
Attorney and author Mark Oshinskie discusses his book Dispatches From A Scamdemic, how he saw through the ruse from the start, and how the public health countermeasures were utterly phony and total lunacy. Most people kept their heads in the sand and deferred to this rising cult of "expertism". We must continue maintaining the truth of what happened and counter their attempts at establishing a revisionist history and false narrative. Resisting the mandates wasn't easy, but it was important. He hopes we've peaked in terms of excess deaths. He expects the censorship to continue into the future. The last few years were the biggest ever transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich. Trump needs to be held accountable. They could lock us down again, the masses would go along with it.

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Dispatches From A Scamdemic: Why the Lockdowns, Masks, Tests and Shots Were Wrong from the Beginning (forecheck32 at g mail)

Dispatches from a Scamdemic
I’ve sent out all of the books I’ve had printed. Thus, I’ve had to reorder. If you’ve sent checks or VenMo in the past week, I didn’t/don’t have a book to send you. I’m waiting for my next order to arrive and will mail your books the day after I get them. I haven’t cashed the checks of anyone to whom I haven’t sent a book…
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Brownstone Institute https://brownstone.org/author/mark-oshinskie

About Mark Oshinskie

Mark Oshinskie is an attorney, athlete, artist, agricultor, and advocate.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)