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Actually your guest might be interested in knowing that in Canada, in British Columbia, I believe it was in 2021, there was the case of Mel Bruchet, a retired physician of 82 years of age, who still kept abreast of developments in his local hospital. At that time he determined that the stillbirth rate in this institution had suddenly skyrocketed, concomitant with the rollout of the covid-19 so-called vaccine. He reported this in the hope it could be investigated and ameliorated, as any decent physician would. Shortly after, his home was invaded by armed officials- it was never clear whether they were law enforcement or some kind of mercenary arm of Health Canada- who kidnapped him in front of his colleague, Dr Daniel Nagase, took him to a local psychiatric unit, where he was subjected to forced medication for so-called delusions, kept incarcerated there for over a month until Dr. Nagase, in concert with concerned citizens and former patients of Dr. Bruchet, successfully managed to extricate him. Now if these are not Soviet or Chinese tactics, I don't know what are. Further in Canada, pastors have been dragged off public highways and hauled into jail without being charged, kept for indeterminate times in clear violation of habeas corpus, and when their cases are brought to the attention of the Judiciary they are either thrown out, because they will likely not stand up to a successful trial, or the so-called perpetrators are given exorbitant fines for minor misdemeanors, clearly a violation of the principle preventing extraordinary and unusual punishment. There are still people who have been in jail since early 2022 in Alberta, who for a long time were held without being charged, were then denied bail, were held in solitary, and so forth, pretty much violating every principle of an impartial and fair judiciary. Canada is well on the way to establishing itself as one of the Premier totalitarian regimes on the planet. In fact, our prime minister's government issued calls for professional input on the establishment of facilities supposedly for quarantine, but also for other "federal issues", making one assume these are the early stages of the construction of some kind of gulag, which call has not been followed in any arm of the media. Our prime minister, famously, has been quoted as being admiring of the Chinese leadership, and, I believe, has done his level best to emulate that in every way possible since.

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