there was no Pandemic at this stage.
We are asked to believe this commentator is genuinely unaware of the propaganda operation?
I don’t buy it.
"I am right. I don't need to explain why. Anyone who disagrees is a bad actor."
I bet you'll be promoted to leader of the Rebel Alliance any moment now.
5 and half hours detailed breakdown of all 7 stages of so called ‘virus isolation’ Including a full dissection of the Fan Wu paper
Part 1
Part 2 in
Part 3
I call your bluff mr pseudoscience guy.
. £3000 to you or a charity or person of your choice for a single piece of evidence any infectious biological pathogen has ever existed
Stop your Ad Hominem or admit that it is all you’ve got.
"Prove this thing that isn't your view."
Sorry. Momentarily discombobulated
The science is never settled!
When COVID was first mentioned I went to the US Patent office site to see if it was Patented, and found Bill Gates was one of the Patent holders. That alone told me most of the story.
I do admire much of the work I see you have done as it is obvious to me that I share the same views.
"theosophical society were the creators of the concept of Aryan master race". Really? The theosophical society was created in 1875. French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau published his best known work in 1853. His book is considered a foundational work of modern racism. In it, he even divides Europeans into "aryens", who are deemed superior, and the rest, who are deemed fit only to serve the aryans. Gobineau popularized the aryan master race concept 1 generation before Blavatsky etc got active.
Funny how some go endlessly about the Jews. Not even mentioned.
Write an article. If you have a perspective you believe is under-attended...attend to it.
OH — and the “No Virus camp” get quickly dismissed as in Mathew’s own “Hegelian Dialectic,” partisan paint job!
WELL — Mathew DOES confess that “his brothers” were raised as “assets” for psychological operations…
I’m thinkin’ “THEY” didn’t stop with the brothers.
Thank you both for your time, but you’re both frauds.
Yeah, that camp has lied about me a few times, and has no evidence (and never will since it's not true) that I'm part of any sort of network. The only reason I talked about my family was to warn people about the programs of control.
But since you're here, here are some lies being told:
* I didn't talk about opium deaths. Actually, I've written about them for a full decade, and talked about it on my podcast and also in emails with other statisticians (I have receipts). Mark K who is saying this never brought it up with me or I would have been glad to talk with him about that.
* I wasn't planning on going to the CHD conference where I wound up eating lunch with the Malones. JJ Couey encouraged me to go. There weren't tickets left and I had to email with Meryl and JJ just to see if they could get me and my wife in. JJ was encouraging me to get close to Malone and invite him on my podcast.
This is all nuts--dishonest and unethical. You're letting your reality be framed without any actual facts.
ISOLATE A VIRUS without your wife’s magical PCR gizmo and THEN we’ll talk about “facts.”
And why have you and the Croatian gentleman never spoken about the connections between PCR inventor, #KaryMullis (sp?), and the BS master running through so much mind control: #GavinDeBecker ???
What on Earth are you talking about? My wife's what?
If there is something we should know about Gavin Debecker, why not just tell us? I have never met him and only know a couple of things about him. Is not knowing something about him a crime?
I invited you to send information to me that you feel is important. What is your game here?
HRVOJE & MATHEW — When is someone going to get to the heart of this #Theosophy + #EvilEmpire + #NavyIntel heartland in #ColumbiaCountyNY ??? We have #AbbyRockefeller and the Steiner #HawthorneValley and The E.F. Schumacher #CenterForANewEconomics and more as completely overlapping entities running BIG psyops here in The Hudson Valley.
Now I have pointed you to the target; let’s see if you ever get there in your discussions.
Feel free to message me.
Feel free to email me the summary. That's not my neck of the woods.
The comments here, and in so many other places, make my point: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6). The verse continues on, but I am not going to quote it here, because it reads as an indictment, and that is not my intent.
People think they have escaped the deception of the MSM and, within alternative media itself, the deception of the chaos agents, the controlled opposition - whatever you want to call it. But they haven't begun to understand the most important truth, and they aren't prepared for the much greater deceptions to come (Matthew 24:24). With the ultimate deception (2 Thes. 2:11), there will be no opportunity to figure things out after the fact (just as discovery about the vaccines comes too late for those who have been killed by them). These people who are now "waking up" are holding on to nothing more than false confidence in their own judgment (which failed them the first time around when the most obvious deceptions were taking place) and are living examples of what Hosea describes - lack of knowledge, only this time in the midst of a perceived awakening. (Again, this is not an indictment, this is a tragedy.)
Who would even bother to discuss whether or not we are headed for difficult times? We have been told. There is no question that things are going to get bad. Peace will be taken from the earth. There will be war, famine, disease, and killing for its own sake by those who wield power. We also know the saints, in this world, will be overcome - we have been told in advance. Christians will be martyred, and those who are not will be subjected to an iron-fisted system of enslavement such as the world has never seen. There is nothing to be discovered about this, either - nothing to wonder about whether it will happen or not. We can follow the news to understand the details, and there is value in that. We can pray for delay, but in all honesty, the only thing I see is acceleration beyond my own expectations. The question is not will it happen, but how is the prophecy being fulfilled and what must we do to prepare? We are to watch, not to wonder about what we already know, and not to speculate, vacuously, that somehow things will work out.
For those who are trying to figure out what is going on, trying to wrap their heads around current events, the false narratives are not the problem - this is: "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." John 8:24. We find eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. We read Mark 8:36: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"
And nobody said, "Amen."
Fake Opposition:
Hitler was a Sabbatean Frankist.
Bankers -who were mainly Jewish- brought him to power.
Hitler and many high ranking Nazis were also obsessed with Theosophy.
There MUST be LIFE after therapy or else there’s NO point or purpose for it. Only through confronting the challenges of Lived Experience with the convictions and beliefs revealed through therapy, will We know Integrity of Being and the power of compassionate mercy in Humanity~ for the Good Will of All or for the Sacrifice of All to the personal profit of a Criminally Depraved, sadistic few.
But how to organize the taking of notes on these things? Your Occult Ecology Webs are fascinating.
Have you covered their development in any posts? Teach pleases 🙏🏽
Power Lines FOR Gas❓ Natural Gas is run thru pipelines. Pipelines get notoriously neglected b/c RESPONSIBLE, RESPONSIVE MAINTENANCE CUTS INTO PROFITS.