
Jeremy Ryan Slate discusses the state of the empire and how the most important thing to look at is the status of the dollar which dictates everything else. A financial crash would allow them to implement all sorts of agendas, including CBDCs. The United States has essentially become a one-party system and is on the road to becoming a police state, we are on the precipice. Jeremy believes the elite power structure is less cohesive and more fractured. We are headed toward some sort of global military conflict, though it may be more psychological than kinetic. We discuss the information battle space, the biosecurity state, and this idea of a Second American Civil War. Education will play a big role going forward, people need to focus on the local and becoming more self-reliant.

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About Jeremy Ryan Slate

Jeremy Ryan Slate isn’t just another podcast host; he’s a force to be reckoned with. Steering the helm of the electrifying “Create Your Own Life Podcast,” Jeremy delves deep into the minds of the world’s elite performers. Not only that, he’s the commanding CEO of Command Your Brand, making waves in the entrepreneurial ocean.

A scholar with eclectic tastes, Jeremy brandishes a BA from Seton Hall University, diving deep into Catholic theology and World Religions, with a tantalizing focus on Judaism. But that’s not where his academic journey stops. Imagine strolling the hallowed halls of Oxford University, immersed in Catholic literature – Jeremy’s done that. Dive even deeper? He’s got a Master’s, specializing in the mesmerizing world of Early Roman Emperor Worship Cults, also from Seton Hall University.

His accolades don’t end at education. INC Magazine didn’t just name his podcast among the best; they crowned it the #1 Podcast to Listen To in 2019. And if that wasn’t enough, Podcast Magazine recognized his brilliance with a Top 40 Under 40 accolade in 2022.

Jeremy’s pen dances as fluidly as his words. He’s the brains behind the best-selling sensation, “Unremarkable to Extraordinary: Ignite Your Passion to Go From Passive Observer to Creator of Your Own Life.” And keep your eyes peeled for his upcoming game-changer, “Command Your Brand: Grow Your Impact, Income and Influence in the New Media Landscape.”

With his dynamo wife, Brielle, Jeremy co-pioneered Command Your Brand. This isn’t just another PR agency; it’s a media revolution, helping entrepreneurs grab the mic on podcasts and dominate their narratives.

Off the charts and out of the studio, Jeremy retreats to the serene landscapes of Stillwater, NJ. There, he indulges in the simple pleasures of raising chickens and reminisces about his days as a competitive powerlifter. Because, after all, isn’t life all about balance?

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)