Author Richard Poe discusses his book on the British plot for world domination, how communism was created, the role of the Jews and the occult, how British agents were used to foment the Bolshevik revolution and disintegrate rivals such as the Russian Empire, the French Revolution as the first Color Revolution which elites use to destroy nations, how the Young England movement from two centuries ago that called for a return to feudalism sounds just like today's Great Reset project, conspiracy literature, and more!
Come on, I mean are we really going to believe a Jewish author who’s trying to scapegoat Europeans for the horrific crimes of the most jewish ideology ever invented?
How many suckers read Mr. Poe’s book on how Africans civilized ancient Europe, anyone?
The Rothschilds started as Court Jews for the Elector of Hesse Cassells who sent his Hessians to put down the American Revolution for his relative King George. After helping the Brits defeat Napoleon and saving the Elector's fortune they were promoted to a high seat at the Bank of England.
1. They didn't start there. They "started" as far as we know when Isaak built the house in 1567 and hung the red shield above the door - although I'm guessing their own records go back further, and quite possibly much further.
2. Mayer Amschel was indeed a court factor to the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel - gaining that role in 1769. However Hesse Kassel was not elevated to an elector until much later in 1803, by which time Nathan Rothschild was already in England.
3. The Rothschilds fomented the French revolution via the Illuminati who they funded from inception through Weishaupt. Thus they effectively created Napoleon (who was a freemason of course) and financed all sides of the Napoleonic wars (the old divide and conquer tactic in play - the Jews claim this tactic as their own today - cf Menachem Mendel Schneerson) although it is of course an age old tactic.
4. But yes - after Napoleon's defeat with all of Europe in ruins and ancient fortunes dissipated and lost, the Rothschilds stood atop the most enormous hoard of ill-gotten gains the world has ever known.
There are other narratives. Consider for starters that Bankers use “other people’s money” for starters. Little doubt that the Rothschilds started as minor money changers, but got on the Landgraves side by presenting rare coins to him. You reject, I know that they were always serving the rich and powerful.
I rather thought communism's roots went back further than the French revolution.
Adam Weishaupt codified a system which he termed Illuminism which I understand is to all intents and purposes the same as communism and the model upon which Marx based his works. I have not been able to confirm this directly myself as Weishaupt's work is not published in English. It's also worth noting that the links between the Illuminati, the lodges and the Jacobins are well documented (although contested of course as one would expect) - so it is scarcely surprising that Weishaupt's system was implemented (or attempted at least) following the French revolution - but I think it is incorrect to attribue its origin to those men.
It has also been suggested that Moses Hess acted as the bridge between Weishaupt's legacy and Marx, and that Rothschild money funded both Weishaupt and Marx (who was of course Rothschild's cousin).
It has further been suggested that even Weishaupt did not invent communism but rather drew his inspiration from the Jesuits who instituted a system which was essentially communism as a way of enslaving the natives in Paraguay in (I think) the seventeenth century.
My own interpretation of this is that communism was a Jewish, or perhaps Rothschild is a better word than Jewish here, invention. And that Jewish bankers are bound up with the British empire to such an extent that it is hard to say whether or not the British empire itself is/was a Jewish project. In other words were Jewish bankers manipulating British imperialists all along? And was the British empire always and only a tool to serve their goals rather than vice versa?
I always think that Rothschild must have laughed his head off when reading the young Rhodes' plan to form a secret society consisting of an inner circle of controllers and an outer ring of helpers who would believe themselves to be on the inside, and would be unaware both of the existence of the inner circle and of the group's true aims. Because as far as I can see this was exactly how Rothschild was already operating and Rhodes was in the outer circle.
Rhodes was a Rothschild agent. Rothschild funded Rhodes' rise and Rhodes remained his agent throughout his life. Rothschild was the master - Rhodes either the willing servant or foolish dupe - I suspect the latter, but take your pick.
It is hard to find documentation of that other than that Rodes’ forays into Gold and Diamonds were certainly financed by the Rothschilds. Plenty of evidence Rhodes served the Royals just as did the Rothschilds. I know, I’ve heard the opposite for decades.
who put the current rulers in place in Britain? they funded the change in the 1500s..... they are the backbone and have used the Brit empire for their benefit to dominate and conquer other nations.... they are the whore of Babylon riding the beast which is whatevergentile nation they need to conquer the world.
