So. In all these digital communities who is building the tech? Who is managing the network? We already know that all IT systems have back doors. Cyber is not the solution to anything. It's just hiding the same old same old processes.

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Network states are exactly what many of the 'they, them, those' want to use to help erode national sovereignty and the concept of borders to bring us closer to the all seeing all powerful one world government where they can more easily eradicate the rapidly growing class of useless eaters (due to AI and robots making them permanently redundant) and Lord over any remant human populations like some kind of twisted techo feudalism.

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Where in Africa?

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Lujan seems to be relying on some wonderland of humanity where chocolates and flowers come out of water fountains, nice 60's hippie mixed with tech idea, but to me in these dark times this would only work in separate and hidden places. The evil is here and always looking for new victims. I love the idea but just seems like a fantasy land and as far as tech goes, we need to leave it behind and get back to nature and humans need to work with hands and feet not as slaves to machines, such as the cell phone. Who knows, all I can say is I am happy to be alive living thru this end or beginning time in history

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It's not fantasy land. The things I am talking about are happening right now en masse. This is reality.

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I cringe every time I see a good person with tattoos. When will people realize that some of the inks cause cancer?

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