Mikkel Thorup of Expat Money discusses the work he does in helping people expatriate to greener pastures and why even with Trump back in power people continue to double down on Plan B and second passports and residencies.
Not every family can afford the privilege of home schooling. Public schools are essential, but need continual improvement. It is not the fact they are "state run" that is the problem, but that people in general are not all that knowledgeable about wise pedagogy and learning principles, and importance of student autonomy and mastery free from rigid standardization. It was thanks largely to publicly funded research that we learned about dyslexia.
Does Mikkel have any low-net-worth private clients? When you serve only high-net-worth people you are part of the problem. Please do not send them to my country.
Even though I am trying to relocate within the US, this was a great convo to hear. I have double the respect for Mr. Thorrup, would that every business owner was as conscientious. best and thank you for including me in your latest updates, Hrvoje, apperciated.
Not every family can afford the privilege of home schooling. Public schools are essential, but need continual improvement. It is not the fact they are "state run" that is the problem, but that people in general are not all that knowledgeable about wise pedagogy and learning principles, and importance of student autonomy and mastery free from rigid standardization. It was thanks largely to publicly funded research that we learned about dyslexia.
Does Mikkel have any low-net-worth private clients? When you serve only high-net-worth people you are part of the problem. Please do not send them to my country.
Even though I am trying to relocate within the US, this was a great convo to hear. I have double the respect for Mr. Thorrup, would that every business owner was as conscientious. best and thank you for including me in your latest updates, Hrvoje, apperciated.