Oh - and the age of revolution or whatever this chap wants to call it, didn't start in the late seventeen hundreds. The first color revolution was in the 1600s and it was in the UK. And it wasn't the Brits doing it to themselves.
of course the enclosure laws also were a theft of common property of all transferred to elites... I wonder how much of this was transferred to jewish interests. also the theft of church property which was used to care for the poor and aged... resources all contributed to.... transferred to elites and maybe to chosen, removing the social safety net for the lower or poor people.. and as I remember this wealth was used as a basis of the industrialize which also transferred common people to industrial centers and mines which was a form of slavery of perhaps millions....extremely brutal and unsanitary leading to epidemics that killed large numbers
Yes. Jewish bankers funded Cromwell (Menassah ben Israel - name from memory so I may have got it wrong). There was a struggle for a while and the Stuarts got back in - but then the Jews (a Portuguese Jewish banker - forget his name too now) financed William of Orange's "glorious revolution" and from then on they never looked back.
Rothschild had already financed Weishaupt's codification of Illuminism (essentially identical to communism) before he ever set foot in the UK. And once in the UK he rapdily consolidated Jewish control of the bank, and thereby the empire.
Exactly. And in a true Saul Alinsky move (Jewish fellow, dedicated his book to Lucifer) you can then accuse the Brits of trying to blame their crimes on you.
Or “How Richard Poe tried to exonerate the Bolshevik Jews and blame Communism on the British”. In truth it’s difficult to separate the two after 1000 years of interaction.
The Jews first arrived in England in 1066 in the wake of William I’s defeat of King Harold II at Hastings on 14 October. These Jews came from Rouen in Normandy near to where William the Conqueror was born illegitimately as William the Bastard. Although the historical record does not indicate whether they promoted the idea of a military invasion of England, these Jews had at the very least financed it. For this support they were richly rewarded by being allowed to practise usury under royal protection.
The consequences for the English people were disastrous. By charging rates of interest of 33% per annum on lands mortgaged by nobles and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen, within two generations one quarter of all English lands were in the hands of Jewish usurers.
At his death in 1186, Aaron of Lincoln was declared to be the richest man in England and it was estimated that his wealth exceeded that of King Henry II. Furthermore the Jewish immigrants undermined the ethos of the guilds and exasperated the English merchants by selling a large variety of goods under one roof (first supermarkets?). They also played a prominent role in the clipping of silver coins and the melting of them into bullion and the plating of tin with silver.
The famous economist, Dr. William Cunningham, compares “the activity of the Jews in England from the eleventh century onward to a sponge, which sucks up all the wealth of the land and thereby hinders all economic development.”
..By the beginning of the 13th century many nobles were in danger of losing their lands through usury and taxation. In 1207 an enormous sum of £60,000 was levied in taxes on the Christian population. The Jews also paid tax, but at a lower rate and on grossly understated income and wealth. Nobles who borrowed from Jewish moneylenders and from the King and his agents had to have their mortgages registered on the Treasury Rolls. As soon as a noble got into financial difficulty, the King would buy the debt from the moneylender and seize the land for himself. King John (1199-1216) was “utterly reckless” in pursuit of this depraved and dishonest policy, and was moreover “profligate, incompetent and utterly beholden to his Jews.”
In 1215 the nobles revolted and forced King John to sign the Magna Carta on 15 June 1215. This document consists of 61 clauses relating to the establishment of various constitutional and legal rights, but its principal purpose was to cancel the bonds of the Jewish moneylenders and to abolish usury and the privileged position of the Jews. In 1216 King John died and was succeeded by his nine year old son Henry III, who ruled from 1219 to 1272. His reign was little better than that of his father and 19 of the clauses affecting the Jews were abrogated the following year. However, his heir Edward I (1272-1307) soon realised that Jews had no place in English society and that if he did not take action, he would be in danger of losing his throne. In 1233 and 1275 Statutes of Jewry were passed which abolished all forms of usury. As many of these Jews could no longer earn a “living”, a statute was passed by King Edward on 18 July 1290 compelling the entire Jewish population of 16,511 to leave England forever; one of the many expulsions which have been recorded throughout European history. After paying a tax of 1/15 of the value of their movables and 1/10 of their specie, they were permitted to leave with all their goods and chattels.
