
Hügo Krüger discusses how South Africa and the ANC have stepped on the toes of Washington and the Israeli lobby and may see intervention in the next elections. Allegations have been made that South Africa is receiving financing from Iran and there are indications that Western actors are interested in certain South African resources. He also comments on the wider brewing war in the Middle East, BRICS, energy, and whether technocracy will succeed.

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Propaganda, External Actors, and the South African Elections https://propagandainfocus.com/propaganda-external-actors-and-the-south-african-elections

About Hügo Krüger

Hügo Krüger is a Structural/Nuclear Engineer with working experience in a variety of energy related projects ranging from nuclear, oil and gas industry to renewable energy. Hügo is also a writer and YouTube podcaster, commenting and interviewing guests on a variety of topics relating to Engineering, Energy, Climate, Propaganda, and Geopolitical Matters. His writing has appeared on a variety of outlets including Biznews, Spiked, Rapport, Rational Standard, Quillette and New Geography.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)