
Ned Ryun discusses his new book American Leviathan on the progressive, statist, utopian, and administrative state whose ultimate end is authoritarianism. It is a miracle that we have made it this far into the managerial state without a total collapse of freedom. Nothing else matters until the deep state is dismantled, everything else is pointless. We must disrupt and not submit to the managerial state, we must restore the republic, there still is hope.

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Ned Ryun Website https://nedryun.com

American Leviathan: The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism https://www.encounterbooks.com/books/american-leviathan

Ned Ryun on X https://x.com/nedryun

American Majority https://www.americanmajority.org

Voter Gravity https://votergravity.com

About Ned Ryun

Ned Ryun is the Founder and CEO of American Majority and Voter Gravity. The son of the former congressman, Olympian, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Jim Ryun, Ned is also the author of Restoring Our Republic and The Adversaries: A Story of Boston and Bunker Hill. A frequent commentator on Fox News, Ryun currently resides in Western Loudoun County, VA, with his wife and four children.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)