With the banishment of the moneylenders, the abolition of usury, tolerable taxes, no state debt and no interest to pay, England enjoyed a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity. The purchasing power of workers wages and their standard of living in the 14th C would only be exceeded in the late 19th century. During their spare hours many craftsmen volunteered their skills in building some of England’s magnificent cathedrals, which reinforces one of the basic tenets of Western civilisation that without leisure time, the fostering of culture is not possible.
After large numbers of Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 by Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon on account of their persistent involvement in usury and unethical business practices, many settled in Holland. Although the Dutch were at that time an important maritime power, the Jewish usurers based in Amsterdam desired to return to England, where their prospects for expanding the operations of their money- lending empire into the ‘New World’ were far more promising.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) small numbers of Marranos -(Spanish Jews, who converted to a sham form of Christianity), settled in London. Many of them practised as goldsmiths, accepting deposits of gold for safekeeping, and then issuing ten times the amount of gold received as gold receipts, that is loans with interest. These receipts, a forerunner of the fraudulent fractional reserve system of banking, were initially lent to the Crown or Treasury at 8% per annum, but according to Samuel Pepys, the diarist and Secretary to the Admiralty, the interest rate increased to as much as 20% and even 30% per annum. The rate of interest merchants paid often exceeded 33% per annum, even though the legal rate was only 6% per annum. Workmen and poor people bore the brunt of these extortionate rates of interest by having to pay 60%, 70% or even 80% per annum.
The Puritan leader Oliver Cromwells ‘New Model Army’ was not only outfitted and provisioned by Fernandez Carvajal (a Portuguese-Jewish merchant who became the first naturalised English Jew), but also bankrolled by Jewish moneylenders in Amsterdam. The leader of the Dutch Jews, Manasseh Ben Israel, sent begging petitions to Cromwell asking that the Jews be allowed to immigrate to England in return for the financial favours, which he had so generously arranged. The treachery to which Cromwell descended is revealed in the correspondence between himself and the Synagogue of Mulheim, Germany.
“In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living….” (O.C. to Ebenezer Pratt 16 June 1647)
Charles’ fate was sealed. (Not a single English lawyer was prepared to draw up a charge sheet against the King. One was eventually provided by a Dutch Jew, Isaac Dorislaus.)
The second Jewish migration to England would soon commence along with the establishment of the Bank of England (1694), the central banking model, which was to be a template for all succeeding global central banking establishments. Within two years of its establishment in 1696, the Bank of England had £1,750,000 worth of bank notes circulating with a gold reserve of only 2% or £36,000.
Henceforth a pattern would emerge where unnecessary wars would be embarked upon which simultaneously increased the national debt and the profits of the usurers. Significantly, most of these wars were started against countries that had implemented interest- free state banking systems, as was the case in the North American colonies and France under Napoleon. This pattern of attacking and enforcing the bankers’ system of usury has been deployed widely in the modern era and includes the defeats of Imperial Russia in World War I, Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II and recently Libya in 2011. These were all countries which had state banking systems, distinct from the central banking systems controlled by external entities such as the Rothschild banking syndicate.
It is quite obvious that the 1917 Russian Revolution was a Rothschilds-British-FabianSocialist operation (with a three-part purpose: weaken Russia, install Communism, and destroy Christianity therein).
Woodrow Wilson was a British puppet indeed. Not only did he sign over America's financial sovereignty by his pen on the Federal Reserve Act, but here is what Wilson said in a speech (from a recent ZeroHedge article) re WWI:
Many leaders of the British Empire saw the new nationalistic Germany (since 1870–71) as a threat to their world trade, especially with Germany’s new navy. The idea that economics played a major role in bringing on the war was confirmed by President Woodrow Wilson after the war in a speech wherein he gave his assessment of the real cause of the war. He was campaigning in St. Louis, Missouri, in September of 1919, trying to get the US Senate to approve the Versailles Treaty and he stated,
WILSON: "Why, my fellow-citizens, is there [anyone] here who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? … This war, in its inception, was a commercial and industrial war. It was not a political war."
Since the early 1970s the British, largely though the Committee of 300 & their Club of Rome & NATO outlets have been performing a controlled demolition of the United States (and basically every other Western country). Read former British MI6 agent John Coleman's books on this.
WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT...NIGGA PLEASE! It's Called SELECTIVE Forecasting & SELECTIVE Story Telling...We Are Living In A World Of Massive DENIAL & ACCOUNTABILITY For Our Despicable ACTIONS!
He does great work but, he misses the Jesuit picture. The fruit proves the root. Britian lost her crown to the apostate Church long ago. The apostate RC Church is the enemy of all liberty.
Richard Poe is making what can be now considered the classical mistake of assuming all of these machinations are being done by governments when in fact governments are tools in the hands of the people who are actually responsible, which is actually the banking class of people, the clear head of which is the Rothschilds, as they are essentially the ones with vastly more wealth than others who, in fact, we're dependent on the Rothschilds for their funding. The great American fortunes of rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie were a result of financial backing by the Rothschilds. In fact, these families were used and are still being used as agents of the Rothschilds, who are content to remain hidden in the background.
It is incorrect to use the term "the Jews" to describe the people behind this because it is only certain Jewish families that are responsible, and the term the Jews implicates every Jewish person in the world when that is clearly not the case.
great podcast! he certainly knows quite a bit about history. but this cabal isnt british or even european. they have no allegiance to any country or culture
Listened to the entire thing. Great way to start the New Year. It was like a free therapy session disabusing me of the insane “Great Joooooish Conspiracy” narrative that doesn’t also involve “Lizard People” or Texan crypto Nazis. I’ve been waiting a very long time for a historian to thread the narrative needle from the French Revolution through the Russian Revolution and up to One World communism. This didn’t disappoint. I also appreciated being validated in my very unpopular opinion that the old establishment bad guys are well entrenched in the alternative media, even showing up posing as white hats on various Tucker Carlson episodes.
Identity groups are fictions invented by the ruling class to divide us against each other. They do not consider themselves to be part of the group "white".
The way they look at the world is just "them" and "the cattle". I don't believe they regard white cattle as substantively different to black or brown cattle except that they can get the two herds to fight each other.
Per Google: Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) is known for advising poet and cultural critic Matthew Arnold to "lay it [flattery] on with a trowel" when dealing with royalty. Some historians say that Disraeli used flattery to win over Queen Victoria, who initially disliked him.
Nesta Webster often noted the conspiracy theory in Disraeli's CONINGSBY! I haven't heard anybody mention it for many years. Disraeli promoted white racism too as did Cecil Rhodes.
"Secret societies and subversive movements" is perhaps Nesta's most interesting work - a fascinating account of occult societies throughout history and an explanation of how they work(ed).
Also worth noting that Nesta pointed her finger squarely at the Jews as the source of the global conspiracy. I'm glad you find this idea compelling - it doesn't fit with your Venetian model though.
Israel is Nationalist and on the hit list of the New World Order. The Universities, controlled entirely by Brit Conspiracy, are anti-Israel, anti-Zionist. Soros opposes Israel.
This is true. However I suspect that they were being manipulated, thinking that the goal of their labors was worldwide British empire ruled by British public shcool chaps dispensing British justice all over the globe. They would all be horrified today at where their work has led.
The manipulator I believe was Rothschild who funded many of the British imperialists and who (it appears) cynically used them and the British empire to achieve his own goals.
Come on, I mean are we really going to believe a Jewish author who’s trying to scapegoat Europeans for the horrific crimes of the most jewish ideology ever invented?
How many suckers read Mr. Poe’s book on how Africans civilized ancient Europe, anyone?
The Anglophobia is ripe with this one.
No wonder those damn Brits were kicked out of 109 countries in 2000 years!
No. The Brit Oligarchy conquered most of those countries, overtly or covertly.
What does your comment have to do with Jews being expelled from 109 other countries? This is a well known fact.
Just more critical that the Brits controlled countries.
The Rothschilds started as Court Jews for the Elector of Hesse Cassells who sent his Hessians to put down the American Revolution for his relative King George. After helping the Brits defeat Napoleon and saving the Elector's fortune they were promoted to a high seat at the Bank of England.
1. They didn't start there. They "started" as far as we know when Isaak built the house in 1567 and hung the red shield above the door - although I'm guessing their own records go back further, and quite possibly much further.
2. Mayer Amschel was indeed a court factor to the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel - gaining that role in 1769. However Hesse Kassel was not elevated to an elector until much later in 1803, by which time Nathan Rothschild was already in England.
3. The Rothschilds fomented the French revolution via the Illuminati who they funded from inception through Weishaupt. Thus they effectively created Napoleon (who was a freemason of course) and financed all sides of the Napoleonic wars (the old divide and conquer tactic in play - the Jews claim this tactic as their own today - cf Menachem Mendel Schneerson) although it is of course an age old tactic.
4. But yes - after Napoleon's defeat with all of Europe in ruins and ancient fortunes dissipated and lost, the Rothschilds stood atop the most enormous hoard of ill-gotten gains the world has ever known.
There are other narratives. Consider for starters that Bankers use “other people’s money” for starters. Little doubt that the Rothschilds started as minor money changers, but got on the Landgraves side by presenting rare coins to him. You reject, I know that they were always serving the rich and powerful.
I rather thought communism's roots went back further than the French revolution.
Adam Weishaupt codified a system which he termed Illuminism which I understand is to all intents and purposes the same as communism and the model upon which Marx based his works. I have not been able to confirm this directly myself as Weishaupt's work is not published in English. It's also worth noting that the links between the Illuminati, the lodges and the Jacobins are well documented (although contested of course as one would expect) - so it is scarcely surprising that Weishaupt's system was implemented (or attempted at least) following the French revolution - but I think it is incorrect to attribue its origin to those men.
It has also been suggested that Moses Hess acted as the bridge between Weishaupt's legacy and Marx, and that Rothschild money funded both Weishaupt and Marx (who was of course Rothschild's cousin).
It has further been suggested that even Weishaupt did not invent communism but rather drew his inspiration from the Jesuits who instituted a system which was essentially communism as a way of enslaving the natives in Paraguay in (I think) the seventeenth century.
My own interpretation of this is that communism was a Jewish, or perhaps Rothschild is a better word than Jewish here, invention. And that Jewish bankers are bound up with the British empire to such an extent that it is hard to say whether or not the British empire itself is/was a Jewish project. In other words were Jewish bankers manipulating British imperialists all along? And was the British empire always and only a tool to serve their goals rather than vice versa?
I always think that Rothschild must have laughed his head off when reading the young Rhodes' plan to form a secret society consisting of an inner circle of controllers and an outer ring of helpers who would believe themselves to be on the inside, and would be unaware both of the existence of the inner circle and of the group's true aims. Because as far as I can see this was exactly how Rothschild was already operating and Rhodes was in the outer circle.
I am interested in your thoughts here.
Rothschild was part of the Rhodes Roundtable Group.
Rhodes was a Rothschild agent. Rothschild funded Rhodes' rise and Rhodes remained his agent throughout his life. Rothschild was the master - Rhodes either the willing servant or foolish dupe - I suspect the latter, but take your pick.
It is hard to find documentation of that other than that Rodes’ forays into Gold and Diamonds were certainly financed by the Rothschilds. Plenty of evidence Rhodes served the Royals just as did the Rothschilds. I know, I’ve heard the opposite for decades.
who put the current rulers in place in Britain? they funded the change in the 1500s..... they are the backbone and have used the Brit empire for their benefit to dominate and conquer other nations.... they are the whore of Babylon riding the beast which is whatevergentile nation they need to conquer the world.
Oh - and the age of revolution or whatever this chap wants to call it, didn't start in the late seventeen hundreds. The first color revolution was in the 1600s and it was in the UK. And it wasn't the Brits doing it to themselves.
of course the enclosure laws also were a theft of common property of all transferred to elites... I wonder how much of this was transferred to jewish interests. also the theft of church property which was used to care for the poor and aged... resources all contributed to.... transferred to elites and maybe to chosen, removing the social safety net for the lower or poor people.. and as I remember this wealth was used as a basis of the industrialize which also transferred common people to industrial centers and mines which was a form of slavery of perhaps millions....extremely brutal and unsanitary leading to epidemics that killed large numbers
Yes. Jewish bankers funded Cromwell (Menassah ben Israel - name from memory so I may have got it wrong). There was a struggle for a while and the Stuarts got back in - but then the Jews (a Portuguese Jewish banker - forget his name too now) financed William of Orange's "glorious revolution" and from then on they never looked back.
Rothschild had already financed Weishaupt's codification of Illuminism (essentially identical to communism) before he ever set foot in the UK. And once in the UK he rapdily consolidated Jewish control of the bank, and thereby the empire.
sort of a jewish backbone to the Brit empire.... can then blame all their crimes on the Brit empire whilehiding in the background
Exactly. And in a true Saul Alinsky move (Jewish fellow, dedicated his book to Lucifer) you can then accuse the Brits of trying to blame their crimes on you.
Worthy of a scene in The Princess' Bride!
This guy completely misses the mark!
Firstly, it was NOT a RUSSIAN 'revolution'; it was a BOLSHEVIKS INVASION/CONQUER of Russia/Russian Peoples.
And just 'WHO' are the Bolsheviks??.........
The SAME Bolsheviks/Khazarians that are OCCUPYING Palestine!
The SAME Bolsheviks/Khazarians that are in the Ukraine.....that RUSSIA is now kicking their asses! (Gee.....Russians have BEEN THROUGH THIS BEFORE!)
The SAME Bolsheviks/Khazarians that occupy the District of Criminals (D.C.), here in the USSA/AmeriKa!
And I can keep going!
'THEY' can go by many names, but in the end, they are of the same......
SATANISTS! (as are the 'British' [which they are NOT BRITISH!] 'royals' <<< SATANISTS!)
Want to stop the spread of EVIL/SATANISM??.......
(we are ALL Palestinians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Stew Peters has a new documentary out, 'OCCUPIED', over on Rumble. HIGHLY recommended!! It's just a SMALL TASTE of what's coming!)
Or “How Richard Poe tried to exonerate the Bolshevik Jews and blame Communism on the British”. In truth it’s difficult to separate the two after 1000 years of interaction.
The Jews first arrived in England in 1066 in the wake of William I’s defeat of King Harold II at Hastings on 14 October. These Jews came from Rouen in Normandy near to where William the Conqueror was born illegitimately as William the Bastard. Although the historical record does not indicate whether they promoted the idea of a military invasion of England, these Jews had at the very least financed it. For this support they were richly rewarded by being allowed to practise usury under royal protection.
The consequences for the English people were disastrous. By charging rates of interest of 33% per annum on lands mortgaged by nobles and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen, within two generations one quarter of all English lands were in the hands of Jewish usurers.
At his death in 1186, Aaron of Lincoln was declared to be the richest man in England and it was estimated that his wealth exceeded that of King Henry II. Furthermore the Jewish immigrants undermined the ethos of the guilds and exasperated the English merchants by selling a large variety of goods under one roof (first supermarkets?). They also played a prominent role in the clipping of silver coins and the melting of them into bullion and the plating of tin with silver.
The famous economist, Dr. William Cunningham, compares “the activity of the Jews in England from the eleventh century onward to a sponge, which sucks up all the wealth of the land and thereby hinders all economic development.”
..By the beginning of the 13th century many nobles were in danger of losing their lands through usury and taxation. In 1207 an enormous sum of £60,000 was levied in taxes on the Christian population. The Jews also paid tax, but at a lower rate and on grossly understated income and wealth. Nobles who borrowed from Jewish moneylenders and from the King and his agents had to have their mortgages registered on the Treasury Rolls. As soon as a noble got into financial difficulty, the King would buy the debt from the moneylender and seize the land for himself. King John (1199-1216) was “utterly reckless” in pursuit of this depraved and dishonest policy, and was moreover “profligate, incompetent and utterly beholden to his Jews.”
In 1215 the nobles revolted and forced King John to sign the Magna Carta on 15 June 1215. This document consists of 61 clauses relating to the establishment of various constitutional and legal rights, but its principal purpose was to cancel the bonds of the Jewish moneylenders and to abolish usury and the privileged position of the Jews. In 1216 King John died and was succeeded by his nine year old son Henry III, who ruled from 1219 to 1272. His reign was little better than that of his father and 19 of the clauses affecting the Jews were abrogated the following year. However, his heir Edward I (1272-1307) soon realised that Jews had no place in English society and that if he did not take action, he would be in danger of losing his throne. In 1233 and 1275 Statutes of Jewry were passed which abolished all forms of usury. As many of these Jews could no longer earn a “living”, a statute was passed by King Edward on 18 July 1290 compelling the entire Jewish population of 16,511 to leave England forever; one of the many expulsions which have been recorded throughout European history. After paying a tax of 1/15 of the value of their movables and 1/10 of their specie, they were permitted to leave with all their goods and chattels.
With the banishment of the moneylenders, the abolition of usury, tolerable taxes, no state debt and no interest to pay, England enjoyed a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity. The purchasing power of workers wages and their standard of living in the 14th C would only be exceeded in the late 19th century. During their spare hours many craftsmen volunteered their skills in building some of England’s magnificent cathedrals, which reinforces one of the basic tenets of Western civilisation that without leisure time, the fostering of culture is not possible.
After large numbers of Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 by Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon on account of their persistent involvement in usury and unethical business practices, many settled in Holland. Although the Dutch were at that time an important maritime power, the Jewish usurers based in Amsterdam desired to return to England, where their prospects for expanding the operations of their money- lending empire into the ‘New World’ were far more promising.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) small numbers of Marranos -(Spanish Jews, who converted to a sham form of Christianity), settled in London. Many of them practised as goldsmiths, accepting deposits of gold for safekeeping, and then issuing ten times the amount of gold received as gold receipts, that is loans with interest. These receipts, a forerunner of the fraudulent fractional reserve system of banking, were initially lent to the Crown or Treasury at 8% per annum, but according to Samuel Pepys, the diarist and Secretary to the Admiralty, the interest rate increased to as much as 20% and even 30% per annum. The rate of interest merchants paid often exceeded 33% per annum, even though the legal rate was only 6% per annum. Workmen and poor people bore the brunt of these extortionate rates of interest by having to pay 60%, 70% or even 80% per annum.
The Puritan leader Oliver Cromwells ‘New Model Army’ was not only outfitted and provisioned by Fernandez Carvajal (a Portuguese-Jewish merchant who became the first naturalised English Jew), but also bankrolled by Jewish moneylenders in Amsterdam. The leader of the Dutch Jews, Manasseh Ben Israel, sent begging petitions to Cromwell asking that the Jews be allowed to immigrate to England in return for the financial favours, which he had so generously arranged. The treachery to which Cromwell descended is revealed in the correspondence between himself and the Synagogue of Mulheim, Germany.
“In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living….” (O.C. to Ebenezer Pratt 16 June 1647)
Charles’ fate was sealed. (Not a single English lawyer was prepared to draw up a charge sheet against the King. One was eventually provided by a Dutch Jew, Isaac Dorislaus.)
The second Jewish migration to England would soon commence along with the establishment of the Bank of England (1694), the central banking model, which was to be a template for all succeeding global central banking establishments. Within two years of its establishment in 1696, the Bank of England had £1,750,000 worth of bank notes circulating with a gold reserve of only 2% or £36,000.
Henceforth a pattern would emerge where unnecessary wars would be embarked upon which simultaneously increased the national debt and the profits of the usurers. Significantly, most of these wars were started against countries that had implemented interest- free state banking systems, as was the case in the North American colonies and France under Napoleon. This pattern of attacking and enforcing the bankers’ system of usury has been deployed widely in the modern era and includes the defeats of Imperial Russia in World War I, Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II and recently Libya in 2011. These were all countries which had state banking systems, distinct from the central banking systems controlled by external entities such as the Rothschild banking syndicate.
Excellent research! Thank you very much @youarewhatyous , just great!
Great guest. Very well researched.
It is quite obvious that the 1917 Russian Revolution was a Rothschilds-British-FabianSocialist operation (with a three-part purpose: weaken Russia, install Communism, and destroy Christianity therein).
Woodrow Wilson was a British puppet indeed. Not only did he sign over America's financial sovereignty by his pen on the Federal Reserve Act, but here is what Wilson said in a speech (from a recent ZeroHedge article) re WWI:
Many leaders of the British Empire saw the new nationalistic Germany (since 1870–71) as a threat to their world trade, especially with Germany’s new navy. The idea that economics played a major role in bringing on the war was confirmed by President Woodrow Wilson after the war in a speech wherein he gave his assessment of the real cause of the war. He was campaigning in St. Louis, Missouri, in September of 1919, trying to get the US Senate to approve the Versailles Treaty and he stated,
WILSON: "Why, my fellow-citizens, is there [anyone] here who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? … This war, in its inception, was a commercial and industrial war. It was not a political war."
Since the early 1970s the British, largely though the Committee of 300 & their Club of Rome & NATO outlets have been performing a controlled demolition of the United States (and basically every other Western country). Read former British MI6 agent John Coleman's books on this.
WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT...NIGGA PLEASE! It's Called SELECTIVE Forecasting & SELECTIVE Story Telling...We Are Living In A World Of Massive DENIAL & ACCOUNTABILITY For Our Despicable ACTIONS!
He does great work but, he misses the Jesuit picture. The fruit proves the root. Britian lost her crown to the apostate Church long ago. The apostate RC Church is the enemy of all liberty.
Richard Poe is making what can be now considered the classical mistake of assuming all of these machinations are being done by governments when in fact governments are tools in the hands of the people who are actually responsible, which is actually the banking class of people, the clear head of which is the Rothschilds, as they are essentially the ones with vastly more wealth than others who, in fact, we're dependent on the Rothschilds for their funding. The great American fortunes of rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie were a result of financial backing by the Rothschilds. In fact, these families were used and are still being used as agents of the Rothschilds, who are content to remain hidden in the background.
It is incorrect to use the term "the Jews" to describe the people behind this because it is only certain Jewish families that are responsible, and the term the Jews implicates every Jewish person in the world when that is clearly not the case.
great podcast! he certainly knows quite a bit about history. but this cabal isnt british or even european. they have no allegiance to any country or culture
Listened to the entire thing. Great way to start the New Year. It was like a free therapy session disabusing me of the insane “Great Joooooish Conspiracy” narrative that doesn’t also involve “Lizard People” or Texan crypto Nazis. I’ve been waiting a very long time for a historian to thread the narrative needle from the French Revolution through the Russian Revolution and up to One World communism. This didn’t disappoint. I also appreciated being validated in my very unpopular opinion that the old establishment bad guys are well entrenched in the alternative media, even showing up posing as white hats on various Tucker Carlson episodes.
The anti-White ideology of the "woke conceals" that the ruling class / conspiracy is white.
Identity groups are fictions invented by the ruling class to divide us against each other. They do not consider themselves to be part of the group "white".
The way they look at the world is just "them" and "the cattle". I don't believe they regard white cattle as substantively different to black or brown cattle except that they can get the two herds to fight each other.
No no. As the British Empire proceeded on explicit white racism, white racism has to now be repudiated for One World Globalism.
Per Google: Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) is known for advising poet and cultural critic Matthew Arnold to "lay it [flattery] on with a trowel" when dealing with royalty. Some historians say that Disraeli used flattery to win over Queen Victoria, who initially disliked him.
Nesta Webster often noted the conspiracy theory in Disraeli's CONINGSBY! I haven't heard anybody mention it for many years. Disraeli promoted white racism too as did Cecil Rhodes.
"Secret societies and subversive movements" is perhaps Nesta's most interesting work - a fascinating account of occult societies throughout history and an explanation of how they work(ed).
Also worth noting that Nesta pointed her finger squarely at the Jews as the source of the global conspiracy. I'm glad you find this idea compelling - it doesn't fit with your Venetian model though.
Israel is Nationalist and on the hit list of the New World Order. The Universities, controlled entirely by Brit Conspiracy, are anti-Israel, anti-Zionist. Soros opposes Israel.
HG Wells said the Fabians were originally Young Englander Feudalists. Wells himself was more interested in technological progress via socialism.
This is true. However I suspect that they were being manipulated, thinking that the goal of their labors was worldwide British empire ruled by British public shcool chaps dispensing British justice all over the globe. They would all be horrified today at where their work has led.
The manipulator I believe was Rothschild who funded many of the British imperialists and who (it appears) cynically used them and the British empire to achieve his own goals.